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Websites > Greek Links > Greek Artists Sites > P - Last Name Starts with P > Pashalis

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Title Pashalis & Olympians 1966-1989 - 5 CD set
Description CD:1 OLYMPIANS The Hit Singles 1966-1972
- O tropos
- To sholio [lonesome traveller]
- Signomi
- Anamnisi
- Siga siga
- Istoria
- O Alexis
- Meine konta mou
- To koritsi tou Mai
- Tora pou efige o Alexis
- Lola
- Megalos dromos
- Girise piso
- Perifanoi oloi
- Efhes gia sas
- Mammy Blue
- H sindrofia mas
- Kapote tha'rthi mia mera
- O tropos

CD:2 PASHALIS (1973-1976)
- Akouse me
- Bye bye love
- Souzan
- Ipa mia mera
- Pateras ke gios
- Filoi & adelfoi
- Oi dinatoi tis gis
- Ourane pou pernas
- To tragoudi mou
- Hthes, esi ki ego
- Mes sto dromo
- Meine konta mou
- O Maria
- Na na na
- Htan anoixi
- Dekaexi meres
- To patari
- Glikia zoi
- Pote tha'rthis
- Ise afti pou agapo

CD:3 PASHALIS (1977-1980)
- Mathima solfes
- Pos
- Ti ta thelis tora
- I love, I love, I love
- Music lesson
- An mia mera sa haso
- Tha to peis
- Mono esi, mono esi
- Kopakambana
- H trompeta
- Makari
- Se thelo pio poli
- Mi lipase
- Tora ein'arga
- Fige se parakalo
- Gi'afto loipon Maria
- Apopse
- H zoi mou hamogelase
- Pou
- O mikros Hristos

CD:4 PASHALIS (1981-1989)
- An ke na borousa
- De m'agapas
- Ego zografisa ti gi
- Ta diastimoploia
- Diahroniko
- Paradosou loipon
- Trifera
- Sto baraki
- Agkaze
- Katerina Katerinaki
- Pes, pes, pes mou
- Tzoanna [live]
- Pehnidi erotiko
- Tolmira
- Mi me martirisis
- Riskaro
- Thelo na foras, mono t'aroma sou
- Stigmes

CD:5 OLYMPIANS The B Sides 1966-1972
- Simbosio
- Go man, go
- One more time
- Hopeless endless way
- Panta s'agapo
- Se skeftome
- Elipes
- Gia poia aitia
- Milise ligo
- Tora mi figis
- Pernoun ta hronia
- Grapse st'asteria t'onoma sou
- Pseftiki aitheia
- O Thee
- Idea
- Kalokerino ageri
- Mes ston kathrefti den ise esi
- Mikri zografia
- Koritsaki
- Oneira perimenontas

Hits 13
Category Pashalis
URL http://www.greekshops.com/detail.aspx?ProdID=0602517364172&RefID=377
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