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Posted on 26 April 2007 at 19:08:44 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Cloth Farming Locations + Mobs List

Linen Cloth

Ragefire Chasm
Nearly all the humanoids drop linen in here at a good rate. *Thought I wouldadd it afterall, Blackhide :o)

Dun Morogh
Rockjaw mobs (Level 10) [(67,54)] - Gol'bolar Quarry, East of Kharanos

Loch Modan
Stonesplitter mobs (Level 12) [(28,56)(31,71)] - SW of Thelsamar &Stoneplitter Valley, South of Thelsamar.

Shadow mobs (Level 5) [(54,51)] - Fel Rock, cave North of Dolanaar.
Gnarlpine mobs (Level 6) [(48,54)] - West of Dolanaar.
Blood feather mobs (Level 9) [(34,34)] - Oracle Glade, NE of Darnassus.
Furblog mobs (Level 6) - The Barrows

Undead mobs (Level 13) [(41,62)] - SE of Auberdine.
Imp mobs (level 12) - Bashal'aran
Furblog mobs (Level 13) - just south of Auberdine
Dark Strand Mobs (Level 17) - The Tower of Althalaxx

Burning Blade mobs (Level 10) [(52,29)(55,10)(42,26)]– Skull Rock and ThunderRidge.
Razormane mobs (Level 8) [(44,49)(50,49)]– SW of Razor Hill
Voodoo mobs (Level 8) [(66,84)]– Echo Isles

Bael’Dun mobs (Level 8) [(34,47)] – SW of Thunderbluff
Venture Co mobs (Level 11) [(61,47)]– SE of Thunderbluff
Harpies (Level 8) [(35,41)(63,70)]– SW of Thunderbluff and SE of BloodhoofVillage
Palemane mobs (Level 4-7) [(36,62)(49,71)(53,71)]– West of Bloodhoof Villageand NE of Red Cloud Mesa

Silverpine Forest
Dalaran mobs (Level 15) [(57,64)]– Ambermill area
Mobs in Pyrewood Village (Level 14 elite) [(47,72)]
Ravenclaw mobs (Level 11) [(53,15)]- Maldens Orchard, North of Sepulcher

Stonetalon Mountains
Grimtotem mobs (Level 14) [(80,90)]– as you come into SM from The Barrens
Kolbold mobs (Level 17) - Boulderslide Ravine

The Barrens
Kolkar mobs (Level 13) [(43,24)]– West of XR
Razormane mobs (Level 10) [(54,26)]– NE of XR
Venture Co mobs (Level 14) [(56,10)]– Sludge Fen
Harpies (Level 17) [(41,16)]– NW of XR

Tirisfal Glades
Scarlet mobs (Level 7-11) [(79,33)(81,54)(54,67)]– South of SM, West of SM andWest of Undercity
Rotting and Wailing mobs (Level 10) [(51,30)] - Agamand Mill, NW of Undercity

Nearly all the humanoids drop Linen in here at a good rate.

Defias mobs (Level 12) - Jangalode Mine and north of Goldcaost Quarry

Wool Cloth

Thistlefur mobs (Level 24) [(31,46)]– NW of Astranaar
Foulweed mobs (Level 25) [(57,62)]– North of Talondeep path

Black Fathom Depths
Most of the humanoids in here will drop wool, not the best place, but at leastyou’ll have the mobs all to your self.

Nearly all the humanoids drop wool in here at a good rate.

Dark Strand mobs (Level 14) - around the Tower of Anthalaax

Skeletal mobs (Level 25) [(20,48)] - Raven Hill Cemetery, East of TwilightGrove.

Hillsbrad Foothills
The Farmers, Footmen and Peasants (Level 24) [(33,49)]– West of Tarren Mill.
Syndicate mobs (Level 20) [(76,47)] - Durnholde Keep, SE of Tarren Mill.

Shadow Fang Keep
Most of the humanoids in here will drop wool, not the best place, but at leastyou’ll have the mobs all to your self.

Silverpine Forest
Rothide mobs (Level 18) - Fenris Isle

Stonetalon Mountains
Harpies (Level 27) [(37,67)]– Charred Vale
Windshear mobs (Level 22) [(73,58)]– Wind Shear Crag (The Venture Co mobsround here don’t have as good a drop rate, so stick to the Windshear mobs)
Kolbold mobs (Level 17) - Boulderslide Ravine

The Stockades
Probably the best place in the game to farm wool. As a Horde, you’ll die acouple of times getting here, but it’s worth it, if your after lots of wool.It’s a boring instance, but the mobs have a good respawn rate. So by the timeyou’ve cleared the instance all the mobs except the bosses will have respawnedand you can just start clearing it again straight away. Recommend that you belevel 50+ to make life easier and faster, otherwise it won’t be worth thetime. A clear run generally nets me about 60-80 wool and it takes me about20-30mins to clear.

The Barrens
Bael’Dun mobs (Level 24) [(48,84)(47,84)]– just north of Razor Fen Downs.
Razormane mobs (Level 21) [(44,80)]– just North of Razor Fen Kraul

The Wetlands
Dragonmaw mobs (Level 20( [(49,79)(44,44)]– in Dun Algaz & AngerclawEncampment.

Defias mobs (Level 18) - on the west coast
Rockjaw Gnolls (Level 17) - Southern camps, east of The Deadmines

Silk Cloth

Alterac Mountains
Syndicate mobs (Level 30) - North eastern part of Alterac, near the shore ofLake Lordamere

Skeletal mobs (Level 25) [(20,48)] - Raven Hill Cemetery, East of TwilightGrove.

Burning Blade mobs (Level 32) [(57,31)]– SW of Nijel’s Point
Magram mobs (Level 34) [(70,69)]– SE part of Desolace
Kolkar mobs (Level 32) [(69,43)}– Eastern part of Desolace
Gelkis mobs (Level 34) [(39,82)]– SW Desolace
Hatefury mobs (Level 32) [(71,19)]– NE Desolace

Hillsbrad Foothills
Hillsbrad Miners (Level 28) [(27,61)]– Azurelode Mine, SW of Hillsbrad Fields

Thousand Needles
Galak mobs (Level 26) [(19,22)(42,38)]– dotted around TN, but mainly in theNorth.
Grimtotem mobs (Level 26) [(31,37)]– SE of the Great Lift

Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodscalp mobs (Level 34) [(29,20)(33,16)]– the ruins North of the Grom'gol
Kurzen mobs (Level 32) [(43,11)]– Northern part of STV, past Zul’Gurub.
Mosh’ogg Brutes (Level 36) [(37,31)]– SE of Grom’Gol
Venture Co mobs (Level 36) [(43,17)]– Lake Nazferiti

Scarlet Monastery
Nearly all the humanoids drop silk in here at a good rate.

Nearly all the humanoids drop silk in here at a good rate.

Arathi Highlands
Boulderfist mobs (Level 35) [(52,73)]– South of Hammerfall
Syndicate mobs (Level 32) [(30,28)]– NW Arathi
Drywhisker mobs (Level 36) [(78,36)]– NE Arathi

Shadowforge mobs (Level 38) [(46,35)]– North Badlands

Bleakheart mobs (Level 26) [(82,52)]– Satyrnaar, NE Ashenvale

Razorfen Downs
Nearly all the humanoids drop silk in here at a good rate.

Undead mobs (Level 26) - around the Lost Fleet

Mageweave Cloth

Highborn mobs (Level 47) [(18,70)]– SW of Valormok
Timbermaw mobs (Level 47-50) [(33,47)(45,29)]– just North of Eldarath Ruins(only kill these if your rep sucks or you don’t care about it)
Haldaar mobs (Level 46) [(19,65)]– SW of Valormok

Dustbelcher mobs (Level 42) [(12,74)]– Camp Cragg, SW Badlands

Blasted Lands
Dreadmaul mobs – Dreadmaul Hold, NW Blasted Lands
Nethergarde mobs – Nethergarde Armoury, North Blasted Lands

Deadwood mobs (Level 50) [(49,89)]– Deadwood Village, South Felwood
Jadefire mobs (Level 51) [(38,68)(43,87)]– South of Jaedenar, East Felwood andJadefire Glen, SE Felwood
Jaedenar mobs (Level 52) [(39,58)]- Jaedenar, East Felwood

Grimtotem mobs (Level 43) [(70,41)]– west of Camp Mojache
Northspring mobs (Level 49) [(40,15)]– NW Feralas.
Woodpaw mobs (Level 43) [(75,57)]– SW of Camp Mojache
Gordunni mobs (Level 42) [(80,34)]– North of Camp Mojache

Searing Gorge
Dark Iron mobs – All around The Cauldron
Twilight mobs – West of Thorium Point

Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodsail mobs (Level 43) [(28,83)]– South of Booty Bay
Skullsplitter mobs (Level 40) [(44,40)]– around Ruins of Zul’Mamwe area
Zanzil mobs (Level 44) [(38,57)]– Ruins of Aboraz

Sunken Temple
Nearly all the humanoids drop Mageweave in here at a good rate.

Dunemaul mobs (Level 47) [(43,56)]– Dunemaul Compound, Central Tanaris
Southsea mobs (Level 45) [(73,46)]– East Tanaris, on coast.
Wastewander mobs (Level 42) [(60,23)(63,33)]- East of Gadgetzan

Highvale mobs (Level 45) [(33,51)]– Quel’Danil Lodge, NW Hinterlands
Vilebranch mobs (Level 46 Elite) [(66,62)(69,47)(67,45)]– Jintha’Alor, SEHinterlands
Witherbark mobs (Level 44) [(36,65)(33,57)]– Shadra’Alor & Hiri’Watha,SW Hinterlands

Nearly all the humanoids drop Mageweave in here at a good rate.


Blood Elf mobs (Level 51-54) [(56,28)]– Thalassian Base Camp, NE of theTimbermaw Hold
Legashi mobs (Level 52-54) [(60,23)(65,16)]– Legashi Encampment, North Azshara

Blackrock Depths
Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Blasted Lands
Shadowsworn mobs – Altar of Storms, West Blasted Lands
Felguard mobs – around the Dark Portal, South Blasted Lands

Burning Steppes
Blackrock mobs – Pillar of Ash, central Burning Steppes

Deadwind Pass
Deadwind mobs – Grosh’Gok Compound, SE Deadwind Pass
Most of the humanoids around Karazhan.

Twilight mobs - the humanoids in the 3 camps and the cave to the north.

Dire Maul
Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Eastern Plaguelands
Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth around here at a good rate.

Deadwood mobs (Level 54) [(63,13)]– Felpaw Village, NE Felwood
Jadefire mobs (Level 53) [(43,20)]– Jadefire Run, North Felwood.
Jaedenar mobs (Level 52) [(39,58)]- Jaedenar, East Felwood

Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Twilight mobs (Level 60)– all around Silithus, cant miss em.

Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth in here at a good rate.

Western Plaguelands
Nearly all the humanoids drop Runecloth around here at a good rate. (Level 54)

Furblogs (Level 54)
Timbermaw mobs (Level 53) [(25,34)]– in the Timbermaw Tunnel that runs between Felwood, Moonglade and Winterspring (only kill these if your rep sucks or you don’t care about it)
The elites in Darkwhisper Gorge drop a load of Runecloth, but you’ll need help there. (Level 60+) [(59,79)]


The drop rate for Felcloth is really low. It's about 1 in 15 to 1 in 20.

Legashi mobs (Level 54) [(52,19)(65,16)]- Legashi Encampment, Northern Azshara

Jadefire mobs (Level 53) [(43,20)]- Jadefire Run, North Felwood.

Blasted Lands
Felguard mobs - South Blasted Lands by Dark Portal

Dire Maul
Most of the demons drop Felcloth in here.

Netherweave Cloth

Going to list this in a slightly different format than the rest. Mainly becauseI haven't had time to check all the data within the live game. So this is thedata straight from

Format = Average Level - Mob Name - Area - Approxiamte Drop Rate %

Hellfire Peninsula
61 - Bleeding Hollow Dark Shaman - Hellfire Peninsula - 32.40%
61 - Bleeding Hollow Grunt - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.10%
61 - Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte - Hellfire Peninsula - 34.00%
61 - Bleeding Hollow Tormentor - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.00%
59 - Bonechewer Scavenger - Hellfire Peninsula - 34.00%
60 - Felguard Destroyer - Hellfire Peninsula - 63.50%
58 - Flamewaker Imp - Hellfire Peninsula - 23.20%
61 - Forge Camp Legionnaire - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.80%
60 - Gan'arg Sapper - Hellfire Peninsula - 35.90%
61 - Gan'arg Servant - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.40%
63 - Haal'eshi Talonguard - Hellfire Peninsula - 32.60%
63 - Haal'eshi Windwalker - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.50%
58 - Heckling Fel Sprite - Hellfire Peninsula - 23.20%
63 - Illidari Taskmaster - Hellfire Peninsula - 26.20%
63 - Mistress of Doom - Hellfire Peninsula - 35.70%
62 - Mo'arg Forgefiend - Hellfire Peninsula - 36.00%
62 - Shattered Hand Acolyte - Hellfire Peninsula - 29.10%
62 - Shattered Hand Berserker - Hellfire Peninsula - 53.50%
63 - Shattered Hand Captain - Hellfire Peninsula - 37.50%
61 - Shattered Hand Grenadier - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.50%
63 - Shattered Hand Grunt - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.50%
62 - Shattered Hand Guard - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.00%
62 - Shattered Hand Mage - Hellfire Peninsula - 32.20%
63 - Shattered Hand Neophyte - Hellfire Peninsula - 34.90%
63 - Shattered Hand Warlock - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.50%
61 - Sister of Grief - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.10%
62 - Terrorfiend - Hellfire Peninsula - 33.50%
60 - Gan'arg Sapper - Honor Hold Mine - 34.80%
60 - Gan'arg Sapper - Thrallmar Mine - 35.90%

63 - Ango'rosh Brute - Zangarmarsh - 30.10%
64 - Ango'rosh Mauler - Zangarmarsh - 31.10%
63 - Ango'rosh Ogre - Zangarmarsh - 31.90%
63 - Ango'rosh Sentry - Zangarmarsh - 31.90%
64 - Ango'rosh Shadowmage - Zangarmarsh - 31.40%
63 - Ango'rosh Shaman - Zangarmarsh - 31.40%
64 - Ango'rosh Souleater - Zangarmarsh - 31.60%
63 - Ango'rosh Warlock - Zangarmarsh - 32.30%
63 - Daggerfen Assassin - Zangarmarsh - 32.60%
63 - Daggerfen Muckdweller - Zangarmarsh - 32.80%
62 - Dreghood Drudge - Zangarmarsh - 23.60%
61 - Umbrafen Oracle - Zangarmarsh - 34.80%
61 - Umbrafen Seer - Zangarmarsh - 34.20%
61 - Umbrafen Witchdoctor - Zangarmarsh - 33.80%
62 - Wrekt Slave - Zangarmarsh - 24.10%

68 - Disembodied Exarch - Netherstorm - 49.00%
68 - Disembodied Protector - Netherstorm - 54.20%
68 - Disembodied Vindicator - Netherstorm - 54.70%
70 - Ethereum Archon - Netherstorm - 59.60%
69 - Ethereum Assassin - Netherstorm - 58.80%
70 - Ethereum Nexus-Stalker - Netherstorm - 54.20%
70 - Ethereum Overlord - Netherstorm - 66.80%
70 - Ethereum Researcher - Netherstorm - 48.80%
69 - Ethereum Shocktrooper - Netherstorm - 59.00%
68 - Felblade Doomguard - Netherstorm - 57.00%
70 - Hatecryer - Netherstorm - 58.50%
69 - Ironspine Forgelord - Netherstorm - 48.80%
69 - Kirin'Var Apprentice - Netherstorm - 58.40%
68 - Kirin'Var Ghost - Netherstorm - 62.00%
68 - Kirin'Var Spectre - Netherstorm - 50.20%
68 - Severed Defender - Netherstorm - 58.40%
68 - Severed Spirit - Netherstorm - 58.50%
68 - Shaleskin Flayer - Netherstorm - 55.30%
68 - Spellreaver Marathelle - Netherstorm - 48.50%
69 - Summoner Kanthin - Netherstorm - 50.40%
68 - Sunfury Archer - Netherstorm - 56.20%
68 - Sunfury Astromancer - Netherstorm - 54.40%
70 - Sunfury Blood Knight - Netherstorm - 54.90%
68 - Sunfury Bloodwarder - Netherstorm - 54.10%
69 - Sunfury Bowman - Netherstorm - 54.80%
68 - Sunfury Captain - Netherstorm - 58.50%
69 - Sunfury Centurion - Netherstorm - 47.00%
69 - Sunfury Conjurer - Netherstorm - 55.30%
68 - Sunfury Flamekeeper - Netherstorm - 56.20%
68 - Sunfury Geologist - Netherstorm - 58.80%
68 - Sunfury Magister - Netherstorm - 54.90%
70 - Sunfury Nethermancer - Netherstorm - 54.60%
68 - Sunfury Warp-Engineer - Netherstorm - 51.90%
68 - Sunfury Warp-Master - Netherstorm - 57.70%
69 - Terrorguard Protector - Netherstorm - 53.10%
70 - Warden Icoshock - Netherstorm - 63.60%
69 - Warp-Gate Engineer - Netherstorm - 43.00%
69 - Warp-Raider Nesaad - Netherstorm - 55.40%
68 - Zaxxis Raider - Netherstorm - 51.70%
68 - Zaxxis Stalker - Netherstorm - 55.50%

Terokkar Forest
65 - Accursed Apparition - Terokkar Forest - 89.80%
64 - Auchenai Death-Speaker - Terokkar Forest - 58.10%
65 - Auchenai Doomsayer - Terokkar Forest - 61.30%
66 - Auchenai Initiate - Terokkar Forest - 60.30%
64 - Bonechewer Backbreaker - Terokkar Forest - 32.00%
64 - Bonechewer Devastator - Terokkar Forest - 32.10%
65 - Boulderfist Invader - Terokkar Forest - 34.10%
65 - Broken Skeleton - Terokkar Forest - 32.70%
64 - Cabal Abjurist - Terokkar Forest - 33.10%
63 - Cabal Initiate - Terokkar Forest - 32.00%
65 - Cabal Interrogator - Terokkar Forest - 29.40%
63 - Cabal Skirmisher - Terokkar Forest - 30.80%
63 - Cabal Spell-weaver - Terokkar Forest - 29.30%
64 - Cabal Tomb-Raider - Terokkar Forest - 32.70%
64 - Deathtalon Spirit - Terokkar Forest - 33.30%
65 - Ethereal Arcanist - Terokkar Forest - 33.60%
65 - Ethereal Nethermancer - Terokkar Forest - 32.00%
65 - Ethereal Plunderer - Terokkar Forest - 29.60%
64 - Firewing Bloodwarder - Terokkar Forest - 31.00%
64 - Firewing Courier - Terokkar Forest - 33.60%
64 - Firewing Defender - Terokkar Forest - 31.80%
64 - Firewing Warlock - Terokkar Forest - 31.20%
65 - Lithic Oracle - Terokkar Forest - 34.00%
64 - Lithic Talonguard - Terokkar Forest - 31.90%
65 - Lost Spirit - Terokkar Forest - 33.50%
64 - Screeching Spirit - Terokkar Forest - 30.60%
65 - Shadowy Hunter - Terokkar Forest - 31.60%
65 - Shalassi Oracle - Terokkar Forest - 30.80%
64 - Shalassi Talonguard - Terokkar Forest - 31.90%
63 - Shienor Sorcerer - Terokkar Forest - 32.70%
63 - Shienor Talonite - Terokkar Forest - 32.10%
63 - Shienor Wing Guard - Terokkar Forest - 32.10%
64 - Skithian Dreadhawk - Terokkar Forest - 31.30%
64 - Skithian Windripper - Terokkar Forest - 32.50%
63 - Tuurem Hunter - Terokkar Forest - 31.60%
63 - Tuurem Scavenger - Terokkar Forest - 33.10%
65 - Vengeful Draenei - Terokkar Forest - 30.70%
66 - Vengeful Husk - Terokkar Forest - 62.10%
63 - Warped Peon - Terokkar Forest - 32.20%
63 - Wrekt Seer - Terokkar Forest - 31.60%
65 - Wrekt Warrior - Terokkar Forest - 35.50%

67 - Agitated Orc Spirit - Nagrand - 52.90%
65 - Boulderfist Crusher - Nagrand - 31.40%
65 - Boulderfist Hunter - Nagrand - 52.90%
66 - Boulderfist Mage - Nagrand - 55.60%
65 - Boulderfist Mystic - Nagrand - 32.50%
66 - Boulderfist Warrior - Nagrand - 55.50%
68 - Gan'arg Tinkerer - Nagrand - 57.80%
66 - Kil'sorrow Cultist - Nagrand - 49.90%
66 - Kil'sorrow Deathsworn - Nagrand - 58.40%
68 - Kil'sorrow Ritualist - Nagrand - 56.80%
67 - Kil'sorrow Spellbinder - Nagrand - 55.00%
67 - Murkblood Brute - Nagrand - 58.70%
67 - Murkblood Invader - Nagrand - 42.80%
65 - Murkblood Putrifier - Nagrand - 59.80%
67 - Murkblood Raider - Nagrand - 58.90%
68 - Terrorguard - Nagrand - 59.30%
67 - Vir'aani Arcanist - Nagrand - 55.90%
66 - Vir'aani Raider - Nagrand - 56.00%
66 - Voidspawn - Nagrand - 60.60%
67 - Warmaul Brute - Nagrand - 52.40%
66 - Warmaul Chef Bufferlo - Nagrand - 81.10%
66 - Warmaul Reaver - Nagrand - 57.20%
66 - Warmaul Shaman - Nagrand - 55.20%
67 - Warmaul Warlock - Nagrand - 52.70%
65 - Windyreed Scavenger - Nagrand - 34.10%
65 - Windyreed Wretch - Nagrand - 34.40%

Shadowmoon Valley
69 - Ashtongue Handler - Shadowmoon Valley - 37.00%
70 - Ashtongue Shaman - Shadowmoon Valley - 59.30%
70 - Ashtongue Warrior - Shadowmoon Valley - 48.20%
69 - Ashtongue Worker - Shadowmoon Valley - 57.90%
68 - Dark Conclave Harbinger - Shadowmoon Valley - 62.00%
67 - Dark Conclave Hawkeye - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.80%
68 - Dark Conclave Ravenguard - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.40%
68 - Dark Conclave Scorncrow - Shadowmoon Valley - 48.40%
68 - Dark Conclave Shadowmancer - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.10%
67 - Dark Conclave Talonite - Shadowmoon Valley - 56.70%
69 - Deathforge Guardian - Shadowmoon Valley - 48.90%
69 - Deathforge Smith - Shadowmoon Valley - 52.20%
69 - Deathforge Summoner - Shadowmoon Valley - 48.30%
69 - Deathforge Tinkerer - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.50%
70 - Demon Hunter Initiate - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.90%
72 - Dragonmaw Overseer - Shadowmoon Valley - 81.20%
70 - Dragonmaw Subjugator - Shadowmoon Valley - 42.10%
69 - Dragonmaw Wrangler - Shadowmoon Valley - 60.40%
69 - Eclipsion Cavalier - Shadowmoon Valley - 54.10%
69 - Eclipsion Soldier - Shadowmoon Valley - 54.10%
69 - Eclipsion Spellbinder - Shadowmoon Valley - 59.10%
69 - Illidari Dreadbringer - Shadowmoon Valley - 54.80%
69 - Illidari Overseer - Shadowmoon Valley - 57.60%
69 - Illidari Painlasher - Shadowmoon Valley - 52.20%
69 - Illidari Satyr - Shadowmoon Valley - 56.50%
69 - Illidari Shadowstalker - Shadowmoon Valley - 51.10%
69 - Illidari Shocktrooper - Shadowmoon Valley - 57.60%
67 - Mo'arg Weaponsmith - Shadowmoon Valley - 44.40%
70 - Ravenous Flayer - Shadowmoon Valley - 57.50%
69 - Rocknail Flayer - Shadowmoon Valley - 65.00%
69 - Rocknail Ripper - Shadowmoon Valley - 66.80%
67 - Shadow Council Warlock - Shadowmoon Valley - 48.40%
70 - Shadowmoon Chosen - Shadowmoon Valley - 51.90%
70 - Shadowmoon Darkweaver - Shadowmoon Valley - 44.50%
69 - Shadowmoon Slayer - Shadowmoon Valley - 50.90%
68 - Sunfury Blood Lord - Shadowmoon Valley - 51.10%
68 - Sunfury Eradicator - Shadowmoon Valley - 52.90%
70 - Sunfury Summoner - Shadowmoon Valley - 57.10%
70 - Sunfury Warlock - Shadowmoon Valley - 45.90%
68 - Terrormaster - Shadowmoon Valley - 46.70%
68 - Wrathwalker - Shadowmoon Valley - 54.40%

Blade's Edge Mountains
68 - Anger Guard - Blade's Edge Mountains - 43.90%
66 - Bladespire Brute - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.00%
66 - Bladespire Champion - Blade's Edge Mountains - 53.30%
66 - Bladespire Cook - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.20%
67 - Bladespire Crusher - Blade's Edge Mountains - 61.20%
67 - Bladespire Mystic - Blade's Edge Mountains - 53.50%
66 - Bladespire Shaman - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.80%
66 - Bloodmaul Brewmaster - Blade's Edge Mountains - 53.50%
66 - Bloodmaul Brute - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.80%
66 - Bloodmaul Drudger - Blade's Edge Mountains - 52.40%
66 - Bloodmaul Geomancer - Blade's Edge Mountains - 49.00%
67 - Bloodmaul Mauler - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.30%
66 - Bloodmaul Shaman - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.00%
66 - Bloodmaul Skirmisher - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.40%
67 - Bloodmaul Warlock - Blade's Edge Mountains - 50.80%
68 - Boulder'mok Brute - Blade's Edge Mountains - 50.00%
68 - Boulder'mok Shaman - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.40%
67 - Crystal Flayer - Blade's Edge Mountains - 90.30%
68 - Deathforge Over-Smith - Blade's Edge Mountains - 49.80%
68 - Deathforge Technician - Blade's Edge Mountains - 50.20%
68 - Death's Might - Blade's Edge Mountains - 50.10%
68 - Doomforge Attendant - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.30%
68 - Doomforge Engineer - Blade's Edge Mountains - 57.20%
66 - Dullgrom Dredger - Blade's Edge Mountains - 83.80%
67 - Fel Corrupter - Blade's Edge Mountains - 47.80%
67 - Grimnok Battleborn - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.20%
68 - Grishna Falconwing - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.90%
68 - Grishna Harbinger - Blade's Edge Mountains - 60.70%
68 - Grishna Scorncrow - Blade's Edge Mountains - 53.00%
66 - Lashh'an Talonite - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.40%
66 - Lashh'an Windwalker - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.20%
66 - Lashh'an Wing Guard - Blade's Edge Mountains - 52.30%
68 - Razaani Nexus Stalker - Blade's Edge Mountains - 53.20%
68 - Razaani Raider - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.90%
68 - Razaani Spell-Thief - Blade's Edge Mountains - 52.60%
67 - Ruuan'ok Cloudgazer - Blade's Edge Mountains - 52.10%
67 - Ruuan'ok Matriarch - Blade's Edge Mountains - 55.70%
67 - Ruuan'ok Ravenguard - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.50%
67 - Ruuan'ok Skyfury - Blade's Edge Mountains - 58.30%
68 - Scorch Imp - Blade's Edge Mountains - 58.60%
66 - Vekh'nir Dreadhawk - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.30%
66 - Vekh'nir Keeneye - Blade's Edge Mountains - 48.50%
66 - Vekh'nir Stormcaller - Blade's Edge Mountains - 46.10%
68 - Wyrmcult Blessed - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.90%
67 - Wyrmcult Hewer - Blade's Edge Mountains - 56.90%
67 - Wyrmcult Hunter - Blade's Edge Mountains - 62.30%
66 - Wyrmcult Poacher - Blade's Edge Mountains - 54.30%

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1 Comment
Posted on 08 April 2008 at 20:53:18 by Anonym.  0/5

lol thx this really help ty :and again evry 1 else does it so i might as well lol [feu] [feu]

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