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A Paladin Talent Guide
4. Retribution Talents
Improved Blessing of Might Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%. Very useful for lower levels, not so useful for higher levels. The dps increase from this attack increase is not that great: 2.3DPS. Although more damage is always nice, unless you're going for an extreme damage build, it's worthyness of 5 talent points is questionable. However it still adds more dps than an Improved Judgement of Crusader adds to SoR. A good alternate for a retribution build if one isn't getting BoK perhaps. Benediction Reduces the Mana cost of your Retribution spells by 15%. Now this is a talent, the 2nd best of all the first tier talents right behind Spiritual Focus. This reduces the cost of your retribution spells across the board. A must have for consecration builds, and extremely useful for all other builds. Remember, Judgement is a retribution spell. Very nice if you are casting Seal of the Crusader, and especially if judging it for extra holy damage. I would pick this over Improved Blessing of Might if you simply want to climb the retribution tree. Two-Handed Weapon Specialization Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 5%. Does what it says. Get it if you're going for heavy damage with two handed weapons, otherwise forget it. Improved Seal of the Crusader Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 15%. More damage, and more holy damage. All holy damage builds will probably have this skill as it increases the power of the judgement that much more. JoCr adds 20% to Seal of Righteousness, so 15% more damage is some, if not a lot. If your goal is pure damage and you don't use the judgement, Improved Seal of the Crusader and Two-Handed Specialization are about the same in terms of damage increase, it's you judgement call on which to get, although getting both is still good. For one handed builds this skill helps build aggro and cause damage that much better. Deflection Increases your Parry chance by 5%. Oddly enough this is in the retribution tree as opposed to the protection tree. This is quite likely THE best passive defensive talent the paladin has. In general this effectively doubles your chance to parry, which cuts down on the number of times the monsters will hit you. Even better than Toughness in my opinion since not getting hit 5% of the time is even better than taking 2.5% less damage from all hits. All defensive builds must come down this far into the tree to get this talent. Check the description of Toughness for a link to a useful thread comparing these two skills. Vengeance Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike. First lets look at what it takes for this talent to proc. This talent is useful only if going for a build with high agility and conviction. The Paladin's chance for a critical hit is 5% base, and will most likely hit 8-10% by level 60 without trying for specific equipment. Conviction will give you another 5%, and if you use the right equipment you can get your critical rate even higher, even over 20%. For a heavy damage build, this is an excellent skill since you'll be trying to get criticals anyways. And a 15% increase to both your physical and holy damage is great. Some people will use Seal of Crusader until they hit a critical, then switch to a Seal of Righteousness or Seal of Command depending upon what weapon they're using to deal that extra holy damage. Note that ALL holy skills get the holy damage increase, including holy shield, consecration, and retribution aura. A very useful skill across the board, assuming your crit rate is high enough to make use of it. Seal of Command Fills the Paladin with the spirit of command for 30 seconds, giving the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to the damage of the Paladin's weapon. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 seconds, causing 82 Holy damage any time the enemy becomes stunned. Only one Judgement per Paladin can be active at any one time. This seal is Seal of Righteousness's counterpart. Whereas that is used with low damage one handers, this seal shines with high damage two handed weapons (or even the more powerful one handers). The damage from this seal can be increased by Judgement of Crusader, making it even more powerful. This damage "acts like" physical damage in that the holy damage can cause a critical, and be dodged/parried/blocked or just plain miss. Even with all of these issues, Seal of Command is still one of the highest rated damage dealing skills in the Paladin's armory. The same as I added comments from Theras in SoR, here are comments from him here: "Again, the speed of your weapon doesn't really factor into the proc rate, so you can remove that part of the analysis. As mentioned above with Righteousness, I tend to use Command on weapons with an average damage of greater than 295 on the character panel. Before avoidance is calculated, it will proc about 4.8 times per minute. Being pessimistic, I lowered that to 3.8 for comparison purposes against Righteousness (to assume a 15% avoidance rate, and 10% critical hit rate). It is also very important to note that Rank 5 Seal of Command does not generate a higher proc rate or more damage than Rank 1 Seal of Command. Thus if going for straight damage, you only need to expend 110 mana per minute to keep up steady damage, while Judgement of the Crusader + Seal of Righteousness requires 970 mana per minute to keep up. This frees you up to fire off, say, two Consecrations (and thus adding another 768 damage per target in range). The bottom line is, if you have a very high damage weapon, Seal of Command is the best damage Seal we have." Judgement of Command is an interesting effect, one which is not used very often but has it's place all the same. Since mobs and players become immune to stuns after a certain number, this isn't as useful as one would usually think and isn't my first choice for a seal since I could judge Seal of Light or others. This skill comes into play more in PvP where stuns are constant and players go down quickly. Anticipation Increases your Defense skill by 10. A so-so skill, it does do more than meets the eye. It increases block/parry/dodge each by 0.4%, and it also lowers the chance for an opposing monster or player to hit you and cause a critical hit on you. Useful as a defensive skill, but considering there are so many items out there with +Defense on them, there are certainly better skills to spend five talent points on. Improved Retribution Aura Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 25%. If you love your Retribution Aura, then you will love this talent. If you dislike it, then this talent is worthless to you. If you are one of those people who uses Retribution Aura extensively, then an additional point of damage per point of talent is very nice. This talent goes along well with the paladin's AE retribution aura build. More useful for those who use a shield than two-handers because of the extra damage you're taking by not using devotion aura. Not so useful in raids or boss encounters, very useful for grinding or fighting many monsters at once. Consecration Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 384 Holy damage over 8 seconds to enemies who enter the area. The Paladin's only area effect spell, if you come this far into the into the retribution tree you better get this. A very nice way to cause aggro to a large group of mobs, it also causes a decent amount of damage as long as the monsters stay near you. Not very useful in PvP as most players will run from you. However very effective in large groups of enemies. Holy damage increasing skills will affect this such as vengence and sanctity aura. Useful for most situations. Precision Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%. Not much to say about this. Some people skip this skill in their retribution builds, but a higher chance to strike always equals more damage which equals more threat and faster dead monsters. A good talent. Conviction Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%. Again, not much to say about this. If you're this far into the tree, get this skill. More crits = more damage. Note that this will also cause Vengence to proc more often so you will gain more than a pure 5% critical strike rate. Blessing of Kings Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 5 minutes. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time. The ultimate blessing? The jury is out on this. Is it the best overall blessing? Sure. If you go far into the retribution tree this skill is certainly worth picking up. When cast on anyone this provides and increase to damage, health, mana, dodge/parry/block, mana regen, crit rate and spell crit rate. Any class with an agl build loves this blessing. However it does all this in relatively small amounts. For a more general class like a Paladin or a Druid this is very useful, but for other classes this is of limited use. Tanks will want Might or Sanctuary. Casters will want Wisdom or Salvation. The main tank will want Light. Blessings are very situational and although this is an excellent blessing for normal grinding and questing, in instances and against bosses, other specialized blessings can be more useful. Like any other blessing, watch the situation