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topleft icon Engineering 1 to 300 Guide topright icon
Posted on 17 April 2007 at 16:35:17 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Engineering 1 to 300 Powerlvl Guide

1 - 40
Rough Blasting Powder (1 x Rough Stone)

40 - 50
Handful of Copper Bolt (1 x Copper Bar)

50 - 51
Arclight Spanner (6 x Copper Bar)

51 - 65
Copper Tubes (2 x Copper Bar, 1 x Weak Flux)

65 - 75
Rough Boom Sticks (1 x Copper Tube, 1 x Handful of Copper Bolts, 1 x WoodenStock)

75 - 95
Coarse Blasting Powder (1 x Coarse Stone)

95 - 105
Silver Contacts (1 x Silver Bar)

105 - 120
Bronze Tubes (2 x Bronze Bar, 1 x Weak Flux)

120 - 125
Small Bronze Bombs (1 x Wool Cloth, 1 x Silver Contact, 4 x Coarse BlastingPowder, 2 x Bronze Bar)

125 - 145
Heavy Blasting Powder (1 x Heavy Stone)

145 - 150
Big Bronze Bombs (2 x Heavy Blasting Powder, 3 x Bronze Bar, 1x Silver Contact)

150 - 175
Blue, Green or Red Fireworks (1 x Heavy Leather, 1 x Heavy Blasting Powder)

175 - 176
Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor (4x Steel Bar)

176 - 190
Solid Blasting Powder (2 x Solid Stone)

190 - 195
Big Iron Bomb (3 x Iron Bar, 3 x Heavy Blasting Powder, 1 x Silver Contact)

195 - 205
Mithril Tubes (3 x Mithril Bar)

205 - 210
Unstable Triggers (1 x Mithril Bar, 1 x Mageweave Cloth, 1 x Solid BlastingPowder)

210 - 225
Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs (1 x Mithril Bar, 1 x Solid Blasting Powder)

225 - 235
Mithril Casings (3 x Mithril Bar)

235 - 245
Hi-Explosive Bomb (2 x Mithril Casings, 1 x Unstable Trigger, 2 x Solid BlastingPowder)

245 - 250
Mithril Gyro-Shot (2 x Mithril Bar, 2 x Solid Blasting Powder)

250 - 260
Dense Blasting Powder (2 x Dense Stone)

260 - 290
Thorium Widget (3 x Thorium Bar, 1 x Runecloth)

If you find the schematic for Thorium Shells make those all the way to 300.It’s cheaper. But if you don’t then do the following:

290 - 300
Thorium Tubes (6 x Thorium Bar)

Approximate Materials Required

90 x Rough Stones
80 x Coarse Stones
75 x Heavy Stones
90 x Solid Stones
50 x Dense Stones
10 x Wooden Stock
29 x Weak Flux
50 x Heavy Leather
10 x Wool Cloth
10 x Mageweave Cloth
33 x Runecloth
51 x Copper Bars
10 x Silver Bars
55 x Bronze Bars
19 x Iron Bars
4 x Steel Bars
126 x Mithril Bars
159 x Thorium Bars

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1 Comment - 5/5 - Votes : 1
Posted on 02 April 2008 at 09:31:17 by Anonym.  5/5

Yarak yimiş senin guide bi sikime yaramıo

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