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Druid faq 1.9.2
Section z5
What spells can I learn as a druid?
The complete list is here: http://www.thottbot.com/?c=Druid
Can I ressurect other players?
Yes you can! We have a ressurection spell (rebirth) usable once every 30 minutes. It can be used in combat, unlike any other res in the game. It costs a lot of mana, takes 3 seconds to cast, and takes a seed reagent. The reagents are available at the reagent vendors located in each major city.
What can't I use indoors?
Indoors (as in not outside), you will not be able to use entangling roots, travel form, feline swiftness, or nature's grasp.
What is my role in a group?
Right form Blizzard: The Druid has three potential roles in a group. When in their normal, biped form, they act well as a healer and can give support in the form of buffs and debuffs; they also have limited crowd control against dragons. Their Bear form gives them offensive and defensive power enough to step up to a monster and take the hits (we're looking into aggro management for the form). In Cat form, the Druid becomes a damage dealer. This trio of roles in one class gives the Druid a diverse feel and allows them to perform nearly any role perceived as "needed" in a party. We're not telling you how to play the game - one of the fascinating practices of this genre is the ingenuity exercised by the players every day!
Which of our spells are Nature Based? Arcane?
Our Arcane spells are as follows: Moonfire, Starfire.
Our Nature spells include wrath, faerie fire, entangling roots, all healing spells, mark of the wild, thorns, and anything else I haven't mentioned.
How does Entangling Roots work?
Entangling roots is one of our two crowd control (CC) spells. It is only useable outdoors and is a nature spell. It roots the target in place preventing movement and does damage over time. It is likely to break when you do damage to the target, and semi likely to break from its own damage.
What is Gift of the Wild?
Gift of the Wild is a druid only spell learned from a rare dropped item. It has a level requirement of level 50, and only drops from high level creeps in instances that level and higher. It buffs everyone in your group with an improved Mark of the Wild that lasts longer. Rank 1 tends to drop in instances level 50 and higher, like ST and BRD. Rank 2 tends to drop in instances much higher level, such as BRS.
Rank 1 costs 900 mana, lasts one hour, buffs your entire group, increases armor by 240, stats by 10, and resists by 15. Level requirement of 50.
Rank 2 costs 1200 mana, lasts one hour, buffs your entire group, increases armor by 285, stats by 12, and resists by 20. Level requirement of 60.
For a detailed FAQ on Gift of the Wild, see this post: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-druid&t=40997&s=new&tmp=1
What talents do we have available?
Druid talents are broken into three categories - restoration, balance, and feral combat. Restoration deals with healing and "restorative" type spells. This talent tree will help you be an very effective healer, with many useful upgrades. There are three talents here that will benefit shapeshifting: Furor, Improved Enrage, and Intesnity. The balance line deals with our "balance" spells, as in pretty much any spell we have that does damage. Balance also contains atalent that will direcly benefit shapeshifting. Swiftshifting lowers mana cost on quick shifts within 6 seconds, and is a great choice if you will be shapeshifting often. Finally, feral combat deals with our shapeshifting forms and has no talents that will overlap into other fields.
Here is an online talent calculator: http://www.thottbot.com/?ti=Druid
And here is another: http://wowvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Talents.View
When do I get talents? How can I unlearn them?
Starting at level 10 you will get one talent point per level until you reach the level cap (currently 60). To unlearn your talents talk to your local druid trainer. It costs money to unlearn talents, so choose wisely!
Which talents are popularily seen as "must haves?"
These are just general talent suggestions that are posted often. They are not actually "must haves," but many find them useful.
If you are using feral combat, very useful abilities include Ferocity (lowers energy/rage cost of abilities) and Primal Instinct (lowers mana cost 25%). These two talents will greatly increase your power as a shapeshifting druid. The path you take to putting 30 points in feral combat is up to your own discretion. In the balance line, many choose to get Nature's Grasp (instant roots) and Omen of Clarity (no mana cost). Nature's grasp will help you flee from enemies with ease, and Omen of Clarity will allow you to cast more spells with your existing mana pool. In the restoration line, some of the "must haves" include Nature's Swiftness, Innervate, and Gift of Nature. Nature's Swiftness gives you an instant cast nature based spell once every three minutes, and is great for healing in a pinch. Innervate gives 400% mana regen in combat for 20 seconds once every 6 minutes, and Gift of Nature increases your healing effect by 5%.
Remember that these opinions for "must have" talents, and there are many other choices that are entirely dependent on how you want to play your druid.
Can you explain Nature's Grasp? Nature's Swiftness? Omen of Clarity? Innervate? Etc?
Omen of clarity is a self buff that applies to your current weapon. Whenever you strike an enemy and hit, you have a chance of getting an Omen of Clarity buff to your character, making your next spell mana free. This will not apply to any channeled spell. Nature's Swiftness is a self buff useable once every three minutes. It makes any of your nature spells instant cast, and goes away as soon as you cast a nature spell. Lastly, Nature's Grasp is a self buff. It lasts 45 seconds, and will attempt to root any melee enemy who strikes you. It can be resisted, and fades once it is cast on an enemy (even if they resist).
The buff for Omen of Clarity is independant of weapon speed. It is set to go off a certain number of times per minute, and will go off as many times with a slow 3.8 speed mace as it will with a fast 1.3 speed dagger. This is of course, assuming you hit as often with your slow weapon!
Innervate gives you 400% mana regen in combat for 20 seconds once every 6 minutes. What this means, is that in combat while casting spells you will regenerate mana 4x faster than if you were NOT even in combat! This spell is directly benefited by spirit which increases your hp/mana regen.
Is Improved MoTW/Demoralizing Roar/Etc Working?
Yes, they are indeed working and you are getting your upgrade for the talent point. If you look at the tooltip (the window when you mouse over the spell in your spellbook), you will notice it is updated. Sometimes the bufftips (mouse over the buff on yourself or another character) do not update to the talents, but you are still getting the benefit from your talent.