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Top Day408,895
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Posted on 09 April 2006 at 04:01:52 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Author : Pann

W = Move forward
A = Steer left
S = Move backward
D = Steer right
Q = Soft left turn
E = Soft right turn
Spacebar = E-Brakes
Shift = Fire (both front weapon and turret weapon)
X = Interact with objects or NPCs/pick up items
V = Lock/release map rotation with car
Tab = Target nearest enemy/switches Tabs for open, activeinterface elements

K = Open/close skill window
P = Open/close character stats
I = Open/close character inventory
O = Open/close character locker (in town only)
J = Open/close mission journal
Z = Open/close Disciplines menu
F = Open/close memorized blueprints
T = Open/close chat window
G = Open/close chassis gauges
Y = Open/close convoy window
U = Open/close hotkey bar
M = Toggle between mini-map and sector map
B = Opens the debug information; press five times to cyclethrough all of them and close it
Right CTL = Open/close mission journal
Esc = Clear primary target/close open information panels(If none are open, brings up System Options)
Number Pad Delete = Hold down to broadcast voice chat inconvoys
Number Pad Minus = Open/close all interface elements (goodfor making screenshots AFTER the NDA is lifted.;))
Enter = Opens the chat window; type your message and typeEnter again to send it.
Number Lock = Toggle auto-run on/off
F2 = Toggle waypoint arrows
F4 = Toggle camera mode between Free Look and Follow modefor the middle mouse button
F6 = Toggle shadows on/off

Left button = Moves your character or vehicle in thedirection of the indicated location/interact or pick upobjects/choose primary target
Middle button = Hold down to swivel camera temporarily
Right button = (character mode) Swivels camera (Thishas been disabled temporarily but will return in the nearfuture.)
(vehicle mode) Fire front and turret weapons
Left button, double click = Select nearest primary target
Mouse wheel = Zoom in/out

Other commands
- Use the Quick Bar located in the middle of the bottom ofthe gameplay window, to drag and drop skills and items.
- The row of buttons above the Quick Bar contains the necessarywindow toggles like Options, etc.
- Check the top center of the screen for updates in MissionStatus via Objectives.
- Arrows in your radar display will guide you to your nextwaypoint-targeted objective.

NPC Icons
When you see an NPC with a punctuation mark above his or herhead, you should interact with it. The key is:
- Beam of light = This NPC has something to talk to youabout, usually to give a mission
- Question mark = This NPC is involved with an activemission you are on

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