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topleft icon Rogue FAQ v4 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:59:15 by Chalon. | Print Articles Send To Friend

VI. Equipment

VI. Equipment
Q: What stats should I concentrate on raising through my equipment?

A: As a rogue, your most important stat is agility. Agility affects yout chance to crit and your chance to dodge. It also adds directly to your Attack Power and Armor Class.

As for your second most important stat, there are two schools of thought. The first is that your Stamina should be considered second, as each point in Stamina gives you 10 health points. The idea here is that more health means you will survive longer.

The other school of thought is that Strength is the second most important stat. Strength directly adds to your Attack Power. The idea here is that more Strength means you will kill faster.

Personally, I follow the Stamina school, but there are some compelling arguments from the Strength school.

As for Spirit and Intelligence, you can basically ignore them entirely.

Q: What ranged weapon should I use?

A: Most players will choose a gun, bow, or crossbow, as they can have + to stats, which will apply even when you're not using your ranged weapon.

Q: Where can I get the Shadowcraft set pieces?

A: This list is now complete!

Binds when Picked Up:
Tunic - General Drakkisath (Upper BRS)
Pants - Baron Rivendare (Stratholme)
Cap - Darkmaster Gandling (Scholomance)
Gloves - Shadowhunter Vosh'gajin (Lower BRS)
Boots - Rattlegore (Scholomance)
Shoulders - Cannon Master Willey (Stratholme)

Binds when Equipped:
Belt - Blackhand Assassins (Upper BRS)
Bracers - Smolderthorn Shadowhunters (Lower BRS)

Q: What are the Shadowcraft set bonuses?

A: I got this off of Allakhazam:

3 pieces: Increased Daggers +2.
5 pieces: Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 1%.
6 pieces: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
7 pieces: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
8 pieces: Increases your damage dealt with offhand attacks by 4%.

Q: How do I start the quest for the Breastplate of Bloodthirst?

A: To begin the quest, you have to go on an Upper Spire raid which kills The Beast. Then someone in the raid with 300 skinning has to use Finkle's Skinner (a drop from The Beast) to skin him. Then a gnome named Finkle will pop out and give you a quest to talk to Malyfous in Everlook. Once you talk to him, you have access to his catalogue, which will give you the quest for the Breastplate.

Q: Where can I get (insert item)?

A: There are a lot of items in the game, the best way to find where to get them is to ask a fellow player who has it, or to run a search on http://www.thottbot.com, which is a fairly large and accurate database of items, questions, professions, etc. Some folks may feel going on the aforementioned site is a spoiler, so use it at your own discretion.

Q: What are some things I can look at to determine where an item comes from?

A: If the item has a on it, it's player-crafted item.

If the item is Bind on Pickup (and doesn't have a Made by: on it), it means that it is either a drop from a specific named boss in an instance, or it's a quest reward.

If the item is Bind on Equip, it can mean a couple of things. One is that it's what is called a "world drop," meaning that it can drop from any enemy within a certain level range. These are the hardest to get yourself, since the odds of getting one specific item are pretty low. There are also two types of world drops. One is a world drop off of any enemy, and the other is a world drop off of enemies in an instnace. So, something like the Blackened Defias Boots is a instance world drop, but say, Widowmaker is a true world drop.

There is also another type of Bind on Equip item...which is one from a rare named enemy. There are some enemies in the world, like Skowl, which are on 24 hour or higher respawns which can drop good items. These enemies will always drop a blue or green item which is Bind on Equip.
Q: What daggers can I get from quests?

A: Though the number of good questable daggers are limited, there are a couple of very nice ones.

Alliance players in their mid-30s can get the Black Menace for completing the Scarlet Monestary quest, which requires you to kill 4 of the bosses there. Horde players in their late 40s can get the Hunt Tracker Blade from a quest in Badlands.

Both Horde and Alliance players can quest for the Lifeforce Dirk (early 50s, requires you to go to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar), and Darrowspike (60, requires you to go to Scholomance).

For a complete list of questable daggers, look at this search:

Q: What is your dream item?

A: Items make me sad :P. There's some really nice Rogue epics out there. Here's the current epic dagger everyone's talking about:

Gutgore Ripper
63 - 119 Damage Speed 1.80
(50.6 damage per second)
Requires Level 60
Chance On Hit: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy causing 75 Shadowdamage and lowering all stats by -25.

This drops off Sulfuron Harbinger, a boss in the Molten Core (40-person raid instance). Good luck!

<< V. Specific Talents VII. Poisons >>
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