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Posted on 07 October 2007 at 02:57:15 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

/say Send message to all players on the current map - will be radius
/s Send message to all players on the current map - will be radius
/local Send message to all players on the current map - will be radius
/t Send message to trade channel
/tell Send message to specific player
/send Send message to specific player
/whisper Send message to specific player
/w Send message to specific player
/group Send message to party
/g Send message to party
/party Send message to party
/p Send message to party
/shout Send message to map
/yell Send message to map
/y Send message to map
/addfriend add the named player to your friends list
/friend add the named player to your friends list
/removefriend remove the named player to your friends list
/ignore ignore the named player so that no more messages can be sent from that player to you
/addignore ignore the named player so that no more messages can be sent from that player to you
/removeignore stop ignoring the named player
Clan / Party
/invite Invites targeted character to the current group (Leader only)
/groupinvite Invites targeted character to the current group (Leader only)
/partyinvite Invites targeted character to the current group (Leader only)
/ginvite Invites targeted character to the current group (Leader only)
/pinvite Invites targeted character to the current group (Leader only)
/kick Removes targeted party member from the group
/gkick Removes targeted party member from the group
/pkick Removes targeted party member from the group
/groupkick Removes targeted party member from the group
/partykick Removes targeted party member from the group
/leave Leave the group
/groupleave Leave the group
/partyleave Leave the group
/gleave Leave the group
/pleave Leave the group
/disband Disband the group (group leader only)
/groupdisband Disband the group (group leader only)
/partydisband Disband the group (group leader only)
/gdisband Disband the group (group leader only)
/pdisband Disband the group (group leader only)
/clandisband Disband the clan (clan leader only)
/disbandclan Disband the clan (clan leader only)
/claninvite Invite the selected player
/addclan Invite the selected player
/inviteclan Invite the selected player
/clankick Kick the selected player out of the clan
/kickclan Kick the selected player out of the clan
/clanleave Leave your current clan
/loc Lists the X,Y,Z coordinates of your position on the server
/stuck Go to nearest startpoint
/filter Toggles the profanity filter (note: not actually implemented)
/clientversion Display the version of the client
/ver Display the client version
/cver Display the version of the client
/serverversion Display the version of the server
/sver Display the version of the server
Customer Service
/bug Submit a bug request
/petition Submit a petition to the NCCS server. Like /bug, but message is treated as a petition rather than a bug.
/q Exit game
/quit Exit game
/logout Exit game
/exit Exit game
/camp Exit game

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission. All rights reserved


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