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topleft icon Blacksmithing 300 to 375 Guide topright icon
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 19:57:45 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Blacksmithing 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide

300 - 315
Imperial Plate Boots (18 x Thorium Bar) x 15 (Thank you to Tobius onEU-Aggramar for suggesting this)

315 - 320
Imperial Plate Chest (20 x Thorium Bar) x 5 (Thank you to Stahlkinn onEU-Baelgun for suggesting this)

Alternatively you could do the following as suggested by Peavy on EU-Al'Akir:

300 - 320
Enchanted Thorium Blades (2 x Enchanted Thorium Bars, 6 x Thorium Bars, 1 xRugged Leather) x 20
This really depends on how easy and/or cheap it is to get Enchanted Thorium Barson your server.

320 - 325
Fel Iron Plate Boots (6 x Fel Iron Bar) x 5

325 - 330
Lesser Rune of Warding (1 x Adamantite Bar) x 10

330 - 340
Adamantite Cleaver (8 x Adamantite Bar) x 10
N.B. This is a limited supply recipe sold by either of the following:
Aaron Hollman - Shattrath City
Arras - The Exodar
Eriden - Silvermoon City

340 - 350
Lesser Rune of Shielding (1 x Adamantite Bar) x 20
N.B. This is a limited supply recipe sold by either of the following:
Mari Stonehand - Wildhammer Stronghold (Shadowmoon Valley)
Rohok - Thrallmar (Hellfire Peninsula)

350 - 360
Adamantite Weightstone (1 x Adamantite Bar, 2 x Netherweave Cloth) x 20
Requires Honoured rep with Cenarion Expedition, which is fairly easy to get

N.B. from 360 onwards it gets tough to get recipes that will skill you up, astrainers won't teach you anything worthwhile. Everything that will skill you uppast 360, is either a random drop pattern or a rep reward. The two best andcheapest ways are to get Scryers or Aldors rep.

Aldors Rep Path

360 - 370
Flamebane Gloves (8 x Fel Iron Bars, 4 x Primal Water, 4 x Primal fire) x 10
Requires Aldors honoured rep to buy pattern and it's BoP

370 - 375
Flamebane Breastplate (16 x Fel Iron Bars, 6 x Primal Water, 4 x Primal Fire) x5
Requires Aldors revered rep to buy pattern and it's BoP

Scryers Rep Path

360 - 375
Enchanted Adamantite Belt (2 x Hardened Adamantite Bars, 8 x Arcane Dust, 2 xLarge Prismatic Shards) x 20
Requires Scryers friendly rep to buy pattern and it's BoP

Alternatively, you could keep running Auchenai Crypts for the Felsteel Glovesplans as follows:

361 - 375
Felsteel Gloves (6 x Felsteel Bars) x 15

Approximate Materials Required

Aldors Rep Path

370 X Thorium Bars (or 120 if you made Blades)
184 x Fel Iron Bar
130 x Adamantite Bar
40 x Netherweave Cloth
70 x Primal Water
60 x Primal Fire

If you made Enchanted Thorium Blades instead Imperial Plate Chest, add thefollowing:
40 x Enchanted Thorium Bars
20 x Rugged Leather

Scryers Rep Path

370 X Thorium Bars (or 120 if you made Blades)
24 x Fel Iron Bar
130 x Adamantite Bar
40 x Netherweave Cloth
40 x Hardened Adamantite Bars (That's 400 x Adamantite Bars)
160 x Arcane Dust
40 x Large Prismatic Shards

If you made Enchanted Thorium Blades instead Imperial Plate Chest, add thefollowing:
40 x Enchanted Thorium Bars
20 x Rugged Leather

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4 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 4
Posted on 20 June 2007 at 06:09:14 by Anonym.  5/5

omg ty!
Posted on 22 June 2007 at 04:09:40 by Anonym.  5/5

bit pointless using all the thorium...

100 Fel iron bars gets you up to 325 Blacksmithing
Posted on 08 July 2007 at 21:43:53 by Anonym.  5/5

[feu] [feu] [feu] [lo] [zzz] 8)
Posted on 18 July 2007 at 06:30:41 by Anonym.  5/5


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