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World of Warcraft - News Feed

  1. Through April 17. The WoW Spring Sale is here!
  • This is an announcement that there is a spring sale happening in World of Warcraft until April 17. Players can enjoy discounts of up to 50% off on special items.
  1. This Week in WoW
  • This is a weekly news segment that provides updates on what's happening in World of Warcraft. It covers a variety of topics such as events, new releases, and other game-related news.
  1. Slip on into the Turbulent Timeways
  • This is an event in World of Warcraft that allows players to travel back in time to previous expansions. The event starts with Cataclysm and ends with Wrath of the Lich King.
  1. Uncover the Mysteries of Zaralek Cavern
  • This is a preview of a new zone in World of Warcraft where players can explore an underground cavern filled with dangers and mysteries. Players will need to be brave and cautious as they navigate through this new zone.
  1. Join the Recruit A Friend program!
  • This is a program that encourages players to invite their friends to join World of Warcraft. By doing so, players can earn rewards and benefits such as experience boosts, mounts, and other in-game items.
  1. The Dragon Isles are awakening. Purchase Dragonflight Now!
  • This is an advertisement for the Dragonflight expansion in World of Warcraft. The expansion features new zones, dungeons, and raids for players to explore.
  1. Hotfixes: April 14, 2023
  • This is a list of hotfixes that have been released to address various issues and bugs in the game. These hotfixes help improve the overall gameplay experience for players.
  1. Blues News: April 14, 2023
  • This is a weekly news segment that covers some of the latest top blue posts and discussions from the official World of Warcraft forums. This segment helps keep players up to date on the latest community news and discussions.
  1. Weekly Bonus Event: World Quests
  • This is a weekly bonus event that encourages players to complete world quests in World of Warcraft. By doing so, players can earn additional rewards and benefits.
  1. Noblegarden Springs to Life This Week!
  • This is an announcement of the Noblegarden event in World of Warcraft. This event takes place from April 10 through April 17 and features egg hunts, chocolate, and other festive activities.
  1. Micro-Holiday: Witness the March of the Tadpoles
  • This is a micro-holiday in World of Warcraft that takes place on April 5. Players can participate by adopting Winterfin tadpoles, feeding them, and protecting them from nearby predators.
  1. Weekly Bonus Event: Arena Skirmishes
  • This is a weekly bonus event that encourages players to participate in PvP arena skirmishes. By doing so, players can earn additional rewards and benefits.
  1. The Darkmoon Faire Returns
  • This is an announcement that the Darkmoon Faire is back in World of Warcraft. This event features games, quests, and other activities that players can participate in.
  1. Hop Over to the Trading Post for April!
  • This is an announcement that the Trading Post vendors have updated their inventory for the month of April. Players can visit the Trading Post to purchase new items and add them to their collection.
  1. WoW Loot for Prime Gaming Members: Get the Big Battle Bear
  • This is an advertisement for a special offer available to Amazon Prime Gaming subscribers. For a limited time, subscribers can obtain a fearsome mount in World of Warcraft.
  1. The AWC & MDI Dragonflight Season 1 Global Finals Start March 31!
  • This is an announcement for the AWC & MDI Dragonflight Season 1 Global Finals
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