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Alchemy 300 to 375 Guide
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 19:53:23 by Magi.
Alchemy 300 to 375 Powerlvl Guide
301 - 315 Volatile Healing Potion (1 x Golden Sansam, 1 x Felweed, 1 x Imbued Vial) x 20 N.B. You can make Major Mana Potions up to this point if you prefer. You'llneed to make about 25 though.
316 - 330 Sneaking Potion (2 x Ragveil, 1 x Felweed, 1 x Imbued Vial) x 20
331 - 350 Super Healing Potion (2 x Netherbloom, 1 x Felweed, 1 x Imbued Vial) x 20
351 - 375 Major Dreamless Sleep Potion (1 x Dreaming Glory, 1 x Nightmare Vine, 1 x ImbuedVial) x 40 Goes green at 370, but it's easier to skill up on this, now that it's in thegame, than use low drop rate recipes or faction rewards. Can be bought from Leeli Longhaggle in Allerian Stronghold (Terokkar Forest) forAlliance and from Daga Ramba in Thunderlord Stronghold (Blade's Edge Mountains)for Horde players.
Approximate Materials Required
20 x Golden Sansam 60 x Felweed 100 x Imbued Vial 40 x Ragveil 40 x Netherbloom 40 x Dreaming Glory 40 x Nightmare Vine
2 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 1 |
Posted on 16 August 2007 at 22:42:22 by Anonym.
For the record, Super Healing Potion is not with Dreaming Glory, its Netherbloom
Posted on 07 February 2009 at 02:41:10 by Magi.