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20 December 2007

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Status:RHYN0X - Offline
Posted on 20 December 2007 at 17:11:15 
I'm currently a level 16 Biotechnician. I have rank 5 lightning, rank 5 injection guns, and rank 2 Bio Armor. The question is, is Bio Armor worth getting all 5 ranks?

Also are any of the other skills in Biotech worth getting or should I save my points for Exobiologist?

All help is appreciated, thanks. 8)
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Profile - RHYN0X

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 20 December 2007 at 21:13:08 
I would have taken lightning to pump 2 or 3. Firearms to 4. For Biotech, pump3 for Cure which is a sweet rez ability. Reconstruction2 is good for healing for yourself. Takes health from the enemy, adds a damage buff to you and heals you. Use Reconstruction3 to add 50% health modifications to squadmates and remove 50% from enemy. It helps in the battles. Finally, I use bio augmention, pump1 to bolster the health of group members.

Medic, level 38
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Profile - Anonymous

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 07 January 2008 at 06:02:38 
Finally, a medic who knows what he's talking about... no one seems to go medic nowadays.. they think its only healing i think :P
Anyhow im a lvl 25 biotech, aiming for medic.
But i was wodering what u think about the medic tree skills?
I'll copy paste something i wrote on another forum and got no replies to, hope u can gimme some ideas :o
Inc wall of text :)

Basically, im leveling a soon-to-be Medic atm.
A few things i must say..
1st of, they're imba.
Dont think that when you say medic, it neccesarily means the only thing u do, is heal.
Injection guns, which are medic's (And ExoBiologist) Main weapon, are imba.
I havent tried leech guns, which are suppose to be good aswell, but injections are amazing, really are.
Now, im only lvl 22 so i'd love to hear what you think, specially ppl who've already been to 30+ and tried out the skills themselves.
How usefull is the diffrent ranks of "Mind Controll"? how does rank 1 (Fear) Effect pvp? any idea?.
As for immunities go, worth spending 5 points in there? could be nice, though im not sure how good it is since u have to be quite good at predicting dmg and immune it. i suppose its good for saves on urself, not sure how usefull it'll be for a party member, since save situation would likely be when ur surrounded by lotsa mobs, and then targetting party members is not easy ;s. Shortly - Very situational.
Disease - Other then if u get all 5 points, its utter useless, since u get those debuffs as an AoE being a biotechnitian :s (-50% health, and -50% spirit). Pump 4 would be nice for high regen mobs (Stalkers?), assuming it effects armor regen too. and 5 for.. pvp, i suppose.
and last, Viral Conversion - Is this really worth the points? i mean, for all i see it, just have more then one gun, and you're sorted? ;s

When i hit 30+ i'll try to do as Ciderhelm did with the guardian guide, with movies added in. untill then though, i'd love to hear what you think
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Profile - Anonymous

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Expert Expert

10 November 2007

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01 July 2005
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Status:Anonymous - Offline
Posted on 09 January 2008 at 01:22:49 
Viral conversion is awesome.

Injector guns are great weapons, vastly superior to everything else a medic can use (though a shotgun is still useful). The problem is the damage types. Electric, virulent, ice, fire. You've got no EMP which is a huge problem, and no physical either (the least-resisted damage type).

With viral conversion, you have access to physical, sonic (knockback!), ice, fire, and EMP. This is without paying for expensive canister ammo, though the micromech is not cheap.

EMP in an injector gun is the only way to go against Stalkers, Bane cannons, or Juggernauts.

This skill is the best of the tree save the signature ability and possibly Disease.

I'd skip immunities, personally. You rarely face just one type of damage. Cutting any incoming damage is good, but you've got other things you'll want to be worrying about.
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Profile - Anonymous


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