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topleft icon Rogue FAQ v4 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:59:15 by Chalon. | Print Articles Send To Friend

IV. Talent Builds

Q: What are talents? What is a talent build?

A: Starting at level 10, you gain one talent point per level. Talents are the way you can customize you rogue, and is what separates one rogue from the other. While most talents are passive bonuses, several are new abilities entirely. The way you allocate these points is very similar to a Diablo 2-esque skill tree, in which there are dependencies are prerequisites. The three rogue “branches” are Combat, Assassination, and Subtlety.

Once you hit level 10, you can bring up your talent window (press N, by default).

A talent build is the way you choose to allocate your talent points points. You can’t get all the talents, so the build is which talents you pick.

Q: How many talent points do I get in total?

A: 51. One point each level from level 10 to 60.

Q: Can I reset my talents if I decide I don't like them?

A: Yes, you can "respec" your talents, if you so desire. To do this, you can talk to any rogue trainer. However, respecing is not free, and the cost goes up every time you respec. The first time is 1 gold, then 5, 10, 15, and in increments of 5 up. At 50 gold, the cost stays the same each subsequent respec.

Generally, I would suggest sticking with your talent build for at least several levels, to fully evaluate it before changing.

Q: Are there any "talent builders" online that I can play with to see how I can allocate my points?

A: Yes, there's at least a couple of good ones out there.

WoW Vault Talent Calculator: http://wowvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Talents.View&category_select_id=7

Thottbot Talent Builder: http://www.thottbot.com/?ti=Rogue

Q: What is the best talent build setup for (PvE/PvP)?

A: There is no one “best” talent setup...the exciting thing about playing a rogue is that there are several different builds and playstyles that all can be quite effective whether you PvP or PvE, solo or group.

Q: What do people mean when they say "31/8/12", "30/21", etc.?

A: This is the breakdown of how their talents are allocated in the various trees. For instance, a 31/8/12 Dagger build means they have 31 in Assassination, 8 in Combat, and 12 in Subtlety. The exact talents selected between one person and another will vary a bit, though certain key talents will be in common.

Q: Can I use one build to get to 60, and then switch to a more PvP build once I'm there?

A: You could do that if you wanted to, but I don't recommend it. In my opinion, most good builds are effective in both PvE and PvP. You don't have to switch from one to another.

The other reason I don't recommend it is that the only way you're going to be good at PvP is if you have good equipment. You won't have good equipment if you are using some wild build which is 5% more effective in PvP, but awful in PvE. At level 60, there still is a lot of good equipment out there to get. Not to mention that new group and raid instances will be added in patches and expansions.

Q: What are some things I should consider when making a build?

A: One thing you should always ask yourself is "where is my sustained DPS going to come from?" Sometimes, I see builds designed by people who have ideas for great opening combos. But once their opening moves are over, they have nothing left in their build that will help maintain a solid DPS over time. Burst DPS as a rogue is definitely important, however, without sustained DPS you are greatly limiting the types of battles in which you are successful.

Another common mistake is not picking up "signature" talents, even if you have enough for it in that tree. An example of this would be having 22 points in Subtlety, but not having Preparation. A more extreme example would be having 34 points in Combat, but having neither Blade Flurry nor Adrenaline Rush.

Also, don't be afraid to change your build. What you thought you wanted to do at level 10 may not be what you decide you want to do at level 50. Having flexbility and not locking yourself into one mindset is important. At the same time, don't be persuaded you into drastically changing your build, unless it is seriously flawed. If you are going for an Assassination Dagger build, don't let someone convince you to change to a Heavy Combat build. If you want to go for Assassination, then go for it. It is possible to make viable builds that heavily invest into any of the three trees.

Q: There's so many talents! What are some builds like?

A: Part of the fun of playing a Rogue is figuring out your style, and tweaking your build exactly to it. However, to help give some direction, I will list a few common build designs I've seen, and describe the style as well as key talents. I'll also list talents which are good inclusions for that talent build. You can't get all of them, but hopefully it will give you a good idea in terms of a direction. This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the viable talent builds, but hopefully these few will help spark some ideas.

For a more advanced discussion of talents, I would suggest Oroblram's Talent Guide (Appendix B).

Assassination Dagger Build
Breakdown: 31(30) Assassination, 8 Combat, 12(13) Subtlety Key Talents: Malice, Lethality, Cold Blood, Seal Fate, Imp. Backstab, Opportunity
Good Inclusions: Imp. Gouge, Imp. Sinister Strike, Ruthlessness, Relentless Strikes, Imp. Kidney Shot, Vigor, Imp. Ambush, Master of Deception, Camouflage
Description: This is a heavy-hitting dagger build that relies on high crit chances on Backstabs and Ambushes, coupled with increased damage (Lethality and Opportunity), and good combo point generation through Seal Fate. The DPS for dagger builds excel more in group situations, but it's still no slouch when by yourself. Also, because of the nature of crits, the damage on this build can be spiky, depending on whether you get good rolls or bad. This is my personal favorite, and the one I use.

Assassination/Combat Dagger Build
Breakdown: 30(31) Assassination, 21(20) Combat Key Talents: Malice, Lethality, Cold Blood, Seal Fate, Imp. Backstab, Dagger Specialization
Good Inclusions: Imp. Gouge, Imp. Sinister Strike, Ruthlessness, Relentless Strikes, Imp. Kidney Shot, Vigor, Blade Flurry, Lightning Reflexes, Deflection, Riposte, Precision Description: This is similar to the Assassination Dagger Build, except it drops Subtlety entirely, and instead gets the Dagger Specialization for more chance to crit. It also picks up a few other Combat talents to help survive when outnumbered or overmatched.

Assassination/Subtlety Split Dagger Build
Breakdown: 21(22) Assassination, 22(21) Subtlety, 8 Combat Key Talents: Imp. Backstab, Cold Blood, Preparation Good Inclusions: Imp. Gouge, Imp. Sinister Strike, Ruthlessness, Relentless Strikes, Opportunity, Imp. Ambush, Intiative, Camouflage, Imp. Sap
Description: This is another Backstab dagger build, but instead of getting the CP generation boost of Seal Fate, it opts to get Preparation. Generally the decision to get Preparation is more of a PvP one.

Heavy Combat Sword/Mace Build
Breakdown: 31+ Combat, rest in a combination of Assassination/Subtlety
Key Talents: Imp. Sinister Strike, Mace or Sword Spec, Blade Flurry, Adrenaline Rush
Good Inclusions: Lightning Reflexes, Precision, Deflection, Dual Wield Spec, Aggression, Malice, Lethality, Ruthlessness, Relentless Strikes, Master of Deception, Camouflage
Description: This build tends to have much more "even" damage than an Assassination build. Your individual hits are not as high as an Assassination dagger build, but the DPS still can be roughly the same. A distinct advantage of this build is that Sinister Strike does not require you to be behind an enemy, so you can spam it all the time. Also, because of the lower energy cost of Sinister Strike, you can generate Combo Points at a fairly effective rate.

Subtlety/DoT Build
Breakdown: 31+ Subtlety, rest in a combination of Combat/Assassination
Key Talents: Premediation, Preparation, Hemmorhage, Imp. Rupture, Opportunity
Good Inclusions: Master of Deception, Camouflage, Imp. Sap, Imp. Cheap Shot, Ghostly Strike, Setup, Imp. Slice and Dice, Imp. Garrote, Imp. Sinister Strike
Description: This is probably the least common of the builds listed. It involves using Garrote, Rupture, and Hemmorhage to literally bleed your target to death. This can work well if played properly, but is a difficult style to figure, and in some cases lags a little behind a build which concentrates more on Assassination or Combat. Also, Setup is not really that great of a combo point generator.

<< III. Mechanics V. Specific Talents >>
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