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Planetary Resources - Raw Materials

Name  Image  Attributes   
Aqueous Liquids 
(View Schematic)
 Aqueous Liquids   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Barren, Temperate, Storm, Oceanic, Ice, Gas
Extractor Type: Aqueous Liquid Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Water
(View Schematic)
 Autotrophs   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Temperate
Extractor Type: Temperate Autotrophs Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Industrial Fibers
Base Metals 
(View Schematic)
 Base Metals   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Lava, Plasma, Barren, Storm, Gas
Extractor Type: Base Metals Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Reactive Metals
Carbon Compounds 
(View Schematic)
 Carbon Compounds   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Barren, Temperate, Oceanic
Extractor Type: Carbon Compounds Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Biofuels
Complex Organisms 
(View Schematic)
 Complex Organisms   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Temperate, Oceanic
Extractor Type: Complex Organisms Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Proteins
Felsic Magma 
(View Schematic)
 Felsic Magma   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Lava
Extractor Type: Lava Felsic Magma Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Silicon
Heavy Metals 
(View Schematic)
 Heavy Metals   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Lava, Plasma, Ice
Extractor Type: Heavy Metal Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Toxic Metals
Ionic Solutions 
(View Schematic)
 Ionic Solutions   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Storm, Gas
Extractor Type: Ionic Solutions Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Electrolytes
Micro Organisms 
(View Schematic)
 Micro Organisms   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Ice, Barren, Temperate, Oceanic
Extractor Type: Micro Organisms Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Bacteria
Noble Gas 
(View Schematic)
 Noble Gas   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Ice, Storm, Gas
Extractor Type: Noble Gas Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Oxygen
Noble Metals 
(View Schematic)
 Noble Metals   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Plasma, Barren
Extractor Type: Noble Metals Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Precious Metals
Non-CS Crystals 
(View Schematic)
 Non-CS Crystals   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Lava, Plasma
Extractor Type: Non-CS Crystals Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Chiral Structures
Planktic Colonies 
(View Schematic)
 Planktic Colonies   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Ice, Oceanic
Extractor Type: Planktic Colonies 
Used to manufacture: Biomass
Reactive Gas 
(View Schematic)
 Reactive Gas   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Gas
Extractor Type: Reactive Gas Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Oxidizing Compound
Suspended Plasma 
(View Schematic)
 Suspended Plasma   0.01 m3 Planets with resource: Plasma, Lava, Storm
Extractor Type: Suspended Plasma Extractor 
Used to manufacture: Plasmoids


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