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topleft icon Leatherworking 300 to 375 Guide topright icon
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 20:34:37 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Leatherworking 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide

Leatherworking 300 to 375 Guide by Highlander on EU-Terenas

Knothide Leather (5 x Knothide Leather Scraps) x 20 = 100 x Knothide LeatherScraps
N.B. make as many as it takes to get to 310. Your going to need around 725Knothide leather, so you may as well get the skill up points for this.

Wild Draenish Gloves (9 x Knothide Leather, 3 x Rune Thread) x 10

Thick Draenic Boots (10 x Knothide Leather, 3 x Rune Thread) x 5

Heavy Knothide Leather (5 x Knothide Leather) x 90

Thick Draenic Vest (14 x Knothide Leather, 3 x Rune Thread) x 5

Felscale Breastplate (14 x Knothide Leather, 3 x Fel Scales, 3 x Rune Thread) x15

N.B. as is common with all the professions now, getting from 350 to 375 is ahuge pain. Trainers don’t teach anything worthwhile, so the only way to do it,is via random world drop patterns or rep rewards. I'll use rep reward patternsin this guide.

For those with Scryers rep - Honoured:
Enchanted Felscale Gloves or Boots (4 x Heavy Knothide Leather, 10 x Fel Scales,6 x Primal Mana) x 5

For those with The Consortium rep - Honoured
Fel Leather Boots (10 x Heavy Knothide Leather, 8 x Fel Hide, 8 x Primal Shadow,3 x Rune Thread) x 5

You need to be Friendly with Cenarion Expedition for the next part:
Heavy Clefthoof Boots (4 x Heavy Knothide Leather, 20 x Thick Clefthoof Leather,4 x Primal Earth, 2 x Rune Thread) x 10

N.B. these last 10 points are going to cost you a LOT! (as if the last 15didn't cost enough!) The materials required are fairly insane and so is the reprequirement, but at the moment I don't see a better way of levelling up.

If your Exalted with Thrallmar or Honor Hold, then make:
Nethercobra Leg Armour (4 x Heavy Knothide Leather, 4 x Cobra Scales, 8 x PrimalAir, 1 x Primal Nether) x 5
N.B. The Cobra Scales and Primal Nether are a major pain to get and I wouldseriously urge you to work on Sha'tar rep and do the following:

Alternatively, if your exalted with The Sha'tar:
Drums of Battle (2 Heavy Knothide Leather, 1 x Primal Fire, 1 Primal Earth) x 5

N.B. any of the above three will take you to 375, but the materialrequirement makes for a LOT of farming, as those last 5 points can mean makinganother 20-30 items.

Your either going to have to make random world drop epics here with lots ofinsane material requirements OR go and get exalted with Keepers of Time.
Seeing as the epics are random world drop patterns, I'll go with Keepers of Timerep rewards. You'll need to be level 66 to start your Keepers of Time rep andspend a LOT of time in The Caverns of Time.

Drums of Panic (2 x Heavy Knothide Leather, 2 x Primal Shadow) x 5

Approximate Materials Required

With Scryers Rep
100 x Knothide Leather Scraps
715 x Knothide Leather
100 x Rune Thread
85 x Fel Scales
30 x Primal Mana
200 x Thick Clefthoof Leather
20 x Cobra Scales (if your Thrallmar or Honor Hold exalted)
40 x Primal Air (if your Thrallmar or Honor Hold exalted) or 5 x Primal Earthand 5 x Primal Fire if you went with Sha'tar rep)
5 x Primal Nether (Don’t need these if you go with CE or Sha'tar rep)
20 x Primal Earth
10 x Primal Shadow

N.B. if you went with Sha'tar rep at 365, then you'll need 10 less HeavyKnothide Leather, 40 less Primal Air, 5 Primal Earth and 5 less Primal Nether.Gets complicated, don’t it?

With The Consortium Rep
100 x Knothide Leather Scraps
675 x Knothide Leather
200 x Thick Clefthoof Leather
40 x Fel Hide
70 x Rune Thread
85 x Fel Scales
20 x Cobra Scales (if your Thrallmar or Honor Hold exalted)
40 x Primal Air (if your Thrallmar or Honor Hold exalted) or 5 x Primal Earthand 5 x Primal Fire if you went with Sha'tar rep)
5 x Primal Nether (Don’t need these if you go with CE or Sha'tar rep)
20 x Primal Earth
50 x Primal Shadow
N.B. if you went with Sha'tar rep at 365, then you'll need 10 less HeavyKnothide Leather, 40 less Primal Air, 5 Primal Earth and 5 less Primal Nether.

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3 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 1
Posted on 28 June 2007 at 23:26:23 by Anonym.  5/5

[feu] [feu] [feu]
Posted on 16 August 2007 at 06:33:06 by Anonym.  0/5

Posted on 07 February 2009 at 21:11:58 by Anonym.  0/5


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