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Comprehensive Warrior Guide v1.0
V. Other Information
One important thing to keep in mind when playing the warrior is how gear-dependent we are. A warrior with outdated gear can be effectively a couple levels lower. So while it is important to level, spend a little time getting new gear. Instances are great for this. Use the Auction House, too (located in either Ironforge for the Alliance or Orgrimmar in Horde).
When getting new equipment, it is important to keep in mind which statistics to choose. A piece of armor with 100 more armor and +5 strength is much worse than a piece of armor with +5 agility and +15 stamina. For most warriors, stamina is the most important stat for a warrior. Strength only becomes important for the long run (fights of about one and a half minutes or longer). Agility comes second to strength, as the increased critical chance actually results in slighty more of a damage increase than strength, and when you take deep wounds, impale, and fury into account, it becomes a lot more. Add in the dodge (and meager 2 armor per agility) and you have a clear winner. For many “crit” warriors, often the Arms/Fury build warriors, agility overtakes stamina. It can be a hard choice, but I’d just take agility over stamina, although a balance is important.
Now, professions. Which ones should I choose? Well, there are a few possibilities. Do you want to make lots of money? Do you want awesome equipment? How about a good supply of potions? Well, here are some choices:
A combination of two gathering supplies, i.e. Skinning/Herbalism or Skinning/Mining - This would be a great idea if this is your first character, and you just want to make money for that equipment and mount. Make sure you don’t do Herbalism/Mining, as you can only have one “find” type at one time, i.e. find minerals or find herbs.
Mining/Blacksmithing - Great if you want to keep up to date with your equipment
Herbalism/Alchemy - Especially good if you solo a lot, and all those elixirs and healing potions are great.
A gathering profession/Enchanting - Could be nice, using the gathering profession to pay for the enchanting cost.
Mining/Engineering - Very good for PvP, since there are so many useful devices you can use (bombs, net-o-matic, death ray, etc.).
Take your pick. Whatever you choose, I don’t recommend changing your mind later on, because all professions are viable in the endgame, and it’s not worth it to start from the beginning. It should also be noted that First Aid is essential to warriors. Take it up; you’ll be sorry if you don’t.
Anyway, this concludes my warrior guide. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot. I spent several hours on it.