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topleft icon Fishing and Cooking 1 to 300 Guide topright icon
Posted on 26 April 2007 at 19:41:44 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Fishing and Cooking 1 to 300 Powerlvl Guide

Firstly let me put the next sentence in capitals as it's a fairly importantconcept to grasp.


*NEW* Skill Up Formula
You skill up by number of successful catches. The equation is approx. asfollows: (current unmodified fishing level - 75) / 25 = total # of fish requiredto level, with a minimum of 1 fish per catch. (see below for table)
Originally posted by Noressa on the US forums

So, with that knowledge, you'll realise that you can skill up fishing from 1 to300 by fishing the water of your faction’s city. The reason for the differentlocations mentioned in this guide, is for you to be able to skill up yourcooking as well.

I've combined both fishing and cooking in this guide, as they compliment eachother very well and if your going to skill up your fishing, you might as wellskill up your cooking with all the fish you'll be catching.

N.B. it will take you a minimum of 11 hours to complete this, but more likelyabout 14-15.
N.B.2. Your cooking will always level faster than your fishing. You'll have tomake use of lures even more when the gap between your fishing and cookingincreases. Typically, by the time I've reached 300 cooking, my fishing isanywhere between 230 and 250.

So let's start:

Go to your fishing trainer and cook and pick up Fishing and Cooking skills.
Buy a fishing rod and a stack of shiny baubles (a lure that adds +25 to yourfishing skill).
Your now ready to begin.


Best place to start is in Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore.
Go speak to Harn Longcast and buy Brilliant Smallfish and Longjaw Mud Snapperrecipes off of him. Now start fishing in Stonebull Lake.
Equip your rod and then apply the shiny bauble lure to it, as this will makecatching fish easier. You’ll want to catch about 60 Brilliant Smallfish andthis should take about 40 minutes. You'll find that by the time you have caught60 Brilliant Smallfish, you'll also have about 30 Longjaw Mud Snappers. Once youhave 60, cook them. You can either build your own fire or jog back to HarnLongcast and use the fire in front of him. Cook the Brilliant Smallfish, then atlevel 50 start cooking Longjaw Mud Snappers (after learning the recipe youbought earlier).
You'll need to go and catch Longjaw Mud Snappers now and the best place forthese is the pond in Orgrimmar by Lumark the Fishing trainer (I know you've beencatching quite a few where you are, but the "drop rate" is a lotbetter in Orgrimmar).
Between levels 50 and 75 go learn journeyman fishing and cooking.
You'll now need to catch about 30 Longjaw Mud Snappers to get your cooking up to100.
Now go to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad and buy Bristle Whisker Catfish recipe off ofDerak Nightfall.
Go to the river to the East of Tarren Mill and fish for Bristle Whisker Catfish.Depending on your cooking level, your going to need about 80-100 of these to getit up to 175.
Between levels 125 and 150 go to Shadowprey Village in Desolace and buy ExpertCookbook. You'll need to go to Booty Bay and buy a book for your Fishing level.Speak to Old Man Hemming and buy the book Expert Fishing: The Bass and You.
Once your up to 175 cooking, go to Shadowprey Village in Desolace. Speak toWulan and buy Mithril Head Trout recipe and start fishing on the pier there.Your going to need about 60 of these to get your cooking up to level 225.

At this point you should now have level 225 fishing and level 225 cooking. Ifyour not level 35 yet, then this is as far as you can go. If you are level 35+then you have two quests to complete before you can continue.

First quest: Cooking
Requirements: Level 35, 225 Cooking.

Go to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and speak to Dirge Quikcleave. He is in the tavern.He'll want you to bring him 12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat and 20 AlteracSwiss. You should actually be able to buy the eggs and clam meat off of AH, butin case you can't here's where to find them. Now according to the quest GiantEggs drop off of Rocs in Tanaris or any large bird. The best place I found forthe eggs, was the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands. Only needed to kill about 20 ofthese to get my 12 eggs. They are about level 43 ish, so if your not that high alevel, get help or wait till you can handle them. The clam meat comes fromclams, naturally! Well to save you swimming around the sea looking for clams,your better off killing turtles at Steamwheedle Port or Raventusk Village. Thedrop rate is quite high and you'll have your clam meat in no time. The levelsare 41 ish for Steamwheedle Port and 49-50 for Raventusk Village. The AlteracSwiss is the easiest part. Go to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles and buy themoff of the Inn Keeper. Hand them all in and you'll get your Artisan Cooking.

Second Quest: Fishing
Requirements: Level 35, 225 Fishing.

You need to go and find Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. He is standing on a smallisland to the West of Theramore (58,60). He'll ask you to catch four rare fishesfor him. This quest is actually really easy and the only hard part is the amountof travelling involved. The fish you need to catch are:

Feralas Ahi - If you ride out West from Camp Mojache and fish the VerdantisRiver where the small bridge is by the Ogres, you'll soon catch one.

Sar'theris Striker - Ride a little South out of Shadowprey Village and yourthere. Make sure the area comes up as Sar'theris Strand.

Savage Coast Blue Saffin - Just outside Grom'gol Base Camp. Make sure the areacomes up as Savage Coast.

Misty Reed Mahi Mahi - Directly East from Stonnard. Just avoid the Murlocs.

You should catch these fish within 5 to 10 casts at each location. So it wonttake long. The best order I've found to do this quest in is; (assuming you don'talready have all the flight paths) From Dustwallow, ride to the Great Lift andthen head West through Thousand Needles to Camp Mojache in Feralas - FromFeralas, ride North West into Desolace and onto Shadowprey Village - FromDesolace, fly to Thunderbluff - Fly to XR - Fly to Orgrimmar - Get Zeppelin toGrom’gol Base Camp - Ride North to Duskwood - Ride East to Deadwind Pass -Ride through Deadwind Pass to Swamp of Sorrows.
Now go back to Nat and get your Artisan Fishing.
There is apparently a bug with this quest, if go away from Nat BEFORE gettingyour fishing level to 226, the quest can bug and you'll be stuck on 225 forgood. Didn't happen to me, but I've seen a few posts from people who it'shappened to.

Ok, so your now at level 225 in both cooking and fishing and you've done yourArtisan quests. Time for the home stretch.

Go to Steamwheedle port and speak to Gikkix, You'll want to buy the followingtwo recipes: Spotted Yellowtail and Poached Sunscale Salmon.
Now go to Raventusk Village in the Hinterlands and fish for Spotted Yellowtails.You'll need about 30 to get your cooking from 225 to 250.
Now go to Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood and fish for Sunscale Salmon. You'll needabout 30 to get your cooking from 250 to 275.
Now go to Camp Mojache in Feralas and speak to Sheendra Tallgrass and buy therecipe for Mightfish Steak. Whilst your there buy about 40 Hot Spices and 40Soothing Spices as your going to be making the food that you will want as alevel 60 (without going into instances that is). It gives a +10 stamina buff for15mins which is always helpful.
Now go to Scalebeard's Cave in Azshara (its one of the islands to the East) andfish for Mightfish. You'll need about 30 to get your cooking from 275 to 300.You may need to bring some lures with you at this point, as your cooking willlevel up faster than your fishing and Azshara is a 250+ fishing zone. Once yourcooking is a 300, keep fishing till you've maxed out that too. It will take 7 to10 catches to get one skill up at this point, so take your time.


Best place to start is in Elwynn Forest.
Go speak to Tharynn Bouden in Goldshire and buy the recipes for BrilliantSmallfish and Longjaw Mud Snappers. Now start fishing in Crystal Lake.
You'll want to catch about 60 Brilliant Smallfish to get your cooking from 1 to50.
Now go to Stormwind City and fish the canals for Longjaw Mud Snappers. You'llneed about 50 of them to raise your cooking to 100.
Between levels 50 and 75 go learn journeyman fishing and cooking.
Now go to Southshore and speak to Lindea Rabonne and buy the recipes for BristleWhisker Catfish and Mithril Head Trout.
Go to the river to the east of Southshore and fish for Bristle Whisker Catfish.You'll need about 80-100 of these to get your cooking to level 175.
Between levels 125 and 150 go to Shandrina by Mystral Lake in Ashenvale and buyExpert Cookbook. You'll need to go to Booty Bay and buy a book for your Fishinglevel. Speak to Old Man Hemming and buy the book Expert Fishing: The Bass andYou.
Now go to the Lakes outside Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands and fish forMithril Head Trout. Your going to need about 60 of these to get your cooking upto level 225.

At this point you should now have level 225 fishing and level 225 cooking. Ifyour not level 35 yet, then this is as far as you can go. If you are level 35+then you have two quests to complete before you can continue.

First quest: Cooking
Requirements: Level 35, 225 Cooking.

Go to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and speak to Dirge Quikcleave. He is in the tavern.He'll want you to bring him 12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat and 20 AlteracSwiss. You should actually be able to buy the eggs and clam meat off of AH, butin case you can't here's where to find them. Now according to the quest GiantEggs drop off of Rocs in Tanaris or any large bird. The best place I found forthe eggs, was the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands. Only needed to kill about 20 ofthese to get my 12 eggs. They are about level 43 ish, so if your not that high alevel, get help or wait till you can handle them. The clam meat comes fromclams, naturally! Well to save you swimming around the sea looking for clams,your better off killing turtles at Steamwheedle Port or Raventusk Village. Thedrop rate is quite high and you'll have your clam meat in no time. The levelsare 41 ish for Steamwheedle Port and 49-50 for Raventusk Village. The AlteracSwiss is the easiest part. Go to the Inn in Goldshire, Elwynn Forest and buythem off of the Bartender. Hand them all in and you'll get your Artisan Cooking.

Second Quest: Fishing
Requirements: Level 35, 225 Fishing.

You need to go and find Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. He is standing on a smallisland to the West of Theramore (58,60). He'll ask you to catch four rare fishesfor him. This quest is actually really easy and the only hard part is the amountof travelling involved. The fish you need to catch are:

Feralas Ahi - West from Camp Mojache. Fish the Verdantis River where the smallbridge is by the Ogres, you'll soon catch one.

Sar'theris Striker - South or North or Shadowprey Village. Make sure the areacomes up as Sar'theris Strand.

Savage Coast Blue Saffin - Just outside Grom'gol Base Camp. Make sure the areacomes up as Savage Coast.

Misty Reed Mahi Mahi - Directly East from Stonnard. Just avoid the Murlocs.

You should catch these fish within 5 to 10 casts at each location. So it wonttake long. I haven't done this quest on my Alliance character, so I'm not sureof the best order in which to do them.
Now go back to Nat and get your Artisan Fishing.
There is apparently a bug with this quest, if go away from Nat BEFORE gettingyour fishing level to 226, the quest can bug and you'll be stuck on 225 forgood. Didn't happen to me, but I've seen a few posts from people who it'shappened to.

Go to Steamwheedle port and speak to Gikkix, You'll want to buy the followingtwo recipes: Spotted Yellowtail and Poached Sunscale Salmon.
Either fish for Spotted Yellowtails at Steamwheedle Port or go to RaventuskVillage (well not to it, just a little North of it) for the slightly better droprate. You'll need about 30 to get your cooking from 225 to 250.
Now go to Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood and fish for Sunscale Salmon. You'll needabout 30 to get your cooking from 250 to 275.
No go and speak to Vivianna in The Feathermoon Stronghold and buy the recipe forMightfish Steak. Whilst your there buy about 40 Hot Spices and 40 SoothingSpices as your going to be making the food that you will want as a level 60(without going into instances that is). It gives a +10 stamina buff for 15minswhich is always helpful

Now go to Scalebeard's Cave in Azshara (its one of the islands tothe East) and fish for Mightfish. You'll need about 30 to get your cooking from275 to 300. You may need to bring some lures with you at this point, as yourcooking will level up faster than your fishing and Azshara is a 250+ fishingzone. Once your cooking is a 300, keep fishing till you've maxed out that too.It will take 7 to 10 catches to get one skill up at this point, so take yourtime.

Skill Up Table

Format = Current Fishing Level - Average Number of Successful CatchesRequired to Gain a Skill Up

100 - 2
115 - 3
140 - 4
165 - 5
190 - 6
215 - 7
240 - 8
265 - 9
290 - 10


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