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  > World of Warcraft - Forum
    > Raids
      > Suggestion: Credit System for guild growth
Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | New 10
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1 Author Message

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Novice Novice

19 May 2005

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22 June 2005
United States of America United States of America
Status:Freeze - Offline
Posted on 23 May 2005 at 02:15:40 
Magi, my english is not good, hope u can understand what i mean.

Guild is made up by member, how to make member feel good to work together is the key to attact and keep the member. Officers is one way to organize the guild, and keep the member. therefore, their personality need to be repected by member, have good online rate, and availablity. however, if just base on comment from officer to value the other member is not quantitative enough, so i suggest a system to value how much contribution do member give to guild, this system will also encourage member to do more.

Credit System:
it is like a economic system. The guild bank is like our central bank in united state. It have the right to make credits, just like the treasury do. The bank can use the credit to buy things and missions from guild members.

Guild Request: UBRS key finding group -- 10 creidt
guild Request: n stack of healing/ mana por -- 1 credit
guild Request: 16 slot bag *4 for 1 credit
guild Request: 10g for 1 credit
guild Request: essence of fire for 1 credit

in this way, like this to buy something for the large guild raid. and collect mats to craft item.

guild acution: set piece for 10 credit
guild acution: craft epic belt for 20 credit

in this way, the bank can sell the item back to the member for a reasonable price, it may cheaper than the AH.

moreover, Member can also request for a item raid, like blue set item. Like
Member request: scholo head piece farming for 1 creidt to who need nothing in scholo.

up to now, the credit just like a currency can be used in the guild.
To prevent the Free transfer of credit to make monopoly, like some guild will more like to be a business person than acutually working in the guild to get credit, therefore, Member request are need to be approved before it make the credit tranafer. so the credit u own will hopefully show how much contribution to the guild.

Finally, the credit system can solve the problem of who got invite to the high-end instance raid.
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25 December 2004

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Status:Magi - Offline
Posted on 23 May 2005 at 13:53:53 
How will we keep track of the system, who will update / keep the information current...

This will be very difficut to put into place....

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Novice Novice

19 May 2005

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22 June 2005
United States of America United States of America
Status:Freeze - Offline
Posted on 23 May 2005 at 14:00:46 
Modified on 23 May 2005 at 14:23:05

can we use a Excel file ro do it?
or use the program which is used to handle DKP, but use it to handle credit?
or we can use the member list function in this site, add a columan title call credit to handle it. update it once a week?
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