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topleft icon Druid faq 1.9.2 topright icon
Posted on 29 March 2005 at 14:12:38 by Azoth. | Print Articles Send To Friend

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What classes go well with the druid?

Pretty much any class can go well with us, because we are 4 classes rolled into one. Some of our best companions are rogues, shaman/pally, or really any class. With a rogue we can both stealth and get past creeps, and the Druid can always lay down a heal when needed, do damage in caster/cat, or tank in bear form. With a shaman, we have the jack of all trades helping us, and it makes for a powerful duo. Totems increase our effectiveness. We go well with any class because we can mold to situations.

How are druids in groups?

Druids are excellent in groups. We bring things that no other class can, but grouping can limit your options at times. Generally you will be expected to heal in a group, thanks to our excellent healing ability. At higher levels you will find yourself healing a large amount of the time in groups. Often the druid becomes the primary or secondary healer behind a priest. Using feral abilities tends to take a backseat to healing and casting in a dangerous 5 man situation, because of the added time it takes to shift out and heal. This is not to say that feral is not useable in high end 5 man instances, it just requires a lot of skill.

What are good professions for a druid?

1) Alchemy/Herbalism
With alchemy and herbalism you can cultivate herbs and make powerful potions. These potions can range from a simple healing potion to a potion that adds +2000 mana for 2 hours. There is generally less profit involved here and high competition for recipes. Alchemy allows you to live longer and do more damage in battle.

2) Herbalism/Skinning/Mining (two gathering skills)
Druids are the best gatherers in the game. We can use stealth, travel form, and soothe animal to get in close to resource nodes. If you take two gathering skills you will be able to make a lot of money, and can always drop one later.

3) Mining/Engineering
Engineering can be used by any class, and gives you the ability to make some pretty cool items. More information can be found here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-professions&t=40&p=1&tmp=1#post40

4) Skinning/Leatherworking (Tribal Leatherworking/Elemental Leatherworking/Dragon Leatherworking)
Since we can wear leather, leatherworking is a great skill to have. Skinning is also great for making money. Leatherworking allows you to make many very useful items that will make character progression easier. It branches into tribal, elemental, and dragon leatherworking at 225+ skill. Tribal is best suited for druids, elemental for rogues, and dragon for shaman/hunter.

5) Other options
There are many other options, but I'm lazy! For a great Profession FAQ, see this thread:


What about secondary skills?
Learn them all! There is no limit, so why aren't you learning them?

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