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topleft icon The Tabula Rasa Guide to Foreas topright icon
Posted on 06 October 2007 at 18:31:07 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend


One of the first worlds visited by Humans, Foreas is a lush, green habitable world dominated by sprawling forests of tall trees and massive canopies. In many places the land is rugged, even mountainous, with the planet’s flora insisting on growing nearly everywhere, except the highest elevations. Various forms of moss and plants cover even sheer cliffs. If there was ever a notion of a rich, bountiful forest world, Foreas is it.

Foreas - 1

Water is also abundant; the rugged terrain forms areas around high prominences where humidity naturally coalesces into large, billowing clouds that typically fill the skies. Rivers, high waterfalls, and numerous lakes crisscross the land, while closer to the equator some of these lands are more swamp-like and humid. When the sky is clear, one can see three dead moons that surround Foreas, the bright orange sun and perhaps the looming Bane Shard-ship, their orbital staging area and strategic base for their invasion.

Foreas - 2

The Foreans are the singular sentient species on Foreas, though technically speaking they are not native to the planet. Millennia ago, the Eloh came across a race that had practically destroyed their own world environmentally through misuse of natural resources and recklessness with technological advances. The Eloh used their extensive Logos powers to move the remaining population to the planet Foreas. With a newfound respect for this beautiful planet and their second chance at existence as a race, they became what Humans refer to as the Foreans. While the Foreans are not strangers to Humans (the Corman group had crash-landed a stolen Bane ship on Foreas decades earlier and formed a non-violent co-op), and they had helped form the Allied Free Sentients, the Foreans remain highly suspicious of the new wave of Humans.

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Foreas has two major landmasses of interest: Concordia, which is highly representative of Foreas as a whole (huge forests, thick canopies, rocky escarpments, swift rivers and waterfalls) and Valverde, which is dominated by higher humidity and closer proximity to the equator (filled with swamps, marshes, wetlands and vibrant pools of water). Cartographers spread each landmass into a number of geographical regions, six of which are readily accessible. None of the these areas are untouched by war; there are places that have been corrupted and poisoned by the Bane, while vicinities around the front lines and forward bases are scorched and scarred from constant battle.

Foreas - 5

AFS members will first arrive on Foreas in Concordia Wilderness, located in the northwestern area of the continent currently under AFS control. Subsequently, Concordia Wilderness represents Foreas in its most untouched, natural state. It’s a heavily forested area that contains a Forean village, Alia Das, a Human military base camp, and vital clues regarding Eloh Artifacts. On the other side of the landmass, far to the southeast, is Concordia Palisades, where the Bane have cut a huge swath through the forest for their localized base of operations. Concordia Divide splits the landmass down the middle, through which the River Concord flows.

Foreas 3

The second landmass of interest is Valverde. While swamps, wetlands and jungle-like forests dominate much of the continent, operations with high-tech equipment in this environment are nearly impossible to sustain. However, as the Bane have an interest in the area, so must the AFS. Both have bases in the Valverde Plateau, which is elevated above much of the surrounding area and doesn’t suffer from the same issues as the lowlands. East of the Plateau is the Valverde Marshes, which are dotted with Forean settlements and outposts, keeping a careful eye on the Bane supply depot located nearby. To the south lies the Valverde Pools, an area of step-like cliffs and cascading pools that lead down to more swampland that is crawling with Bane activity and Eloh relics.

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission. All rights reserved

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