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Posted on 29 March 2005 at 15:09:51 by Nether. | Print Articles Send To Friend

FAQ Page 2

What’s with Wands? How the heck can I use one?

Wands are magical ranged attack items that are found throughout the game as dropped items, purchased from vendors, and can be created by enchanters. Wands use the school of magic listed on them to induce their damage to your target. To use a wand simply open your character equipment portrait (keyboard shortcut key is “C”), drag your wand from your inventory to the Ranged slot on your character. Open your character abilities/spells book and click on the “general” tab, select the “shoot” ability and drag the icon to your action bar. You will now be able to click that action bar icon to perform your new wand ranged attack. Keep in mind, like melee weapons, wands have delays and your ranged attack ability will require it to refresh in order for it to become available again for use; and unlike melee weapons wands will not auto attack your target, you must click the icon in order to perform another attack round.

A good listing of available wands in the game is available here (notice the magic school name next to the damage range, this is the school of magic the particular wand uses to cause damage): http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=wand

What is this + damage thing I keep hearing about?
+ damage is a very vague effect that can be found on some armor, weapons, and items within the game that increases the damage caused by a particular school of magic by a certain amount of damage points.
Here is a link for the official answer on + damage:
There are actually two different types of + damage gear in the game. An example of the first “up to…” type would be an item that “increases damage done by Frost spells and effects by up to 10”. One would think that reading this would mean every Frost spell cast by the item wearer will be granted a flat + 10 damage bonus. However, it has been discovered that the casting time of a spell directly affects how much benefit these + damage effects truly give the wearer. This means if the wearer casts two different Frost-based spells, with different casting times on both spells, the wearer will be granted different + damage bonuses for both of those spells. The damage bonus for all channeled spells (Blizzard and Arcane Missiles are both excellent examples) will apply across the WHOLE spell. This means that if you have a five second channel spell (Arcane Missiles) and obtain a +10 damage bonus item, your Arcane Missiles will have the chance to land +2 damage each round for a total of five rounds.
An example of the second type of + damage gear is the “wrath” series. These pieces of equipment have a straight + xx damage to yy type of magic. You will see these items with the appropriate names, such as “Uber Sword of Fiery Wrath” which will have the description somewhat like, “+ 50 Fire Spell Damage”. This type of + damage modifier is straight to the spell line; meaning + 50 Fire damage to your fire spells. Just like the “up to…” damage gear, the damage bonus for all channeled spells (Blizzard and Arcane Missiles are both excellent examples) will apply across the WHOLE spell. This means that if you have a five second channel spell (Arcane Missiles) and obtain a +10 damage bonus item, your Arcane Missiles will have the chance to land +2 damage each round for a total of five rounds.
Please take note that a majority of + damage items within the game have a serious lack of any stat increases and should cause you to pause for a moment and think about the benefit of the item before accepting it over a stat increase piece of equipment; this is not to say that + damage items are worthless, however, in some cases stat increasing equipment would grant your character a larger benefit and vise versa.

Help! I see spells on my trainer and have the appropriate level; however, I cannot purchase them! Relax; you have not been kicked out of the Mage community [unless you’ve received a letter from us…]. You are probably referring to the many of the talents that Mages receive in the form of new spells. Talents such as Pyroblast, Blastwave, and Ice Barrier, to name a few, are all rank two spells unavailable on the Mage trainer until you purchase rank one via the appropriate talent tree

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