Posted on 17 April 2007 at 17:47:44 by Magi.
Leatherworking 1 to 300 Powerlvl Guide
I wrote this Leatherworking levelling guide because I decided to levelleatherworking on my hunter, and I wanted the most profitable levellingpossible(not the fastest or cheapest, but I'll include some options for thattoo). Most of what you make can be put on AH, but some of it might also need tobe disenchanted. To be able to disenchant the highest item you need 180Enchanting, but a level 5 enchanter with 50 skill will be able to DE the loweststuff.
Some parts might need a world drop or vendor bought recipe, see end of post tofind out from where.
I've tried to only use skillups with orange recipes, but some places(5-10 skillpoints max) you might do a yellow recipe. If that causes you to use more mats,I'm sorry.
The levelling guide is divided into 4 parts: 1-150 with Low Mats(vendor), Max Profit(DE/AH), What I Did 150-205 with Low Mats and Nice Profit, Max profit(AH) 205-250 with Max Profit(Elemental), Dragonscale and Tribal 250-300 with Max Profit(DE/AH)
1-150 Low Mats Mats needed: 275 Light Leather, 20 Light Hides, 25 Medium Hides
1-35 35 Light Armour Kit - 35 Light Leather
35-55 20 Cured Light Hide - 20 Light Hide
55-85 30 Embossed Leather Gloves - 90 Light Leather
85-100 15 Fine Leather Belt - 90 Light Leather
100-120+ 25 Cured Medium Hide - 25 Medium Hide
120-125 10 Fine Leather Belt - 60 Light Leather
125-150 25 Dark Leather Belt - 25 Fine Leather Belts, 25 Cured Medium Hides
1-150 Max Profit Mats needed: 385 Light Leather, 20 Light Hides, 25 Medium Hides
1-35 35 Light Armour Kit - 35 Light Leather
35-55 20 Cured Light Hide - 20 Light Hide
55-80 25 Embossed Leather Boots(DE) - 200 Light Leather
80-85 5 Fine Leather Belt - 30 Light Leather
85-90 5 Fine Leather Tunic - 30 Light Leather, 15 Cured Light Hide
90-100 10 Fine Leather Belt - 60 Light Leather
100-(120+) 25 Cured Medium Hide - 25 Medium Hide
(120+)-125 10 Fine Leather Belt - 60 Light Leather
125-150 25 Dark Leather Belt - 25 Fine Leather Belts, 25 Cured Medium Hides
1-150 What I Did (which might give better profit than Max profit, but itrequired some world drop recipes) Mats needed: 78 Ruined Leather Scraps, 259 Light Leather, 35 Light Hides, 25Medium Hides
1-27 26 Light Leather - 78 Ruined Leather Scraps
27-35 10 Light Armour Kit - 10 Light Leather
35-66 35 Cured Light Hide - 35 Light Hide
66-75 9 Rugged Leather Pants - 45 Light Leather
75-80 5 Fine Leather Gloves - 20 Light Leather, 5 Cured Light Hide
80-85 5 Fine Leather Belt - 30 Light Leather
85-95 10 Fine Leather Tunic - 60 Light Leather 30 Cured Light Hide
95-105 10 Fine Leather Belt - 60 Light Leather
105-120 25 Cured Medium Hide - 25 Medium Hide
120-125 10 Fine Leather Belt - 60 Light Leather
125-150 25 Dark Leather Belt - 25 Fine Leather Belts 25 Cured Medium Hide
150-205 Low Mats with nice profit Mats needed: 410-430 Heavy Leather, 10 Heavy Hides, 20-40 Bolts of SilkCloth(80-160 Silk Cloth), 10 Iron Buckles
150-160 10 Cured Heavy Hide - 10 Heavy Hide
160-170 10 Heavy Armour Kit - 50 Heavy Leather
170-180 10 Dusky Leather Leggings - 100 Heavy Leather
170-180 (If you don't have Dusky Leather Leggings Pattern) 10 Guardian Pants - 120 Heavy Leather 20 Bolts of Silk Cloth
180-190 10 Barbaric Shoulders - 80 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide
190-195 5 Dusky Bracers - 80 Heavy Leather
195-205 10 Dusky Belt - 100 Heavy Leather, 20 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 10 Iron Buckle150-205 Max Profit Mats needed: 435-450 Heavy Leather, 10 Heavy Hide, 20 Bolts of Silk Cloth(80Silk Cloth), 10 Iron Buckles
150-160 Cured Heavy Hide - 10 Heavy Hide
160-165 Here you have 3 choices. Hillman's Cloak is used in Alliancequest, can sell. Barbaric Bracers will give nice profit if you have mats to makeit, and Heavy Armour Kit is just a filler for horde without mats for BarbaricBracers. 5 Hillsman's Cloak - 25 Heavy Leather 5 Heavy Armour Kit - 25 Heavy Leather 5 Barbaric Bracers - 40 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide, 20 Small LustrousPearls, 5 Raptor Hides, 20 Large fangs
165-180 15 Dusky Leather Leggings - 150 Heavy Leather
180-190 10 Barbaric Shoulders - 80 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide
190-195 5 Dusky Bracers - 80 Heavy Leather
195-205 10 Dusky Belt - 100 Heavy Leather, 20 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 10 Iron Buckle
205-250 Max Profit (also Elemental) Mats needed: 405-455 Thick Leather, (2 Hearts of Fire, 2 Globes of Water, 2Cores of Earth, and 2 Breaths of Wind)
205-230 25 Nightscape Headband/Tunic - 125-175 Thick Leather
230-250 20 Nightscape Pants - 280 Thick Leather
205-250 Dragonscale Mats needed: 441-483 Thick Leather, 40 Scorpid Scale, 10 Worn Dragonscale
205-226 21 Nightscape Headband/Tunic - 105-147 Thick Leather
226-228 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplate - 24 Thick Leather, 24 Scorpid Scale
228-230 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves - 12 Thick Leather, 16 Scorpid Scale
230-250 20 Nightscape Pants - 280 Thick Leather
205-250 Tribal Mats needed: 427-449 Thick Leather, 112 Turtle Scale, 11 Wildvine, 2 Cured ThickHide
205-211 6 Thick Armour Kit - 30 Thick Leather
211-222 11 Nightscape Headband/Tunic - 55-77 Thick Leather
222-224 2 Turtle Scale Gloves - 12 Thick Leather, 16 Turtle Scale
224-226 2 Turtle Scale Breastplate - 12 Thick Leather, 24 Turtle Scale
226-228 2 Turtle Scale Bracers - 16 Thick Leather, 24 Turtle Scale
228-229 1 Wild Leather Vest - 12 Thick Leather, 2 Wildvine
229-230 1 Wild Leather Helmet - 10 Thick Leather, 2 Wildvine
230-232 2 Turtle Scale Helm - 28 Thick Leather, 48 Turtle Scale
232-250 18 Nightscape Pants - 252 Thick Leather
250-300 Mats needed: 160 Thick Leather, 400 Rugged Leather
250-260 10 Nightscape Boots - 160 Thick Leather
260-270 10 Wicket Leather Gauntlets - 80 Rugged Leather
270-280 10 Wicket Leather Bracers - 80 Rugged Leather
280-300 20 Wicked Leather Headband - 240 Rugged Leather
Recipes: Rugged Leather Pants Fine Leather Gloves Barbaric Bracers Dusky Leather Leggings Turtle Scale Gloves Tough Scorpid Breastplate Tough Scorpid Gloves Wild Leather Vest Wild Leather Helmet Wicked Leather Gauntlets Wicked Leather Bracers Wicked Leather Headband