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Comprehensive Warrior Guide v1.0
Q: What are all our stances, and when do we get them? A: We begin with Battle Stance, at level 10 there is a quest for Defensive Stance, and at level 30 there is a quest for Berserker Stance. Your trainers give the quests, and you should be able to solo them.
Q: Do we get to wear anything other than mail armor? A: Yes, at level 40, you can train Plate Armor for a gold or so at your trainer.
Q: Can we be an effective ranged damage dealer? A: No. Hunters are the only effective ranged damage dealers; you will use your bow/gun primarily to pull. Melee is the warrior's specialty. Q: What's the best race for the Warrior? A: The starting statistics matter very little at the endgame, so just choose whatever you think would be the coolest. The racial abilities have their ups and downs; some are better suited to the warrior than other classes. I personally like the Tauren abilties (more health and war stomp), but I'm a Night Elf, because I think the cows are ugly :). If you're really don't care about the looks of your race and only want the best race for the warrior, I'll give a short summary of each race...also, read this for specifics:
http://worldofwarcraft.com/info/races/ Human: They get perception, which can be useful in PvP, the human spirit, which is useless, diplomacy, which is somewhat useful for getting another race's epic mount or just gaining faction reputation, and sword/mace spec, which is good if you plan on using swords or maces.
Night Elf: Shadowmeld is wonderful if you're on a PvP server like me (and useless otherwise), quickness is alright, wisp spirit is nice, and nature resistance is nice.
Dwarf: Stoneform is just a PvE deal (it's ok for PvE), gun spec is almost useless, frost resistance is nice, and treasure finding is pretty bad (especially if you're and herbalist or miner).
Gnome: Escape artist is wonderful for PvP, expansive mind is useless, arcane resistance is nice, and technologist is ok (if you're an engineer...but at the endgame, it doesn't really matter anyway).
Orc: Blood Fury is pretty bad, Hardiness is supposedly bugged, command is useless, and axe spec is ok (but it doesn't really make much of a difference).
Tauren: War Stomp is great for both PvP and PvE, Endurance is wonderful, Cultivation is so-so (but doesn't really matter much later on), and nature resistance is nice.
Undead: Will of the Forsaken is wonderful for PvP, Cannabilize is ok for soloing, underwater breathing is ok, and shadow resistance is ok. Troll: Berserking can be nice if you're wounded (but it's not often that you're wounded, I think), Regeneration is ok, beast slaying is sort of bad, and throwing weapon spec is useless.
Q: What's the best weapon type to use? A: This depends on your build entirely. Unless you are an Arms warrior and specialize in one type of weapon, I'd recommend using all weapons. It doesn't take that long to level your Weapons skill.
Q: What do people mean when they ask me to "pull"? A: Pulling refers to attacking a mob with the goal of leading it back to your party. Pulls can be done with ranged weapons such as bows and guns, or with melee attacks. Warriors are frequently designated as the "Puller" for a group. Pulling is good for Warriors because it generates aggro "hate" for the mob against the Warrior. Hunters can also be very good pullers.
Q: How do I keep mobs attacking me and not other members of my party? A: Warriors are lucky because they have special "hate" generating abilities that allow them to force mobs to attack them. Abilities such as Taunt, Mocking Blow, and Challenging Shout can be used to attract monsters away from other party members.
Q: What about maintaining aggro (keeping the monster to attack you) with multiple mobs? A: You can use skills like Demoralizing Shout and Thunderclap for this, but you should have the rest of your party all focus on the monster you are attacking. This will make that job much easier.
Links: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?FN=wow-warrior&T=74295&P=1 (Good resource for macros tailored to warriors) http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?FN=wow-warrior&T=155290&P=1 (Another guide stickied in this forum; the author, Kyne, did a very nice job by doing talent by talent analysis) http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-interface-customization&t=79507&p=1&tmp=1#post79507 (UUI, the interface mod that I use...it's wonderful)
http://thottbot.com/?c=Warrior (the best information on warrior skills, talents, etc...includes a talent calculator, stats, and more)