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Posted on 29 March 2005 at 14:12:38 by Azoth. | Print Articles Send To Friend

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Who wrote this piece of junk?

I did! (Azoth) I played a 60 Druid in CB and now I play a druid and a warrior.

What the heck is a druid?

A druid is a class that can adapt to situations and fit the roles of other classes. We are not the "jack of all trades" class, that is the shaman. The druid is supposed to supplement other classes by filling their place. Though we are not as versatile, we are every bit as powerful! Here is blizzard's description:

The Druid gives players several play style options. A Druid in normal form is a caster that can fight with spells or weapons. In Bear form the Druid becomes a Warrior with Rage. While in Cat form the Druid becomes a Rogue with Energy and stealth. The Druid can also transform into two other special animal forms. With its ability to heal itself and fellow characters, the Druid can also take on the role of a Priest. A Druid is not as versatile in its abilities as a Priest is, lacking the spells Holy Word: Shield and Resurrection, but is otherwise a very capable healer.

What is the best race for a druid?

There is no "best" race for a druid, but Nightelves and Tauren do give different advantages.Nightelves start off with 18 strength, 25 agility, 19 stamina, 22 intelligence, and 22 spirit. Tauren start off with 26 strength, 15 agility, 22 stamina, 17 intelligence, and 24 spirit. The most important stats for a druid tend to be spirit, intelligence, and stamina. Each of the two races has a healthy mix of these so this is pretty much personal preference. Tauren get warstomp (stuns nearby enemies for 2 seconds, 2 minute cooldown), endurance (5% more hp max), cultivation (+15 max herbalism), and nature resistance (+10 nature resist) for their racial abilities. Nightelves get shadowmeld (stealth while out of combat and immobile), quickness (dodge chance + 1%), wisp spirit (25% faster ghost speed), and nature resistance (+10 nature resist). Just remember that when picking a druid, pick the race that appeals most to you, and remember that Tauren are the Horde and Nightelves are the Alliance.

How do I get to the human lands as a Night Elf?

I see this question asked too many times. As a night elf, you start out on Teldrassil, a great tree growing in the ocean in North Western Kalimdor. To reach the lands of the Eastern Kingdoms, you will have to enter Darnassus, the capital city of the elves. Take the pink portal down to Rutherford Village (or whatever it is called), and take the boat to Auberdine. Then at Auberdine, take the boat to Menethil Harbor. Methithil is an alliance seaport in Eastern Kingdoms in the Wetlands. From here, follow the road east until you hit a crossroads and then go south, through Dun Algaz and into Dun Morogh. This is a very dangerous trip, so be careful. Once in Dun Morogh, head west until you reach the gates of Ironforge, the dwarf capital. Make sure you get the flight points at each of the cities you pass through. You are now in the dwarf lands, and if you want to get to human lands, simply take the train in Tinker Town inside of Ironforge.

What weapons can I use as a druid?

Druids can use staves, two handed maces, one handed maces, daggers, and fist weapons. When using a two handed weapon, we cannot hold anything in our offhand. When using a one handed weapon (dagger/fist weapon/mace), we can use an offhand item (not a weapon). Using a two handed weapon generally gives more dps, slower attack speed, and high ability bonuses. Using a one handed weapon + offhand gives faster attack speed, lower dps, and higher ability bonuses.

Can druids use ranged weapons?

No. Druids can only use the weapons described above. If you want to attack something from far away, use entangling roots, wrath, moonfire, or starfire.

What kind of armor can I use?

Druids can wear leather and cloth. Leather gives higher armor, so use it whenever possible.

Can I use a shield?


Can I dual wield?


I mainly use restoration/balance/feral combat. Which stats are best for me?

Ideally, you want an even mix of all stats as a druid. If you are going to be healing more than anything else, high spirit and intelligence are agreat plus. Spirit increases your mana regeneration rate and intelligence increases your maximum mana. If you are going balance mainly, the same applies. If you are going feral, it is best to get a nice even mix of stats, with spirit and stamina taking priority.

Moonglade? Is that on THE Moon?

No! Moonglade is the druid sanctuary located in Northern Kalimdor. It is connected to the rest of the world by Timbermaw Hold, a cave held by the Timbermaw (level 50ish and up). It connects with both Winterspring and Felwood (high level zones). At lower levels, your only way here will be via your teleport spell and your only way out will be via the flight path (flight masters are in the middle of Nighthaven. Moonglade will be the source of many druid quests, and is held by the Cenarion Circle. As you do druid quests, your reputation (press U) will raise with them, allowing you to gain access to special things (not in the game yet).

Moonglade is a contested zone on the PVP server, which means you can kill and be killed by the opposite faction. There is nothing stopping you from doing this, but just have some respect for your fellow druid and remember that they are here to quest just like you are.

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