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Rogue FAQ v4
II. Training
Q: What weapons can a Rogue use, and how do I train them?
A: Rogues start out only knowing how to use daggers and throwing knives. However, you can train one-hand swords, one-hand maces, fist weapons, crossbows, bows, and guns. You can train these weapons with a weapon master trainer in a major city. The cost is 10s per weapon style you want to learn. Once you are in a major city, to find the weapon master, simply ask one of the guards. However, each trainer only has certain weapons they can train.
Alliance: Darnassus - Bow, Fist Stormwind - Sword, Crossbow Ironforge - Gun, Mace, Fist
Horde: Orgrimmar - Bow, Fist Undercity - Sword, Crossbow Thunderbluff - Gun, Mace
Q: I've heard that Night Elves can't use guns, and X race can't use Y. What gives?
A: There was a time in the Closed Beta where there were also racial restrictions on weapons, one of which was that Night Elves could not use guns.
However, it was changed so that the weapon restrictions are only per-class. Your race no longer has any bearing on which weapons you can and cannot use.
Q: Can I train two-hand weapons?
A: No, you cannot.
Q: Can I use a shield?
A: No.
Q: Can I train mail or plate armor?
A: No. I would imagine it is difficult to be agile in mail or plate :).
Q: Can I dual wield weapons? Should I?
A: Yes, you can dual wield weapons. You learn the ability from your rogue trainer, at level 10. And yes, you should dual wield weapons (for more details, check the dual wield question in the “mechanics” category).
Q: Are there any restrictions as to which weapon combinations I can dual wield?
A: In terms of type of weapon (eg., 2 maces, 1 sword/1 mace, 1 dagger/1 sword, etc.) there are no restrictions. You can use whatever combination you want to, as long as you are trained in the weapon types.
However, there is one restriction. Weapons which are listed as "Main Hand" can only be used in your main hand, and cannot be equipped in your off-hand. Likewise, weapons listed as "Off-Hand" can only be equipped in your off-hand. Weapons which are listed as "One Hand" can be used in either hand.
Q: Is there any way to disable dual wield once I've learned it?
A: The only way to disable it is to equip something which is not a weapon in your off-hand. This can be a fish, flower, torch, or any non-weapon item that can go there. There is some debate over whether or not this will actually disable the dual wield chance to hit penalty. However, I have personally tested this, and it does certainly seem like it disables the penalty.
Q: How do I train poisons?
A: At level 20, Alliance characters train poisons with a quest from the SI-7 operatives in the Stormwind Barracks. Horde characters can get this quest by speaking with the rogue trainer in the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar. For more information about poisons, look at section VI of this FAQ.