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topleft icon A Paladin Talent Guide topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:33:32 by Jhelrond. | Print Articles Send To Friend

2. Holy Talents

Improved Lay on Hands
Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 1 minute. When you use lay on hands on someone, it usually means they're in a very near death situation, so giving them full health plus an armor boost can be a huge lifesaver. This is especially useful when used on the tank, as it gives them a minute of that much less damage, possibly giving healers time to recharge slightly. However, this talent is situational. Because of the long cooldown time on Lay on Hands, this talent will not be used as much as some others. Revelation greatly boosts this talent's utility.
Spiritual Focus
Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage. This talent is almost a must have, no matter what build you make. Being able to heal when monsters are pounding on you no matter what the situation is always a good thing. Some heavy damage builds which assume the paladin will never be the main tank can overlook this talent, but for the most part this is a must have talent.
Improved Holy Light
Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light spell by 12%. A useful talent, it increases your heal average from 1292 to 1447, an increase of 155 health. Gives your already mana hungry holy light spell a boost to efficiency. A must for healer builds.
Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes. In long instances, this can give you one or two more lifesaving heals. In solo play, this means you can be a bit more reckless since you have your "third life" available more often. A good talent for two points, even one point has a big impact.
After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light or Holy Light spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell. This talent is usually taken only when you are taking Divine Favor as well. Our int values are usually far too low to expect critical heals on a regular basis, unless you are making a point to put a lot of points into intellegence. That being said, a critical heal that takes no mana is an extremely good thing, considering how mana hungry Paladin heals are. With Divine Favor, you are able to be assured of using this ability once every two minutes, which makes this talent absolutely...divine. Note that this doesn't make the heal a no-mana cost heal. You still need the mana to cast the heal, as the mana is drained then returned to you. Also note that it does stop your mana regen just like any other spell.
Improved Blessing of Wisdom
Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom by 20%. At it's highest rank, Blessing of Wisdom will restore 30 mana every 5 seconds. This talent kicks it up to over 36 mana. This is an additional 72 mana every minute. All caster classes love Blessing of Wisdom, and enjoy this talent even more, and the extra mana per regen isn't horrible. The question lies in the utility of this blessing. Generally while whittling through normal mobs or normal elite mobs, an unimproved Blessing of Wisdom will serve fine since most of the time the party has time to rest after an encounter. During very long encounters, such as instance bosses, the weak casters want Blessing of Salvation so that the tank can hold aggro better. If there is more than one paladin though, this is not an issue. Healer and mana intensive holy builds will get this talent, other builds generally will not. Note that this is also a pre-req for Divine Wisdom, one reason many people get this talent.

Divine Favor
When activated, gives your next Flash of Light or Holy Light spell a 100% critical effect chance. An absolutely divine talent. No healer build should be without this. Works extremely well with illumination. See Illumination's description for its utility. Some have asked exactly how the talent combo of DF/I works. Illumination is a Passive Talent, Divine Favor is an instant cast spell. To trigger this combo, you cast Divine Favor first, you then get the Divine Favor effect which either lasts for 8 seconds, or until you cast a Holy Light/Flash of Light. If you successfully cast your healing spell in that 8 seconds, then you will gain a critical heal effect. Illumination then steps in (passively) and returns mana that you just used to cast the healing spell. So Divine Favor works perfectly fine without Illumination, Illum. is just used to give this talen that extra useful kick.
Improved Seal of Righteousness
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness by 15%. First off, this skill is a pre-req for Holy Shock which makes many people get it automatically, whether they are going to use it or not. Beyond that, a first glance at this skill makes it seem somewhat interesting. Extra holy damage builds more aggro and causes a bit more damage, and this talent affects both the seal and the judgement. If one isn't going for Holy Shock or Sanctity Aura, then it's useful to look at how often this skill will be used. The comparison is between Seal of Command and Seal of Righteousness. There are several good posts (add link later) on comparing and showing the two seals, but Theras sums it up nicely: "It would be wiser to suggest that this seal is used more with low damage weapons rather than fast weapons. The testing that has been done in the days since you wrote this guide indicate that Righteousness will fire off at an average of 12 times per minute regardless of weapon speed. Once the damage of your weapon (on the character screen) surpasses an average of approximately 295 it becomes far more effective to use Seal of Command than Righteousness. Some talents may affect the point at which point each skill is more effective, but I find that a good threshold for the average paladin." So basically figure out of you are going to USE SoR and then decide whether to get this or not. No matter how you look at it, this is still one of my favorite talents since I'm an advocate of Paladins being a holy damage machine.

Improved Flash of Light
Reduces the Mana cost of your Flash of Light spell by 12% Another must have for healer builds. This talent makes those quick cheap heals even cheaper. Any mana reducing talents are useful since the paladin is constantly using mana for other abilities. Only useful for Healer builds, most builds pass this talent up since there are better places to put talent points in order to be useful.
Improved Concentration Aura
Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 15% Improves your Concentration Aura to a 50% chance to not be interrupted. Although the talent increase is quite good, it's usefulness is questionable. Like most paladin auras, Concentration Aura is situational. If your casters are constantly being hit then this aura is useful so that they can get their spells off...but on the other hand they might want Devotion Aura in order to stay alive longer. Useful when trying to get off a heal, this talent may or may not be useful in your build. As a comment about the Aura itself, Concentration will stack with Spiritual Focus in an additive manner, so that even with an unimproved aura, The bonus for Concentration and a fully specced Spiritual Focus will make it so your Holy Light/Flash of Light are never interrupted. This only prevent interruption from damage, you're still vulnerable to specific stuns/interrupts.
Divine Wisdom
Increases your total Mana by 10%. More mana gives more ability to heal or use mana heavy skills. A very good talent, and worth getting for if going for a Healing or a Holy build. A 10% increase to 3000 mana may not seem like a lot, but that extra heal or holy shock can make all the difference.

Sanctity Aura
Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time. A must for Holy damage builds, also a pre-req for getting Holy Shock. Amazingly useful when combined with Exorcism, Seal of Command, Seal of Righteousness, or any other holy damage dealer. In a group of other Paladins and Priests, this talent can increase group DPS significantly (10% increase to ALL holy spells). One will have to think about the tradeoffs with other Auras, but if you are this deep into the Holy tree, you are most likely already dealing heavy holy damage. This Aura can also be turned on briefly, cast a exorcism/holy shock, then turns back off for a quick damage boost.

Improved Seal of Light
Increases the amount healed by your Seal of Light by 15% and the duration of your Judgement of Light by 30 seconds. As opposed to most talents which increase the effectiveness on both the seal and judgement side, this one has a different effect for each side. Your Seal of Light will heal you for more with each hit you make, allowing you to regenerate your health that much faster, and can be a lifesaver at times. Your Judgement of Light allows the judgement to stay for 60 seconds on your target as opposed to the normal 30 seconds. This allows for mana conservation, or the ability to judge a few seals of righteousness while you continue to attack. Although not mandatory in Holy builds, it is useful and usually a playstyle decision.

Divine Strength
Increases your Strength by 10%. If you're this deep into the Holy Tree, you are not specced for physical damage, so purely holy builds may skip this. Comparable to Blessing of Kings since this is passive and does not take up the blessing slot which BoK does, but this only increases one stat. A Holy damage build benefits from this skill since Seal of Command works off physical damage. Higher strength also equals more damage blocked with shields and more ability to keep aggro when attacking monsters. It's worth noting that this talent appears to add only to base strength and not strength after items, which makes this talent less useful than at first glance. Divine Strength is playstyle talent, and generally obtained unless specced purely healing, or focusing purely on holy damage and not physical attack power; the points may be better off elsewhere.

Holy Shock
Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 365 to 395 Holy damage. This is the ranged attack. This is the reason so many Paladins invest into Holy. This is a very good PvP skill, and a useful PvE skill. However this damage comes with a low range, high mana cost, and very high cooldown. A slightly overrated ability, one should never make a Holy Build based around this talent, only as a complementary build to this talent. That being said, this ability is great for burst damage, and for surprising your enemy in PvP. It will take down runners (though some people argue this is what Judgement of Justice is for) and it is a great puller. This ability is the single highest aggro inducer for the Paladin, and combined with a Judgement of Fury, will keep the monsters nipping at your heels.

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