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topleft icon A Paladin Talent Guide topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:33:32 by Jhelrond. | Print Articles Send To Friend

3. Protection Talents

Improved Devotion Aura
Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%. At early levels, this talent seems excellent, but its usefulness decreases and by the time you hit 60, this talent is very questionable. It gives an additional 183 armor to your devotion aura. With 6000 armor, that's an extra 0.75% DR. For a mage's 1000 armor, That could be another 2%DR, so it's more effective for the cloth classes. Not the best talent in the world, useful only for heavy protection builds or for additional armor in 2-handed builds. Some people say that if your goal is simply to go down the protection tree that Redoubt is better as a first level skill.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 30% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 seconds or 5 blocks. A good talent for any 1H protection build. The extra blocking you will get from this talent will more than make up for the damage caused to you by the critical hit. This is a pure 30% addition, not a percentage of your block rate already. A necessary skill for any shield users with protection. Most people believe that if you simply wish to head down the protection tree, this is the better of the two abilities, but in general it depends on your playstyle and if you're using a 2Hander or not.

Improved Blessing of Protection
Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds. Very useful, since it gives you your physical shield every 3 minutes instead of 5. This can help a great deal in parties with a lot of cloth or leather users who keep getting attacked. Extremely useful in PvP, since it allows you to shield yourself or others that much more often. Just remember that it only blocks physical damage, not spells. Most protection builds should get this talent, although some prefer to simply not get into situations where this is required and use the points elsewhere.
Increases your armor value from items by 10%. A huge increase in armor. Due to your armor levels at level 60, this will boost your DR about 2.5-3%, which means you gain a large amount defensively. This talent is a must have for all protection builds. This thread explains toughness extremely well. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-paladin&t=87461
Blessing of Sanctuary
Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by 24 for 5 minutes. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time. If you're going into the protection tree, get this. This reduces ALL sources of damage so that even less gets to you from spells, melee, and other effects. However this damage reduction is done before other damage reduction is factored in, i.e. before armor is accounted for, so for someone with 50% Damage Reduction, this will only reduce damage by 12 points. Not as useful as a first glance shows, it is still a very good blessing for the main tank in instances, as well as for others to increase their survivability. Rogues and pets are especially good targets for this. This talent is also used in a retribution aura build, where you want a group of monsters to beat on you or someone else constantly, tanking damage and yet dealing piddly damage. Extremely useful in PvP against quick damage dealers like rogues, less useful against slow heavy hitters.

Improved Seal of Fury
Increases the amount of threat generated by your Seal of Fury and Judgement of Fury by 15%. This increases the effectiveness of your tanking ability. A better Fury will draw better aggro, and a judgemented fury will cause that much more aggro from your holy damage. Believe it or not, the extra 15% DOES make a difference, I have seen it. If your role is as primary tank, get this. Remember that the group as a whole needs to practice good aggro management since even improved talents won't hold aggro if the mage goes nuke crazy.

Shield Specialization
Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 25%. A decent skill for all defensive and protection builds. It increases the effectiveness of your blocking, but not by a huge amount. The block has to occur first, which means Holy Shield and Redoubt are necessary to get the most use out of this skill. Also a 25% increase comes to about a 10-15point block. Very useful on fast hitting mobs, not so useful on heavy hitting slow mobs. Also required for Holy Shield. A good strength stat and a good shield helps the effectiveness of this talent since the amount of damage absorbed is based on both of those items.

Improved Blessing of Freedom
Increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 5 seconds. This skill tends to be more of a PvP skill than a PvE. The additional time to get away or move around can be critical. Many effects have other ways to break free such as equipment or other spells. Although useful in PvP, the paladin still lacks the ability to close with an enemy, however it is useful to keep the enemy from pounding on him. Usefulness is dependant upon your playstyle, but there might be a better place to invest five points.

Improved Seal of Justice
Increases the frequency that your Seal of Justice stuns the opponent by 5 per minute. A bit more useful than players might state, this skill is still not the best in the world. Both monsters and players become immune to stuns after a three stuns, so all the extra hits are now useless. By increasing the frequency of hitting, you gain a higher chance of actually stunning your target in one or two hits as opposed to four or five, so it is useful in both PvP and PvE. Most people don't consider it worth investing in unless they're heading towards Repentance.

Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike. Not so useful if all your are interested in is absorbing damage, but extremely useful for adding that bit of extra hatred to the monster so that you keep aggro. Extra damage is always nice as well, although if you are this far into the protection tree, damage is not your forte. However for fighting fast attacking monsters and players like rogues, this adds that extra umph. Unfortunately this skill seems to be bugged from several reports at the moment, otherwise this would rate higher.

Holy Shield
Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 seconds and deals 130 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Each block expends a charge. 4 charges. The bread and butter of the defensive paladin. Increased chance to block whenever the paladin wishes. Low cool down time. Damage dealt for every block which increases aggro that much more and keeps the monsters attacking you and not the mage. The only downside is a rather high mana cost, but that's a small price to pay for such an excellent talent. A must have for every defensive build, when combined with Shield Specialization and Redoubt it makes the paladin quite hearty indeed.

Improved Blessing of Salvation
Increases the duration of your Blessing of Salvation by 10 minutes. This talent will increase the duration of one of your blessings by 5 minutes per point. Many people opt not for this because of the reasoning that all other blessings have a five minute lifespan still, so since you're recasting blessings anyways, what's one or two more? The talent points could be spent elsewhere. The place where I can see this talent being useful is in extremely long Boss encounters(lasting 5 minutes or more obviously), especially raids, where the paladin wants to salvation a bunch of people and then forget about them. Most of the other blessings aren't a huge issue if they fade in a fight, but loosing salvation can mean the end of a mage or a rogue.

One-Handed Weapon Specialization
Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 5%. Not the most incredible talent in the world. If you proceed this far into the tree you might as well get this since you'll be using 1H/shield all the time anyways, and extra damage leads to shorter fights and more aggro. Not a massive damage booster though.

Puts the enemy target in a state of meditation for up to 6 seconds. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only works against Humanoids. Crowd Control at it's finest. Much more useful in PvP than in PvE. Going 1v1, this can be an extra "shield" for you to toss off an uninterrupted heal. It can also stop a player who is kiting or a rogue who keeps moving. It's comparable to Gouge or Polymorph, although for a lesser amount of time. There is a large number of usese for this in PvP. In PvE situations, this has much less utility. It can stop runners assuming you forgot to judge justice, and it can interrupt casters as well. Not as useful in PvE but still quite useable. This talent very much worth getting if you have dug this far into the tree.

<< 2. Holy Talents 4. Retribution Talents >>
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