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Comprehensive Warrior Guide v1.0
1) Solo The warrior class is decent at solo: not great, but not horrible either. This, of course, will depend on your talent choices, but we’ll get into that later. From your early levels on, you’ll notice that using a two-handed weapon or dual-wielding is much faster than a one-handed weapon and shield. Unless you become a protection warrior (again, we’ll get into talents later), I suggest using a 2h/DW for soloing, as you already have heavy armor that can absorb a lot…what’s the point of slowing down yourself further? You already are a meat shield!
When hunting, typically try to hunt mobs about 2-4 levels lower than you, as this reduces downtime (I can go for several mobs at a time without having to take a break to bandage). You can kill equal level mobs, but when grinding (killing mobs solely for XP), try to stick to lower ones. There are many different zones, so just go with the flow and move on as the old zone becomes too low for you.
One question is often asked: should I quest, or should I grind? The answer is simple: both. At low levels, you will find questing to be far more effective, but as you level up and quests become scarcer, you will find grinding to me the only way to go (or at least the most effective). For example, in the late 50s, quests may not be worth it, as they require traveling across continents and provide little reward. But until your 50s, I definitely recommend questing. Here are some places in which I liked to grind for the later levels, though: 40-50: Trolls in the Hinterlands 50-56: Skeletons/Ghouls at Sorrow Hill 56-60: Yetis in Winterspring
Throw in a few quests here in there, and that’s how it’s done. Just remember, don’t waste too much time fiddling around. Also keep in mind, though, you’re playing to have fun. If things get too repetitive, play an alt for a day or two to take your mind off the grind. I know that things may get boring.
2) Group Your role in the group is simple: Tank. There are situations where, if you have talent geared towards dealing damage, you may be a secondary damage dealer and secondary tank, rather than primary tank, but this is rare (and only happens if you have a defensively geared warrior, usually). So for this reason, I’ll cover basic tanking.
First off, no matter what your specialization, always carry a one-handed weapon and shield that is current to your level with you. You will 90% of the time have to tank an instance dungeon (a special type of area, read the info on instances at worldofwarcraft.com for more information), so not carrying a shield and 1h weapon is a death wish. When you tank, here are some things to keep in mind: - Use defensive stance, and, if you have the talent Tactical Mastery, switch between stances to utilize them to their fullest potential. - Use demoralize shout not only to reduce the attack power of the mobs, but to gather the agro of multiple mobs onto you. - Thunderclap is also excellent for gather multiple mobs’ agro. - For most of the fighting, you will primarily be switching between using sunder armor (to reduce the armor of the mob and produce threat, letting you hold agro), shield block (helping to mitigate damage and set up for revenge), and revenge (to provide threat, a small amount of damage, and, if you have points in improved revenge, stun) - Always protect the priest or primary healer at utmost costs. Taunt is your friend, but follow that taunt with a sunder. Remember, you are expendable; the rezzer (person who has the ability to resurrect) is not