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Insignia Database: features description, campaign, class, bonus for insignias
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Insignia: |
Windwalker |
Description: |
Windwalker Insignia is a dervish specific upgrade component that provides an armor bonus of 5 extra armor for each enchantment on you (maximum 20 extra armor). This bonus is not global and applies only to the armor piece equipped with the insignia. This insignia only drops in Nightfall and can only be used by dervishes. |
Class: |
Dervish |
Campaign: |
Nightfall |
Armor +5 while affected by 1 or more Enchantment Spells
Armor +5 while affected by 2 or more Enchantment Spells
Armor +5 while affected by 3 or more Enchantment Spells
Armor +5 while affected by 4 or more Enchantment Spells
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