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Rogue FAQ v4
VII. Lockpicking and Pickpocketing
Q: Where do I get the Lockpicking quest?
A: Once you train the ability Lockpicking at level 16, you can get the quest. Alliance characters will first talk to the SI-7 operatives in the Stormwind Barracks before going to Lakeshire. Horde players can get their quest in the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar. For both of these quests, near the chest you need to pick there are practice chests which respawn quickly.
Q: Where do I get the "Thieves' Tools" required for lockpicking?
A: Your local "Shady Dealer" should have them in stock.
Q: Do the Thieves' Tools ever get used up?
A: No. You can pick locks with em for the life of your character :).
Q: What are things I can lockpick to gain skill?
A: You can pick practice locks from Engineers, lockboxes, junkboxes, certain chests, and doors in and around certain instances. Note that currently there appears to be a bug where you will never skillup from picking a lockbox in the "will not be traded" slot of the trade box.
Q: When can I lockpick X? What's a good way to level up lockpicking?
A: For a pretty good list of skill requirements and tips on leveling lockpicking, I'd suggest looking at Laenis' lockpicking thread here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-rogue&t=20276 Q: My lockpicking is capped at X, how do I raise the cap?
A: Your lockpicking cap is just 5x your level. When you level up, it will automatically raise. So, at level 20 you have a cap of 100 lockpicking, but when you ding 21 your cap will be raised to 105.
Q: What targets can I pickpocket?
A: Almost all targets which are classifed by the game as "Humanoid" can be pickpocketed. Some Undead and Dragonkin targets can be pickpocketed, as well, and it is likely there are some exceptions. If the target is invalid, you will be told that the target has no pockets to pick.
Q: What kind of items can I get from pickpocketing?
A: Usually, you'll just get coins, though junkboxes, food, and potions are fairly common, also. Sometimes, you'll get items which can only be pickpocketed, such as junk pocket watches, or the "How to Eat Man" cookbook. And if you're lucky, you might even get a gemstone or jewelry.
Q: Does pickpocketing an enemy take stuff that you would normally loot from the enemy when it is killed?
A: No. The pickpocket loot table is separate from the regular loot table.
Q: Do you have any tips for getting into position for pickpocketing?
A: The most important thing is to approach the target from behind. This will become much easier once you get the Distract ability.
Q: Can a pickpocket fail?
A: Yes, there is a chance that the pickpocket will be resisted. This chance is based on your level vs. the level of the enemy. If a pickpocket is resisted, the enemy will aggro you.
Q: Can I pickpocket other players?
A: No.