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Proteus - T3 Config Tool

Ships: Tengu | Proteus | Loki | Legion

Select a subsystem from each color group and then press the view button at the bottom for bio / stat sheet!

Defensive Subsystems
Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating Bonus:
5% bonus to all armor hitpoints
5% bonus to the benefits of overheating armor hardeners




Cargo Capacity HP EM Shield Resistance Explosion Shield Resistance Kinetic Shield Resistance Thermal Sheild Resistance Shield Recharge Timer HP EM Armor Resistance Explosive Armor Resistance Kinetic Armor Resistance Thermal Armor Resistance High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Signature Radius
300   0   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 0 1000   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 0 1 1 10 m

Proteus Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Bonus:
10% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
7.5% bonus to the benefits of overheating Armor Repairers

Role Bonus:
100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement
10+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength
Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds




Cargo Capacity HP EM Shield Resistance Explosion Shield Resistance Kinetic Shield Resistance Thermal Sheild Resistance Shield Recharge Timer HP EM Armor Resistance Explosive Armor Resistance Kinetic Armor Resistance Thermal Armor Resistance High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Signature Radius
330   500   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 0 600   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 1 1 2 5 m

Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector Bonus:
10% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
10% bonus to the benefits of overheating Armor Repairers




Cargo Capacity HP EM Shield Resistance Explosion Shield Resistance Kinetic Shield Resistance Thermal Sheild Resistance Shield Recharge Timer HP EM Armor Resistance Explosive Armor Resistance Kinetic Armor Resistance Thermal Armor Resistance High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Signature Radius
300   100   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 0 500   0 %   0 %   0 %   0 % 0 2 2 0 m

Offensive Subsystems
Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector   Bonus:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed
10% bonus to Drone damage and hitpoints
5% bonus to Drone velocity and tracking speed

Role Bonus:
25% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Medium Hybrid Turrets
Drones Slots Hardpoints CPUPG
Drone Capacity Drone bandwidth High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Launcher Hardpoint Turret Hardpoint CPUPowergrid
250 m3 100 Mbit/sec 6 0 0 0 5 40130 m3  

Proteus Offensive - Hybrid Encoding Platform   Bonus:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret falloff
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed

Role Bonus:
25% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Medium Hybrid Turrets
Drones Slots Hardpoints CPUPG 
Drone Capacity Drone bandwidth High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Launcher Hardpoint Turret Hardpoint CPUPowergridCapacitor Cap
50 m3 25 Mbit/sec 7 0 0 0 6 110330 m3100  

Proteus Offensive - Support Processor   Bonus:
2% bonus to Armored Command, Information Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repair activation cost
10% bonus to the benefits of overheating Remote Armor Repairer modules

Role Bonus:
75% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Medium Remote Armor Repairer modules
95% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Command Burst modules
20% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range
1150% bonus to Remote Armor Repair falloff
Can use one Command Burst module
50% bonus to Command Burst module
Drones Slots Hardpoints  
Drone Capacity Drone bandwidth High Slot Mid Slot Low Slot Launcher Hardpoint Turret Hardpoint Capacitor Cap
75 m3 50 Mbit/sec 7 0 0 0 4 100  

Propulsion Subsystems
Proteus Propulsion - Hyperspatial Optimization   Bonus:
7.5% bonus to ship agility
10% bonus to warp velocity and acceleration
7.5% bonus to ship agility
10% bonus to warp velocity and acceleration
Max Velocity Inertia Modifier Low SlotMid Slot
0 0 20

Proteus Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier   Bonus:
10% bonus to warp velocity and acceleration
15% reduction in capacitor need when initiating warp

Role Bonus:
Immunity to non-targeted interdiction
Max Velocity Inertia Modifier Low SlotMid Slot
0 0.1 10

Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors   Bonus:
15% reduction in Afterburner and Microwarpdrive capacitor consumption
10% bonus to the benefits of overheating Afterburners and Microwarpdrive
Max Velocity Inertia Modifier Low SlotMid Slot
0 0 11

Core Subsystems
Proteus Core - Augmented Fusion Reactor   Bonus:
5% bonus to capacitor recharge time
3% bonus to energy warfare resistance

Role Bonus:
20% bonus to ship power output
Powergrid Capacitor Cap Max Locked Mid Slot Low Slot
20 50 0 2 2

Proteus Core - Electronic Efficiency Gate   Bonus:
15% bonus to ship sensor strength
5% bonus to max targeting range

Role Bonus:
25% bonus to ship CPU output
Powergrid Capacitor Cap Max Locked Mid Slot Low Slot
0 0 1 2 2

Proteus Core - Friction Extension Processor   Bonus:
7.5% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor range
15% bonus to the benefits of overheating Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor modules
5% reduction in module damage from overheating
Powergrid Capacitor Cap Max Locked Mid Slot Low Slot
0 0 0 2 2

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