Last Visit: 01 July 2005
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Posted on 14 November 2007 at 21:36:58 Heya. I was wondering if you could melee in TR? With no weapons? This is my favourite fighting style. Thanks for your time.
Last Visit: 01 July 2005
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Posted on 15 November 2007 at 19:12:09 Oh cool. If I become, say, a Spy later in the game, can I go purely melee then? I'll definitely buy the game if so.
Last Visit: 01 July 2005
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Posted on 15 November 2007 at 20:55:13 Sounds good. I'll probably buy it tomorrow actually. Been looking for a new MMO since SWG NGE. Didn't like EVE or WOW much either. But TR looks gooood.
Last Visit: 01 July 2005
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Posted on 16 November 2007 at 20:21:23 Heya, guys. I'm playing the game now. Apparently I can melee bare-handed by using F but it's not working, even right next to the Bane. Any ideas why not? I can melee if I unequip everything. :s
Last Visit: 01 July 2005
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Posted on 22 November 2007 at 23:55:41 > Heya, guys. I'm playing the game now. Apparently I can melee bare-handed by using F but it's not working, even right next to the Bane. Any ideas why not? I can melee if I unequip everything.
If you're holding a weapon and you use F, you strike with the weapon. This is a good thing. ;)
It helps if you unholster the weapon first however. You can't melee barehanded while using a non-empty weapon slot.
Last Visit: 01 July 2005
Location: -N/A-
Posted on 24 November 2007 at 23:40:11 There are two end arc-types that melee really well. The spy and the Guardian. Both are great classes and can dish out good damage. The spy will probably end up doing more damage but the Guardian will definately take damage better and the staff actually has a ranged attack as well. Melee H2H is not currently the greatest combat form, but can be done. I would suggest going the soldier line to Guardian if u want H2H fight all the way. The skills in those Arcs would be more beneficial ( Rage5![soon to be nerfed]) charge attack, the heavier armors, and better hp gains from body attributes are a few key bonus's. Spy would allow you to take on the form of a few bane mobs including the kael which are H2H'ers. Spy also has a flash bang attack that lowers the mobs around you ability to hurt you.