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topleft icon Druid faq 1.9.2 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 14:12:38 by Azoth. | Print Articles Send To Friend

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When do I get shapeshifting?

Druids get shapeshifting starting at level 10. Right now, only bear form and water form will require you to do a quest to get (details later). At level 16 you get water form (increased water speed), at level 20 you get cat form (increased dps), at level 30 you get travel form (40% increased movement), and at level 40 you get dire bear form (upgraded version of bear form). All of these with the exception of those rewarded via quests will be available at the druid trainer.
What are the hotkeys for shapeshifting?

The shapeshifting hotkeys, by default, are CTRL + F1, F2, F3, F4. Each F# corresponds to a form on your action bar, the one to the left being number 1 and going up by 1 each time it goes right.

How is damage determined in forms?

In shapeshifted forms your weapon's dps has no effect on your damage. It is a static base amount determined by your level. Strength is the only stat that will increase this damage in both cat and bear form. Agility will increase your chance to crit but will have no direct effect on your damage.

How is miss rate determined in forms?

Since your weapon has no affect on your feral abiliy other than stats/chance on hit, your miss rate in forms is independant of the weapon you are using. At every level, Shapeshifting will be maxed out in terms of melee attack (Imagine that your weapon skill is maxed out at every level). There is no way to raise your melee skill in shapeshifting, as it is always maxed out for your level, meaning that you have the same miss/hit chance as you would with a maxed out weapon.

How do items benefit me in forms?

Items can only benefit you in forms by raising stats and having various "on equip" effects. Weapon speed is irrelevent, as is "on use." Forms will still allow abilities from weapons that say "on equip," but "on use" and "chance on hit" will not work.

What's so good about shapeshifting?

Shapeshifting allows you to take on the role of a warrior or rogue, and also allows you to move faster on land or sea. Shapeshifting makes you immune to polymorph and breaks all movement imparing effects.

When should I use bear form?

Bear form gives increased armor, hit points and attack rating. It is best used for defensive purposes, and can be used to pull units off of other players with taunt (growl). It is very useful against fast attacking creeps, as they do little damage to begin with. This also goes for pvp, it is useful against a very fast attacking player. Bear form is also good for soloing, though cat form tends to be better in that respect.

How does rage work?

Rage (replaces mana in bear) increases when you do melee damage and when you take melee damage. Critical hits generate more rage. Your abilities in bear take rage to use so you rely heavily on hitting the enemy to use abiilties, or taking a lot of damage yourself (which bear is great for).

When should I use cat form?

Cat form gives greatly increased damage and stealth. It is best used whenever you are soloing and want to do more damage, when you want to sneak past enemies, and when you want to do something besides heal (and not tank) in a group.

When should I use travel/water form?

Whenever you want to move faster or escape from enemies.

How do combo points work?

In cat form, you will notice that some abilities add a 'combo point' when you use them. Combo points are represented next to the portrait of the creep you are attacking as little dots. There are five of them, and they change the damage that your finishing moves (currently just rip) does. If you check the tooltip, rip will do more damage depending on how many combo points you have built up. Combo points will be erased if you land a successful rip or if you deselect the unit you are attacking.

How does stealth work?

Stealth is sort of like a limited invisiblity, it makes it so you are very difficult to detect. When you are in front of another player and stealthed, you are easy to see. Go behind them, and they will not be able to see you at all. Level plays a big role in stealth, as each level your feral combat skill goes up by 5, and feral combat skill determines how well you can stealth. The more levels you have over an opponent the less likely you are to be spotted. The further away from them and the less you are in front of them the higher chance you will not be spotted. The improved prowl talent basically acts as +1 level when determining stealth, up to a maximum of +5.

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