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Cooking 300 to 375 Guide
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 20:01:45 by Magi.
Cooking 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide
First you need to learn Master Cooking, so go see Baxter in the tavern inThrallmar and buy the Master Cooking Manual.
300 to 325 Buy the recipe for Ravager Dogs from Cookie One-Eye in Thrallmar (by thestables) and then go kill Ravagers around Falcon Watch until you have about35-40 meat.
325 to 350 Two choices here. 1). Go buy the Roasted Clefthoof recipe from Nula the Butcher in Garadar (Nagrand)and then kill Clefthoofs around Nagrand for about 35-40 meat or: 2). Go buy the Warp Burger recipe from Innkeeper Grilka in Stonebreaker Hold (TerokkarForest) and then kill Warp Stalkers/Hunters around Terokkar Forest for about35-40 meat.
350 to 375 This part really is a problem at the moment. The best way to get to 375 at themoment is by fishing up Furious Crawdads in one of three lakes around TerokkarForest and then cooking them. However, these lakes are only accessible if youhave a flying mount. The three lakes are: Lake Jorune - north west of Stonebreaker Hold. Lake Ere'Noru - south east of Allerian Stronghold. Blackwind Lake - in the south east corner of the map, in the Skettis area. You can buy the recipe from Rungor in Stonebreaker Hold. You also need a 430+ fishing skill to be able to fish there. However, you can go to Blade's Edge Mountains and find an NPC called MatronVarah (she's in the Inn) who gives you a quest to get her Raptor Ribs andSerpent Flesh. Once you complete it, she'll give you the recipe for CrunchySerpent, which will stay green until 375. You can now kill Scalewing's aroundBlade's Edge Mountains for Serpent Flesh. You will need about 60 to get to 375.Personally, I prefer the fishing, but that’s just me :)
First you need to learn Master Cooking, so go see Gaston in Honor Hold and buythe Master Cooking Manual.
300 to 325 Buy the recipe for Ravager Dogs from Father Malgor Devidicus in Honor Hold andthen go kill Ravagers around Falcon Watch until you have about 35-40 meat.
325 to 350 Two choices here. 1). Go buy the Roasted Clefthoof recipe from Uriku in Telaar (Nagrand) and thenkill Clefthoofs around Nagrand for about 35-40 meat or: 2). Go buy the Warp Burger recipe from Supply Officer Mills in AllerianStronghold (Terokkar Forest) and then kill Warp Stalkers/Hunters around TerokkarForest for about 35-40 meat.
350 to 375 This part really is a problem at the moment. The best way to get to 375 at themoment is by fishing up Furious Crawdads in one of three lakes around TerokkarForest and then cooking them. However, these lakes are only accessible if youhave a flying mount. The three lakes are: Lake Jorune - north west of Stonebreaker Hold. Lake Ere'Noru - south east of Allerian Stronghold. Blackwind Lake - in the south east corner of the map, in the Skettis area. You can buy the recipe from Innkeeper Biribi in Allerian Stronghold. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a way for Alliance to get hold ofthe Crunchy Serpent recipe at the moment, so levelling up from 350 to 375 isgoing to be a major pain in the butt without a flying mount and a 430+ fishingskill.