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Tech 3 Databases

Subsystem Configure Tool - select the tech 3 ship to get started!
Legion Tech 3 Ship Eve-Online Loki Tech 3 Ship Eve-Online Tengu Tech 3 Ship Eve-Online Proteus Tech 3 Ship Eve-Online
Legion Loki Tengu Proteus

Subsystem Charts
Defensive Subsystems
Offensive Subsystems
Propulsion Subsystems
Core Subsystems

Production Flow

Hacking Sites - kill sleeper drones & salvage their wrecks, hack the spawn containers
Archaeology Sites -
kill sleeper drones, analyze spawn containers -> Ancient Relics - Reverse Engineer the relic, this requires new data cores, decrypters, data interfaces which are from the analyzed containers -> Tech III Ship Hull BPC / Tech III Ship Subsystem BPCs
Gas Cloud Sites
scan wh space for a cloud site -> Harvest the clouds to get Fullerities -> Hybrid Polymer Reactions - Combine Fullerites w/Minerals in a reaction POS (Needs reactions from Hacking Sites) -> Hybrid Polymers -> Tech III Component BPC -> Tech III Components -> Tech III Ship Subsystem BPCs -> Tech III Ship Subsystem

Other / Misc
Wormhole Gate Lookups - displays details on wormhole entrance/exits, max stable time ...
WH Systems Database - displays unknown systems details such as modifiery bonuses, anomalys, suggested gang/fleet ...

Forum Threads: Sleeper DamageWH Space / Complexes

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