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Wormhole Database
Wormhole A009 details - shows max stable time, max mass, regeneration, max jump mass
General Messages
"This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should
last at least another day." means 24+ hours
"This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another
day." means under 24 hours
"This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime." less than 4 hours, not verified.
"This wormhole is on the verge of dissipating into the ether." --
not sure the timer
"This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted
by ships passing through it."
More then 1/2 - Approx. 250,000,000 kg
"This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through
it, but not to a critical degree yet."
Less then 1/2 but more then 1/10th Approx. 250,000,000 kg to
50,000,000 kg
"This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass
of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse."
Less than 0.1 of the total mass. Approx. 50,000,000 kg
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