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Tailoring 300 to 375 Guide
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 20:49:44 by Magi.
Tailoring 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide
Tailoring 300 to 375 Guide by Highlander on EU-Terenas andLobotomy on EU-Frostmane
300 - 325 Bolts of Netherweave (6 x Netherweave Cloth each) (Seriously, your going to need about 430 bolts, so you may as well get theskill up's for it)
325 - 340 Bolts of Imbued Netherweave (3 x Bolts of Netherweave, 2 x Arcane Dust each) (You'll need at least 90 bolts for later, so that should see you through to340)
340 - 350 Netherweave Boots (6 x Bolts of Netherweave, 2 x Knothide Leather, 1 x RuneThread each) x 10
350 - 360 Netherweave Tunic (8 x Bolts of Netherweave, 2 x Rune Thread each) x 10
360 - 375 Imbued Netherweave Tunicą (6 x Imbued Netherweave Bolts, 2 x Netherweb SpiderSilk, 1 x Rune Thread each) x 15
ąPattern is sold by Arrond in Shadowmoon Valley in limited supply. You needto have Scryers rep to be able to talk to him or be neutral with both Scryersand Aldors, but they are not BoP, so if your aligned with the Aldors, getsomeone else to buy them for you.
[i]N.B. If your an enchanter, disenchant all the Netherweave Robes and Tunicsfor Arcane Dust. If your not, get a friend or guild mate who is to do it foryou. This will save you some money on Arcane Dust. Thanks to Chiyochan onEU-Bladefist for pointing this out :o)
Approximate Materials Required
2460 x Netherweave Cloth 180 x Arcane Dust 35 x Netherweb Spider silk 35 x Rune Thread 20 x Knothide Leather
8 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 5 |
Posted on 09 July 2007 at 20:27:22 by Anonym.
 ![[!?!]](/forum/smileys/affolement.gif) this is mad expensive
Posted on 12 July 2007 at 00:07:59 by Anonym.
what the fuck is that no one wants to spend that much
Posted on 13 July 2007 at 14:31:48 by Anonym.
if you guys can find a better way then post it. I find it helpful and I want to spend that much because it means that I have accomplished a goal and isn't that what this game is about?
Posted on 14 July 2007 at 01:04:43 by Anonym.
farm it then, thats what i did, worked out fine, and the end tailoring patterns are worth it, der!
Posted on 24 July 2007 at 02:41:26 by Anonym.
Posted on 05 August 2007 at 11:24:37 by Anonym.
More smileys please >.<
anyway, i dont see a faster way to get to 375
Posted on 15 August 2007 at 02:20:30 by Anonym.
Posted on 31 August 2007 at 20:26:09 by Anonym.