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Tech 3 Combinations

Listed here are all the different combinations of subsystems for each Tech 3 Ship! Please note, this doesnt included subsystems lvl 4/5 because its not active during the making of this section!
Section was created by DaOpa - If you want to send any comments or questions send ingame mail to my character!

T3Ship (*) Prop Subsystems (*) Off Subsystems (*) Elec Subsystem (*) Eng Subsystems (*) Def Sub (*) Stat Sheet
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Warfare Processor 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir  Proteus Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir  Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir  Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir  Proteus Defensive - Warfare Processor 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix  Proteus Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix  Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix  Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix  Proteus Defensive - Warfare Processor 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier  Proteus Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier  Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier  Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer  Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier  Proteus Defensive - Warfare Processor 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Cpu Efficiency Gate  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Cpu Efficiency Gate  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Cpu Efficiency Gate  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector 
Proteus  Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors  Proteus Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration  Proteus Electronics - Cpu Efficiency Gate  Proteus Engineering - Supplemental Coolant Injector  Proteus Defensive - Warfare Processor 
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Records 321 to 340 of 4096

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