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topleft icon Rogue FAQ v4 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:59:15 by Chalon. | Print Articles Send To Friend

V. Specific Talents

Q: What does the Master of Deception do?

A: It adds 3 points to your subtlety skill per point spent in the talent. So, at 5/5, you are effectively considered 3 levels higher for stealth checks.

Q: Is Imp. Sap required to be viable in high-end instances?

A: No. There are no talents we have that are absolute requirements for you to be an effective Rogue in high-end instances. While yes, Imp. Sap is a nice talent, you still are desired as DPS in a group if you don't have it. Plus, not having the talent does not mean you can't sap in an instance...it is very possible to work out a system with your group so you can sap pull without dying. If the talent fits into your build, then by all means pick it up. But, you don't need to make your build around it.

Q: Is the Camouflage 15% added onto your stealth speed, or just 15% faster?

A: It is 15% added. There was a little bit of confusion here, but I've had it verified in game that it does add on. So w/ level 60 stealth you move at 85%.

Q: Does Precision affect special attacks?

A: Honestly, I don't know. I would guess that it does, but it hasn't been proven one way or another. If you want to run some tests, go out there and tell me what happens! :)

Q: Are the crit/dodge/parry percents from talents added, or multiplied on?

A: They are added. So, say you have a 15% chance to crit. If you get Malice 5/5, you now have a 20% chance to crit. This also means that the 100% crit increase from Cold Blood gives you a guaranteed crit.
Q: Does Hemmorhage stack? How does it work exactly?

A: No, it does not stack. If it did, it would be insanely powerful :). As for how it works, bascially think of it as a temporary weapon damage enchantment.

Q: Is Cold Blood a "guaranteed" crit?

A: Yes.

Q: Can your special attack miss when you have Cold Blood active?

A: Yes, it can. In that case the Cold Blood will still get used up :(.
Q: When you have Blade Flurry up, will your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate hit another target? How about Backstab/Ambush/Gouge?

A: SS and Eviscerate will. As far as I know, Backstab/Ambush/Gouge do not.

Q: Do Initiative and Seal Fate stack? Meaning, is it possible to get a 3 combo point Ambush?

A: Yes.

Q: How does the off-hand damage penalty work? How is it affected by the dual wield spec talent?

A: The off-hand normally just does 50% of what it normally would do. So:
(Weapon DPS + Attack Power DPS Bonus) * 0.5

WIth the dual wield spec 5/5, the off-hand does 75% damage, so just subtitute 0.75 for 0.5.

The tooltip for the off-hand was previously bugged, causing numbers which did not make sense. If you had the talent, a weapon would be listed as doing more damage in your off-hand than in your main. Some data posted prior to the tooltip fix suggested that the tooltip was bugged. The change to the tooltip seems to confirm this.

<< IV. Talent Builds VI. Equipment >>
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