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topleft icon Enchanting 300 to 375 guide topright icon
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 20:05:58 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Enchanting 300 to 375 Powerlvl guide

300 - 301
Runed Fel Iron Rod (1 x Fel Iron Rod, 4 x Greater Eternal Essence, 6 x LargeBrilliant Shard, 1 x Runed Arcanite Rod) x 1

301 - 305
Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense (8 x Illusion Dust) x 7

305 - 315
Enchant Bracers - Assault or Brawn (6 x Arcane Dust) x 10

315 - 325
Enchant Cloak - Major Armour or Enchant Gloves - Assault (8 x Arcane Dust) x 10

325 - 335
Enchant Chest - Major Spirit (2 x Greater Planar Essence) x 10

335 - 340
Enchant Shield - Major Stamina (15 x Arcane Dust) x 5

340 - 345
Superior Wizard Oil (3 x Arcane Dust, 1 x Nightmare Vine, 1 x Imbued Vial) x 10

345 - 350
Enchant Gloves - Major Strength (12 x Arcane Dust, 1 x Greater Planar Essence) x5

350 - 351
Runed Adamantite Rod (1 x Adamantite Rod, 8 x Greater Planar Essence, 8 x LargePrismatic Shard, 1 x Primal Might, 1 x Runed Fel Iron Rod) x 1

351 - 360
Enchant Gloves - Major Strength (12 x Arcane Dust, 1 x Greater Planar Essence) x15

360 - 370
Enchant Ring - Striking (8 x Large Prismatic Shard, 24 x Arcane Dust) x 10(requires Consortium Revered rep and the formula is called Enchant Ring - WeaponMight but the enchant is called Enchant Ring - Striking, confused?)

370 - 375
Enchant Ring - Healing Power (8 x Large Prismatic Shard, 10 x Greater PlanarEssence, 20 x Arcane Dust) x 5 (requires Sha'tar revered rep)

Approximate Materials Required

1 x Fel Iron Rod
4 x Greater Eternal Essence
6 x Large Brilliant Shard
1 x Runed Arcanite Rod
56 x Illusion Dust
645 x Arcane Dust
96 x Greater Planar Essence
10 x Nightmare Vine
10 x Imbued Vial
1 x Adamantite Rod
128 x Large Prismatic Shards
1 x Primal Might

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2 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 2
Posted on 05 July 2007 at 19:45:37 by Anonym.  5/5

Posted on 13 April 2008 at 10:12:53 by Anonym.  5/5

[feu] [feu]

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