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WoW Lingo / MMO
More World of Warcraft Abbreviations & Acronyms
Instances and areas
AB = Arathi Basin (Battlegrounds) AQ (20 or 40 man) = Ahn'Qiraj (In Silithus) AV = Alterac Valley (Battlegrounds) BB = Booty Bay BFD = Blackfathom Deeps (In Darkshore) BRD = Black Rock Depths (Needs Shadowforge key to entere the barracks andcity [or rogue with lockpicking high enough], quest for key is gotten from thedead guy in the central rock pillar thing as you run down the chains [have to bedead to see the NPC and recieve the quest]) (In BRM) BRM = Blackrock Mountain (Border of Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge) BWL = Black Wing Lair (In BRM) Dead Strat, UD, SUD, Strat dead, Strat undead= Stratholme side door (In EPL) DM = Dire Maul (Key is recieved by chasing the imp through the Eastinstance and then killing him [drops 5 keys, one for each party memeber]) (InFeralas) DM, VC = Dead Mines (DM used by those under lvl 55, 55+ refer toDM as Dire Maul) (In Westfall) EPL = Eastern Plagueland Gnomer = Gnomergan (In Dun Morogh) IF = Ironforge LBRS = Lower Black Rock Spire (In BRM) Live Strat = Stratholme (In EPL) Mara, Mura = Maraudon (In Desolace) MC = Molten Core (In BRM) RFC = Rage Fire Chasm (Horde Noob dungeon) (In Orgrimmar) RFD = Razor Fen Downs (In The Barrens) RFK = Razor Fen Kraul (In The Barrens) Scholo = Scholomance (In WPL) SFK = ShadowFang Keep (In Silverpine Forest) SM = Scarlet Monastary (In Trisfal Glades) ST = Sunken Temple / The Temple of Atal'Hakkar (In Swamp of Sorrows) STV = Stranglethorn Vale Stocks, Stockades = Stockades (In Stormwind) Strat = Stratholme (Dead and Live sides) (In EPL) SW = Stormwind City UBRS = Upper Black Rock Spire (needs "key" from quest Seal ofAscension) (In BRM) WC, Caverns = Wailing Caverns (In The Barrens) WPL = Western Plaguelands WSG = Warsong Gulch (Battlegrounds) ZF = Zul'Farrak (In Tanaris) ZG = Zul'Gurub (In STV)
Buff Abbreviations/acronyms
AB = Arcane Brilliance (Mage) AI = Arcane Intellect (Mage) BoK = Blessing of Kings (Paladin) BoL = Blessing of Light (Paladin) BoM = Blessing of Might (Paladin) BoSal or BoS = Blessing of Salvation (Paladin) BoSan = Blessing of Sanctuary (Paladin) BoW = Blessing of Wisdom (Paladin) Fort = Powerword Fortitude/Prayer of Fortitude (Priest) MotW or MoW = Mark of the Wild (Druid) *Paladins have a few other buffs, but these are all the greater ones. Can alsobe refered to as GBoM for Greater BoM, for example.
Other Abbreviations/acronyms
AFK = Away from Keyboard AH = Auction House AOE = Area of Effect (spells that affect multiple mobs within an area)Certain weapons/armor/items can also have an AOE effect - this is important tonote because AOE will break sheep BG = Battlegrounds (PVP) (Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch) Bio = Bathroom break BS = Blacksmithing (atleast sometimes) BTW = By The Way Buff = Beneficial spells CC = Crowd Control DK = Dishonorable Kill DND = Do Not Disturb DOT = Damage over Time DPS = Damage per Second (refers to a weapon's general damage, but alsorefers to classes that are high damage dealers ie. hunters, mages, rogues andfury warriors) FR = Fire Resist FTL = For the Loss FTW = For the Win GL = Guild Leader GM = Game Masters (help with in-game issues) GTG = Good to Go (Ready), or Got to Go (Leaving) HK = Honorable Kill HOT = Heal over Time IMHO = In My Humble Opinion IMO = In My Opinion LFG = Looking for Group (Usually, single person looking for a partiallyformed group) LF#M = Looking for # More (Partially formed group looking for morepeople) LMAO = Laugh my ass off LOL = Laugh out Loud LW = Leatherworking MC = Mind Control (when not refering to Molten Core) MH = Main Healer MT = Main Tank, or Miss Tell (when something is said in Geriatric chatthat was meant for group or raid) NR = Nature Resist NPC = Non-Player Character OOM = Out Of Mana OT = Off-Tank Pat = Patrol PUG = Pickup Group PVE = Player vs Environment PVP = Player vs Player RP = Roll Playing SS = Soul Stone STFU = Shut the F up TS = Teamspeak TY = Thank you TYVM = Thank You Very Much VW = Void Walker WTS = Wanted to Sell WTB = Wanted to Buy YW = You're welcome
Add = Additional mob. A mob that joins the fight (for whatever reason)while already fighting the initial mob Aggro = Who the mob is attacking Aggro Radius = The distance from a player at which a mob will stop itsnormal behavior and engage the player in combat Buff = A temporary beneficial spell or effect placed on a player Debuff = The opposite of a buff. Debuffs lower attributes, reduceabilities or deals damage to the target Dispel = Remove an effect (buff, debuff, disease, poison, or spell) froma character, item, or mob. Melee Range = Within melee weapon range (striking distance with a blade,staff or axe) Mob = Any monster, bad guy or beast in the game Mule = An alternate character created for storage and/or gopher work tothe AH or vendors Ninja = A player who takes loot to which he or she is not entitled Pull = The act singling out a single enemy from a group of mobs. Whenthat enemy is a safe distance from the rest of the group, it can be attacked andkilled without aggroing the others Ranged only = Only get close enough to gun, bows, wand or spells. Thiswill often keep ranged players beyond AOE effects of a mob Zerg = To get attacked by a lot of players or mobs at once