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Wormhole list - displays wormhole name, wormhole type, max stable time

Name (*) Wormhole Type (*) Max Stable Time (*)
Wormhole A009  Leads into w-space system | Class 13  4.5 h
Wormhole A239  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole A641  Leads into hi-sec system  16 h
Wormhole A982  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole B041  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  48 h
Wormhole B274  Leads into hi-sec system  24 h
Wormhole B449  Leads into hi-sec system  16 h
Wormhole B520  Leads into hi-sec system  48 h
Wormhole B735  Leads into drifter w-space system | Barbican  16 h
Wormhole C008  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  4.5 h
Wormhole C125  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole C140  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole C247  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole C248  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole C391  Leads into low-sec system  48 h
Wormhole C414  Leads into drifter w-space system | Conflux  16 h
Wormhole C729  Leads into Triglavian system  12 h
Wormhole D364  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole D382  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole D792  Leads into hi-sec system  24 h
Wormhole D845  Leads into hi-sec system  24 h
Wormhole E004  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  4.5 h
Wormhole E175  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole E545  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole E587  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole F135  Leads to Thera  16 h
Wormhole F216  Leads into Triglavian system  16 h
Wormhole F355  Leads to Thera  16 h
Wormhole G008  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  4.5 h
Wormhole G024  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole H121  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole H296  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole H900  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole I182  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole J244  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole J377  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole K162  Exit WH  0 h
Wormhole K329  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole K346  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole L005  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  4.5 h
Wormhole L031  Leads to Thera  16 h
Wormhole L477  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole L614  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole M001  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  4.5 h
Wormhole M164  Leads to Thera  16 h
Wormhole M267  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole M555  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole M609  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole N062  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole N110  Leads into hi-sec system  24 h
Wormhole N290  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole N432  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole N766  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole N770  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole N944  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole N968  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole O128  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  24 h
Wormhole O477  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole O883  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  16 h
Wormhole P060  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole Q003  Leads into 0.0 system  4.5 h
Wormhole Q063  Leads into hi-sec system  16 h
Wormhole Q317  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole R051  Leads into low-sec system  16 h
Wormhole R081  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole R259  Leads into drifter w-space system | Redoubt  16 h
Wormhole R474  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole R943  Leads into w-space system | Class 2  16 h
Wormhole S047  Leads into hi-sec system  24 h
Wormhole S199  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole S804  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole S877  Leads into drifter w-space system | Sentinel  16 h
Wormhole T405  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole T458  Leads to Thera  16 h
Wormhole U210  Leads into low-sec system  24 h
Wormhole U319  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  48 h
Wormhole U372  Leads into Triglavian system  16 h
Wormhole U574  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole V283  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole V301  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole V753  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole V898  Leads into low-sec system  16 h
Wormhole V911  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 5  24 h
Wormhole V928  Leads into drifter w-space system | Vidette  16 h
Wormhole W237  Leads into deadly w-space system | Class 6  24 h
Wormhole X450  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole X702  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  24 h
Wormhole X877  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole Y683  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole Y790  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole Z006  Leads into w-space system | Class 3  4.5 h
Wormhole Z060  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole Z142  Leads into 0.0 system  16 h
Wormhole Z457  Leads into dangerous w-space system | Class 4  16 h
Wormhole Z647  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h
Wormhole Z971  Leads into w-space system | Class 1  16 h

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