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Moon Ores Database Added/Updated |
EVE-Online FanSite News
Posted on 10 March 2018 at 00:52:38 by DaOpa. |
 Moon Ores / Moon Goo DatabaseAdded a database for moon scans that displays moon, image, moon ores, quantity, solar system and sec rating. Data scans will be entered into the database on a ongoing process. First major goal will be to scan all of HiSec 0.5 systems and have them listed in the database. After the highsec goal is finished the next task will be to scan selected systems in low sec, null and possible some wormhole systems.
How to use the moon ores databaseEnter the database by clicking on the link located in the sidebar ' Moon Ore DB'. You will then have the option to search for many different values such as solar system, constellation, region, moon ore types and more.
Also available are 3 different views:
- Region - lists the current regions that have moon scans on the database.
- Constellation - lists the current constellation that have moon scans on the database.
- Solar System - lists the current regions that have moon scans on the database.
More views and options will be developed at a later time. For any comments, questions or requests fill free to mail me ingame, character name 'DaOpa'.
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