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topleft icon Shaman FAQ 1.20 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 16:33:40 by Doomhaven. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Shaman Spell Questions

4.1 Why does Reincarnation have such a long ressurection sickness?
Reincarnation was implemented by Blizzard as a spell to recover a group from an wipe deep in an instance. The ressurection sickness is a way of keeping this spell limited in use so that shamans do not abuse it as a "one free life every hour" spell.

4.2 What effects does Purge purge?
Short answer: purge removes all player/mob-cast buffs and potion effects. It does NOT remove weapon buffs, paladin's divine protection (?), passive abilites, and druid's animal forms. We don't know if it removes active racial abilites like troll's Berserking and dwarf's Stoneform.

Long Answer:

NOTE: this section is incomplete, and I need help here.

Here is a class listing of what shamans can remove from other players:

Mark of the Wild


All Seals
All Blessings
Holy Shield

Priests (thanks to Darkinertia)
Abolish Disease

Elune's Grace (NE only)
Inner Fire
Mind Control
Mind Vision
Power Word: Shield
Power Word: Fortitude
Shadow Protection

Amplify Magic
Arcane Intellect
Dampen Magic
Fire Ward
Frost Ward
Mana Shield

Ghost Wolf
Lightning Shield
Nature's Swiftness

Warlocks (thanks to Dionysts)
Demon Skin
Demonic Sacrifice
Detect Invisible
Unlimited Breath

Battle shout

4.3 Can we have multiple totems up?
Yes. We have one totem of each element up -- one Earth totem, one Fire totem, one Air totem, and one Water totem. We cannot have two totems of the same element up -- the second totem of the element will overwrite the first.

To tell which element a totem is, read the spell description.

4.4 What does tremor totem protect against?
Quoting (with many thanks :) ) Sherman:

Q u o t e:
Tremor totem sends out a pulse every four seconds that wakes up group members within range from a sleep spell. The most well-known use is in Wailing Caverns where Druids of the Fang use sleep frequently, but it is occasionally applicable elsewhere.

Also, I've seen some people insist it wakes you from fear, the only problem being that it's easy to run out of its range between pulses and not get awakened.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have generated a bit more thorough list of mobs that cast sleep here http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=28521&tmp=1#post28521 Any time you see green Zs above a group member's head, you need to cast tremor totem to wake them up.

There has been some reports that tremor totem "cures" fear, but since the fear affect moves you out of the range of the totem between pulses, the totem is not a good prevention.

4.5 What is the difference between Astral Recall and our hearthstone? First off, both of these abilities let a shaman hearth back to the last inn he set as his home. And, both take 10 seconds to cast. However, there are several differences between the two in how this is accomplished.

Mana cost. A hearthstone does not cost any mana. Astral Recall costs 150 mana.

Cooldown. A heartstone has an hour long cooldown. Astral Recall only has a 15 minute cooldown. NOTE: both of these cooldowns are on seperate timers.

Bag space. A hearthstone takes up one slot of bag space. Astral Recall takes none.

Combat. A hearthstone can be used while you are in combat. Astral Recall cannot.

Interruption. Hearthing with a hearthstone will be completely interrupted on attack. With Astral Recall, the interrupt is not complete. (thanks to Desy on this)

4.6 How does Stoneskin work?
Stoneskin negates damage done to you before damage reduction from your armour is determined. What this means is when you are hit, the first thing the game does is reduce the melee damage taken by the amount of the totem. Then, the game determines your damage reduction from your armour against the mob. For an equal level mob, this is around 40% damage reduction (open your Character Window, and mouse-over the Armor value to get your DR). So, 40% of the damage that gets past the stoneskin totem is absorbed by the armour, and the remaining 60% you take.

Example: a mob can do 100 damage. The Rank 6 Stoneskin totem will absorb 27 of that, leaving 73 damage to your armour. With 40% DR from armour, only 44 damage would be taken.

Because the Stoneskin totem works before damage reduction from armour is taken into account, the talent to improve this does not help as much as one would think.

4.7 Does Stoneclaw totem work?
Yes, but its taunt effect does leave a little to be desired. Ultimately, to get this totem to work its best, do *not* damage the mob or aggro the mob with healing beforehand. The totem's taunt is just better than the normal aggro generated from pulling a mob's friend.

4.8 Which is the best weapon buff?
Short answer: Use Rockbiter on faster weapons and Windfury on weapons that have a 3.0 swing delay or slower.

Long answer: due to a current thread started by Vehementi here http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=42555 , this question cannot be answered with any sort of definitive answer. As it looks, there is a catch ingame to prevent a weapon proc from processing twice in three seconds. Several shamans have reported this negatively impacts the overall percentage of windfury procs.

In the early game, Rockbiter and Flametongue both have their uses.

Rockbiter is a good to use when:

fighting low armour mobs. AC is taken into account when rockbiter damage is calculated

as a main or secondary tank

fire/cold resist mobs

as the base default buff when soloing in the early game.
Flame Tongue is good to use when:

fighting high armour mobs, as the fire damage is constant despite AC
as a primary or secondary healer before windfury
against fire-vulnerable mobs
Frostband is good to use when:
fighting mobs that run. Yeah, it won't proc *all* the time, but it should save a chase or a shock spell to make it worth the while
frost-vulnerable mobs

An additional point is that the windfury totem buff apparently gives warriors more rage than one would think at first glance: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=25246
Some additional reading on this topic which does not take into account the alleged "3 second proc" rule include:

http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=38135 http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=28216&tmp=1#post28216 http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=27694
4.9 Do weapon buffs stack? Can I cast one and then have my totem give me another?
No. A weapon can only have one buff, whether it is from a self-buff, a totem, a poison, or from a smith's stones. A shaman's totems will overwrite a rogue's poison but not a blacksmith's sharpening/weighting stones. The self-only buffs will overwrite a blacksmith's weighting stones.

As well, the some totem weapon buffs will interfere with the skills of other players. The Flametongue Totem buff will prevent warriors from using Next Melee attack skils like cleave, heroic strike, and concussion blow (source: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-warrior&t=49016&tmp=1#post49016 ). Windfury Totem will interfere with rogue's poisons, but only on their main hand weapon (thanks to Aryxymaraki and Joragen for the corrections here).

I'm not sure if the weapon buff would affect an undead priest's Touch of Weakness spell.

4.10 Can the extra hits from Windfury proc another Windfury proc? The answer here is almost 100% no. This question is one of many advanced questions attempted to be answered in Vehementi's thread here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-shaman&t=42555

4.11 Do shaman totems stack?
For the most part, no. Any totem buffs (Stoneskin, Grace of Air, Health Stream totems, etc) or debuff totems (Earthbind) do not stack.
However, searing, magma, and fire nova totems "stack" in the way that they are both attacking and doing damage to mobs. As well, while grounding totems don't stack, two shamans can alternate casting grounding totems to intercept more spells because, after one totem dies grounding a spell, the other shaman can cast one during the first shaman's cooldown period.

Lastly, while identical totems do not stack, having a multi-shaman party means that the shamans can cast different totems of the same element (Strength of Earth and Stoneskin can both be up, for example).

4.12 How do +healing and +damage items work?
Read the official blue answer here:
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=785402 (thanks to Temjin for the question and the link).

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