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Hunter Pets / Companions - Video & Images

Welcome to our hunter pet database for World of Warcraft. Use this section to look up all the various hunter pets you can get in the game.
All Hunter Pets
Balanced Pets
Carrion - Dragonhawk
Hyena - Wolf
Serpent - Sporebat
Tank Pets
Bear - Boar - Crab
Crocolisk - Gorilla - Scorpid  
Netherray - Tallstrider
Turtle - Warpstalker
DPS Pets
Bat - Cat - Owl
Raptor - Ravager
Spider - Windserpent
Pets by Zone

Hunter Pets: Crocolisk

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Barbscale Crocolisk  Barbscale Crocolisk  68 - 69  Netherstorm 
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk  Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk  11 - 12  The Barrerns 
Darkwater Crocolisk  Darkwater Crocolisk  67 - 68  The Black Morass 
Deadmire  Deadmire  45  Dustwallow Marsh 
Deviate Crocolisk  Deviate Crocolisk  18 - 19  The Wailing Caverns 
Dreadmaw Crocolisk  Dreadmaw Crocolisk  9 - 11  Durotar 
Drywallow Crocolisk  Drywallow Crocolisk  35 - 36  Dustwallow Marsh 
Drywallow Snapper  Drywallow Snapper  37 - 38  Dustwallow Marsh 
Drywallow Vicejaw  Drywallow Vicejaw  36 - 37  Dustwallow Marsh 
Elder Saltwater Crocolisk  Elder Saltwater Crocolisk  38 Elite  Stranglethorn Vale 
Giant Wetlands Crocolisk  Giant Wetlands Crocolisk  25 - 26  Wetlands 
Large Loch Crocolisk  Large Loch Crocolisk  22 Rare  Loch Modan 
Loch Crocolisk  Loch Crocolisk  14 - 15  Loch Modan 
Mottled Drywallow Crocolisk  Mottled Drywallow Crocolisk  38 - 39  Dustwallow Marsh 
Ripscale  Ripscale  39 Rare  Dustwallow Marsh 
River Crocolisk  River Crocolisk  30 - 31  Stranglethorn Vale 
Saltwater Crocolisk  Saltwater Crocolisk  35 - 36  Stranglethorn Vale 
Sawtooth Crocolisk  Sawtooth Crocolisk  38 - 39  Swamp of Sorrows 
Sewer Beast  Sewer Beast  50 Rare  Stormwind City 
Snapjaw Crocolisk  Snapjaw Crocolisk  35 - 36  Stranglethorn Vale 
Wetlands Crocolisk  Wetlands Crocolisk  23 - 24  Wetlands 
Young Sawtooth Crocolisk  Young Sawtooth Crocolisk  35 - 36  Swamp of Sorrows 
Young Wetlands Crocolisk  Young Wetlands Crocolisk  21 - 22  Wetlands 
Zulian Crocolisk  Zulian Crocolisk  60 Elite  Zul'Gurub 
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