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Moon Ores Database - displays moon, image, moon ores, quantity, solar system and sec rating.

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Moon Image Moon Ores Quantity Solar System Constellation Region Sec
Anjedin I - Moon 1 Bitumens Bitumens 10.97% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin I - Moon 1 Platinoid Omber Platinoid Omber 30.92% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin I - Moon 1 Scintillating Hemorphite Scintillating Hemorphite 32.46% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin I - Moon 1 Sparkling Plagioclase Sparkling Plagioclase 25.65% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin III - Moon 1 Lustrous Hedbergite Lustrous Hedbergite 45.06% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin III - Moon 1 Platinoid Omber Platinoid Omber 35.15% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin III - Moon 1 Zeolites Zeolites 19.79% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 1 Brilliant Gneiss Brilliant Gneiss 29.64% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 1 Coesite Coesite 29.38% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 1 Pellucid Crokite Pellucid Crokite 21.30% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 1 Platinoid Omber Platinoid Omber 19.67% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 2 Brilliant Gneiss Brilliant Gneiss 30.12% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 2 Coesite Coesite 8.09% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 2 Flawless Arkonor Flawless Arkonor 34.89% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 2 Resplendant Kernite Resplendant Kernite 26.90% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 3 Coesite Coesite 9.12% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 3 Lustrous Hedbergite Lustrous Hedbergite 32.74% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 3 Scintillating Hemorphite Scintillating Hemorphite 29.64% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 3 Stable Veldspar Stable Veldspar 28.50% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
Anjedin IV - Moon 4 Opulent Pyroxeres Opulent Pyroxeres 39.59% Anjedin Sanair Tash-Murkon HiSec
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