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topleft icon Jewelcrafting 300 to 375 Guide topright icon
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 20:28:54 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Jewelcrafting 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide

Make any of the following to get to 305.
You need to make about 10-15.

Teardrop Blood Garnet (1 x Blood Garnet)
Inscribed Flame Spessarite (1 x Flame Spessarite)
Radiant Deep Peridot (1 x Deep Peridot)
Glowing Shadow Draenite (1 x Shadow Draenite)
Brilliant Golden Draenite (1 x Golden Draenite)
Solid Azure Moonstone (1 x Azure Moonstone)

Make any of the following to get to 310.
You need to make about 10-15.

Bold Blood Garnet (1 x Blood Garnet)
Luminous Flame Spessarite (1 x Flame Spessarite)
Jagged Deep Peridot (1 x Deep Peridot)
Royal Shadow Draenite (1 x Shadow Draenite)
Gleaming Golden Draenite (1 x Golden Draenite)
Sparkling Azure Moonstone (1 x Azure Moonstone)
Bright Blood Garnet (1 x Blood Garnet)

Fel Iron Blood Ring (1 x Fel Iron Bar, 2 x Blood Garnet) x 5

Make any of the following to get to 320.
You need to make about 10-15.

Runed Blood Garnet (1 x Blood Garnet)
Glinting Flame Spessarite (1 x Flame Spessarite)
Enduring Deep Peridot (1 x Deep Peridot)
Shifting Shadow Draenite (1 x Shadow Draenite)
Thick Golden Draenite (1 x Golden Draenite)
Stormy Azure Moonstone (1 x Azure Moonstone)

Azure Moonstone Ring (1 x Fel Iron Bar, 2 Azure Moonstone, 1 x Deep Peridot) x 5

Make any of the following to get to 335.
You need to make about 15-20.

Dazzling Deep Peridot (1 x Deep Peridot)
Delicate Blood Garnet (1 x Blood Garnet)
Lustrous Azure Moonstone (1 x Azure Moonstone)
Potent Flame Spessarite (1 x Flame Spessarite)
Rigid Golden Draenite (1 x Golden Draenite)
Smooth Golden Draenite (1 x Golden Draenite)
Sovereign Shadow Draenite (1 x Shadow Draenite)
Mercurial Adamantite (4 x Adamantite Powder, 1 x Primal Earth)
I would suggest making the Mercurial Adamantite, as your going to need thatnext.

Heavy Adamantite Ring (1 x Adamantite Bar, 1 x Mercurial Adamantite) x 15

Make any of the following to get to 355.
You need to make about 10-15.

Luminous Noble Topaz
Lustrous Star of Elune
Potent Noble Topaz
Radiant Talasite
Rigid Dawnstone
Royal Nightseye
Runed Living Ruby
Shifting Nightseye
Smooth Dawnstone
Solid Star of Elune
Sovereign Nightseye
Sparkling Star of Elune
Stormy Star of Elune
Subtle Living Ruby
Teardrop Living Ruby
Thick Dawnstone
Bold Living Ruby
Bright Living Ruby
Brilliant Dawnstone
Dazzling Talasite
Delicate Living Ruby
Enduring Talasite
Flashing Living Ruby
Gleaming Dawnstone
Glinting Noble Topaz
Glowing Nightseye
Inscribed Noble Topaz
Jagged Talasite

Really, just make 10-15 of whatever you have the materials and recipes for.There is so much choice and it's pointless me tying you down to just one or twochoices.
They all take just one of each gem, so I won't bother listing all the mats asit's pretty obvious.

Your stuck with trying to get world drop recipes here. The two most common dropsare as follows:

Living Ruby Pendant (4 x Khorium Bars, 1 x Mercurial Adamantite, 1 x LivingRuby) x 5
Thick Felsteel Necklace (2 x Felsteel Bars, 3 x Mercurial Adamantite) x 5

The Thick Felsteel Necklace is obviously the most desirable to get, as it's thecheapest to make. There are other recipes out there to fill this levelling gap,so if you happen to get one of those, use that instead.

The next bit requires being honoured with The Sha'tar:
Ring of Arcane Shielding (2 x Eternium Bars, 8 x Primal Mana) x 5
You could go and farm Vekh'nir Dreadhawk's in Blade's Edge Mountains and hopethe following drops:
Khorium Band of Leaves (2 x Khorium Bars, 4 x Mercurial Adamantite, 3 x PrimalLife) x 5

If your raiding Kharazan and you have a lot of Alchemist transmuting Diamonds,then use those to skill up the last 10 points. There's a 60min CD on making eachone, but it's still fairly easy for a raid guild's Jewelcrafting to finishskilling up on. Otherwise your stuck with using rare world drop recipes again.

Embrace of the Dawn (2 x Eternium Bars, 4 x Mercurial Adamantite, 2 x GoldenDraenite) x 5
This seems to be the most common recipe on the AH. It's not cheap, but if youdon’t have anything else to skill up on, it's your best choice.
There are a few other rare world drop recipes that need 365 skill. So if you getany of those, then use them instead.

Of all the recipes available at 370. Probably the easiest to make is probablyFigurine - Felsteel Boar, but that requires Lower City revered rep. So I'll listthe next best ones in terms of rep.

Figurine - Talasite Owl (2 x Eternium Bars, 2 x Talasite, 4 x Primal Mana) x 5
Requires Sha'tar revered rep.
Figurine - Dawnstone Crab (4 x Khorium Bars, 2 x Dawnstones, 4 x Golden Draenite)x 5
Requires Honour Hold/Thrallmar revered rep.

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1 Comment
Posted on 05 May 2010 at 14:10:17 by Anonym.  0/5


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