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  > Earth and Beyond Forum - Static Guild
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Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | New 10
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status icon feelings gif  Site has been updated page gif 1
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07/11/2002 18:28:35
14 27712 Karwen "SADA_TEI... I
05/12/2002 18:17:32
status icon feelings gif  Yey, on 1 hr to pvp ;)
not valid icon
17/12/2002 09:58:46
6 16449 Rath 12 pst is midday california time..........
17/12/2002 11:20:57
status icon feelings gif  NEWS FLASH!!!
not valid icon
17/12/2002 11:25:22
2 11797 Magi if santa is targetable hes gonna die .....
17/12/2002 11:35:29
status icon feelings gif  Hello Static
not valid icon
21/12/2002 19:42:31
2 14431 Prodgen Yeop!!
26/12/2002 15:15:55
status icon feelings gif  Hey everyone! help for a newbie ;)
not valid icon
22/12/2002 15:04:33
2 17605 ErisBlack Welcome to the greatest guild around :)...
23/12/2002 16:01:55
status icon feelings gif  Ihhha
not valid icon
28/12/2002 11:24:03
0 13740 bjugiz Tada-o is going down  All try to be redy...
28/12/2002 11:24:03
status icon feelings gif  find and add me ...Deathsvenom
not valid icon
28/12/2002 19:33:13
0 13852 Deathsvenom 
28/12/2002 19:33:13
status icon feelings gif  find and add me ...Deathsvenom
not valid icon
28/12/2002 19:34:17
3 14331 Deathsvenom ok well if i
05/09/2003 02:48:23
status icon feelings gif  Won't Be around that much
not valid icon
07/01/2003 08:54:04
3 19959 Akaasha That is not true I am married and have a...
09/01/2003 18:16:01
status icon feelings gif  I'm gone.
not valid icon
19/01/2003 11:18:21
5 18098 Prodgen man! all you progen are alike!
20/01/2003 13:51:01
status icon feelings gif  IIhha
not valid icon
22/01/2003 09:59:45
1 14459 Magi go to time.gov for offical USA times
23/01/2003 13:29:11
status icon feelings gif  Playtime with E&B page gif 1 2
not valid icon
24/01/2003 06:04:27
12 27292 Hailrazertt Ahh... poor Vazzy... I got some flawless...
14/02/2003 21:55:20
status icon feelings gif  -
not valid icon
28/01/2003 04:32:47
2 14857 vazz Uhm, well it was a reply to Prodgen
29/01/2003 04:19:17
status icon feelings gif  Bored!
not valid icon
01/02/2003 00:08:05
1 13972 vazz Uhm, I think you need to set goals for yourself.....
03/02/2003 08:21:23
status icon feelings gif  New uber weapons
not valid icon
11/02/2003 23:05:27
1 16834 Prodgen send it to magi
22/02/2003 12:48:36
status icon feelings gif  HI every one
not valid icon
12/02/2003 11:04:50
1 13870 Hailrazertt Umm... how about 5 million dollars... jk...
14/02/2003 21:50:47
status icon feelings gif  Pssts
not valid icon
11/03/2003 22:28:33
2 12486 Plasmawolf Mixmasterwill asked that question and they...
22/05/2003 22:40:41
status icon feelings gif  More uber items
not valid icon
12/03/2003 10:50:52
9 21160 Banes banes is banes!? rofl so strav wtf with...
22/03/2003 22:06:28
status icon feelings gif  Static Recruiting
not valid icon
17/05/2003 16:11:55
1 14769 Magi recruit me recruit me .. o wait .. lol im...
17/05/2003 17:47:21
status icon feelings gif  Congrats to Ramstein, our newly elected leader!
not valid icon
20/05/2003 09:43:41
4 19034 Ramstein NP Thanks - I
26/05/2003 05:16:02
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