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Comprehensive Warrior Guide v1.0
The warrior in PvP tends to do differently vs. different classes. In group PvP, you will find that few people target you, but rather gun for the mages and priests. Use this to your advantage.
Here are strategies vs. each individual class when you encounter them alone. The warrior is thought by many to be "gimped" by some players, but this does not mean that the class is not viable for PvP. I will simply attempt to give you best way to compete vs. other classes, regardless of the status of the class, as it will change from patch to patch. You can win, you just need to play well and hope you don't encounter a miss streak (this applies to most classes). These strategies are aimed towards higher level players (and assumes you are using the Arms/Fury spec that I use, listed later), but can generally be applies to most levels:
Druid: Druids are definitely harder than many other classes, mainly because of their root spell. They will attempt (and usually do so with success) to keep you rooted with Entangling Roots the whole time (this spell, only usable outside, will keep you "rooted" in one place and unable to move), so you can never get within melee range. If they are close and have no DOTs, use imtimidating shout to root them for part of the time that you are rooted. Also, if you have a free action potion on hand (they're pretty cheap), definitely use it. It's ussally game over for the druid if you use it (a problem IMO, as they're quite hard without the pot and quite easy with it). This applies for when any class roots you. When they do root you (and they will), shoot your bow/gun and, if you're an engineer, throw a bomb. This can set back their casting a little bit, and add a little bit of damage. But what you should do is intercept them after your first root breaks off, and pummel their next root. This will keep them at bay for a while. Make sure to use Mortal Strike, so when they heal (or more likely root and run back to heal) it's at 50% effectiveness. Also, hamstring is your friend. Just keep them hamstrung and mortal strike away until you can execute, always using pummel and berserker rage.
Hunter: Until you get Intercept (at level 34 or so), hunters are quite hard. After that, they become much easier. The trick is, keep them moving slowly with improved hamstring and close any distance that does happen with intercept. Watch out for the slowing ice trap, though; it's always a killer. Also, use imtimidating shout on them, so their pet runs away, or on their pet (make sure not to cause damage to it, though) so they run, hamstrung, while you beat on them and their pet cowers in one place. Rend is good, and since they use mail (DOTs aren't affected by armor) it's pretty efficient.
Mage: Usually one of your toughest opponents. The problem with mages seems to be they will always be one step (or blink) ahead of you, so you’re never in melee range. A mage will often, after you charge, blink away and polymorph you. They will often proceed to caste a HUGE nuke for ~800 damage, 1600 if it crits. There's not much you can do it prevent this. However, if you know they are going to poly you and can't do anything about it, use Bloodrage (it costs a lot of health, but it will give you 20 rage and the health will be regained while in sheep form). But once that happens, quickly intercept and hamstring them. If they use frost nova, which freezes you, you should shoot them with your bow/gun while they nuke you, or throw a bomb. Also, if you have a quick finger, consider using intimidating shout to root them until your nova wears off (turn off attack until it does wear off). This will effectively negate the root. Get ready to run up to them again if you don't get that shout, and use MS until you can execute. Mages can be a sinch if you close the distance between them, as they are quite soft. The challeng is closing the distance :\.
Paladin: Paladins are nearly impossible to beat unless you catch them when their shields are on cool down. And even then, they’ll prove to be tough. With their plate armor and healing, you’re in for a long fight. The strategy is pretty simple...demoralizing shout, rend, just as you would fight a mob. Also use disarm. After you've done that, just Mortal Strike until the execute. However, you will often find that you die before you get a chance to execute. Paladin fights are pretty predictable. Keep to berserker stance to pummel if they try to heal unshielded when you’re not stunned, and if you could use a bandage and they don’t have a rend/deep wounds on, use intimidating shout, turn off attack, and bandage yourself. Whenever they shield, take a few steps back and bandage.
Priest: Shadow Priests are regarded by many as the best PvP class, and, like paladins, can be very tough, even for the most skilled warrior, to beat. They are often regarded as THE best PvP class. Other priests, though, will prove to be much easier. Against any priest, though, your first action (after charging) will be to switch to berserker stance in preperation for the physic scream (AoE fear). Once he uses the fear, just use berserker rage to break it. Your strategy is simple: mortal strike and execute. Pummel holy spells if they are not a shadow priest (you can tell because shadow priests will always have shadow form on, which looks semi-transparent and has little shadow stuff at their feet), and shadow spells if they are a shadow priest. Holy spells look like yellow light, and shadow spells look blackish purple.
Rogue A good stun-lock rogue (one that keeps you stunned almost the whole time) can be very difficult to beat, but a poorly played rogue can be a walk in the park. But any rogue is beatable; much of WoW is luck. Crits, misses, etc. I've lost to stunlock rogues without them taking more than a 25% loss of health, but I've also beaten them with 50% health left because of their missed cheap shot, etc. Because rogues can sneak up on you, there is no real “formula” for fighting them, but here are the first things you should do:
Hamstring. This will prevent the rogue from moving around you and getting a backstab in. Second, overpower whenever you get a chance. Overpower is a great skill, especially with improved overpower, deep wounds, and impale. Third, rend. This prevents them from vanishing for the ultimate stun-lock combo. So make sure they’re always bleeding with either rend or deep wounds. Another key ability is disarm. All their abilities require a main hand melee weapon (most do, anyway), so disarm takes away those abilities. Keeping those four tactics in mind, try to keep them with demoralizing shout on, keep battle shout up (keeping battle shout up should apply to all classes), and mortal strike away. If it looks like you’ll lose, remember retaliation. For every one of their ultra-fast swings, you get one hard-hitting one.
Should you ever get the charge, the rogue will almost indefinitely lose. If they get the jump, however, things won’t look so good for you without retaliation.
Shaman: Shamans are one of the masters of kiting. They will keep you kited with frost shock while using other high damage shocks like flame to damage you. If that’s not bad enough, they can heal, and as long as they do it early, they can time it in between pummels. It is imperative that you close the distance with them and keep them hamstrung. Unlike most classes that try to stay away, however, they’re not very soft. The combination of shield and mail makes them have an armor rating close to your own. Just keep them hamstrung and close any distance with intercept. Mortal Strike is your friend, and pummel their healing spells (their hands glow green). If they try to melee you, demoralizing shout is wonderful. As always, execute FTW.
Warlock: Warlocks can be easy or hard, depending on their pet choice. A good warlock will use their succubus demon minion to seduce you (10 seconds of you while you cannot perform any actions) while they get off free castes, and they will fear you while your berserker rage is on cool down. But still, they are very soft. Remember to use switch to berserker stance from the start to break the fear. You will probably get feared and not be able to help it, so intercept to close distance. You can learn what the difference between a fear caste and other shadow spell is, and pummel only the fears. Still, the warlock will have a small window of opportunity to fear you. Ignore the demon. I find that I usually win, but I often die to their DOTS after I kill them, depending on how close it is (if you have enough health, you can eat food and stay alive).
Other warriors: Your strategy vs. other warriors is somewhat like your strategy vs. rogues and vs. paladins combined...remember, disarm is nice, as it is vs. rogues, and maneuvering plays a big role. Keep them hamstrung, so you can have the mobility advantage. Just fight them like you would a mob, basically. Use your instinct; you should be fairly adept at fighting warriors, since you play one.
One thing to remember when fighting all classes is to utilise all your stances. Tactical Mastery is a must, no matter what talent build you choose.
In group PvP, remember that you are a warrior. You wear plate, and have more HP than any other class. Not only this, but your DPS isn’t as formidable as, say, a mage or rogue. So because of this, people won’t be focusing much on you. Use this to your advantage. Go for the mage, priest, warlock, rogue, or druid while they’re trying to focus on your mage, priest, warlock, rogue, or druid. Chances are, you’ll catch them unaware and cut into them like butter :).