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  > Legends of Might & Magic - Clan RD Site
    > Recruits
Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | Top 10 Posters
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status icon feelings gif  Answer : {RD}Ryu{CL} page gif 1
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magic cool
03/01/2003 14:38:26
12 32391 Magi testttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
23/07/2008 02:01:50
status icon feelings gif  New Peoples post here page gif 1 2
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01/01/2003 14:44:44
31 35491 magic cool well dark dragon thank u i will make a poll...
14/08/2004 15:50:20
status icon feelings gif  Hello Im Vulcan(poke's bro) and i would like to join RD
not valid icon
RD Pokefire
03/01/2003 14:41:22
5 14054 rdjosh yes i think he can join i have seen him...
05/01/2003 16:56:54
status icon feelings gif  BLORGH FOR HIRER
not valid icon
24/01/2003 18:21:45
1 13648 magic cool ok blorgh the voting will start now
25/01/2003 17:21:51
status icon feelings gif  vote on weather blogh should join RD or not
not valid icon
magic cool
08/02/2003 15:06:44
6 12379 blorgh SWEET!!!! thanx cool. :)
18/02/2003 19:41:30
status icon feelings gif  Recruting members into RD
not valid icon
magic cool
07/05/2003 18:28:01
2 13987 blorgh im still here as well. u can count on me
07/05/2003 21:04:07
status icon feelings gif  Megaman.EXE Jacking-in
not valid icon
18/01/2004 12:38:20
3 11650 magic cool welcome back megaman
10/02/2004 21:21:44
status icon feelings gif  Hi Guys!!
not valid icon
07/06/2004 12:32:52
1 11147 magic cool no one got an email yet and yes u are in...
08/06/2004 17:25:02
status icon feelings gif  immmm back
not valid icon
RD Wolveman1
06/07/2004 09:54:29
1 11337 magic cool wolveman holy crap where the hell have u...
07/07/2004 21:17:23
status icon feelings gif  Would like to join rd
not valid icon
19/07/2004 10:55:56
1 11609 magic cool just let us watch u a little in the game...
19/07/2004 11:00:23
status icon feelings gif  i would like to join
not valid icon
mj tank
19/07/2004 17:09:17
1 11376 magic cool so mj tank you want to join? i goota see...
19/07/2004 17:37:35
status icon feelings gif  hey! {RD}Ryan(clr)
not valid icon
19/07/2004 22:14:38
0 11340 Ryan im the new co leader and recuiter ill b...
19/07/2004 22:14:38
status icon feelings gif  Empir3 wansta join =)
not valid icon
20/07/2004 20:27:51
1 11970 magic cool k i
20/07/2004 22:06:14
status icon feelings gif  Empir3 wansta join =)
not valid icon
20/07/2004 20:28:00
0 11932 Empir3 Yo what up, my name is Empir3 (fomally known...
20/07/2004 20:28:00
status icon feelings gif  Empir3 wansta join =)
not valid icon
20/07/2004 20:28:08
0 11866 Empir3 Yo what up, my name is Empir3 (fomally known...
20/07/2004 20:28:08
status icon feelings gif  Its RaiderMonkey I would like to join!
not valid icon
21/07/2004 00:51:15
1 11245 magic cool u won
21/07/2004 09:10:33
status icon feelings gif  *!*MagicJester*!* would love to join RD!
not valid icon
21/07/2004 18:48:58
0 11925 MagicJester Hi im *!*MagicJester*!*, Im RM
21/07/2004 18:48:58
status icon feelings gif  Beyond Godly Wants to join
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Beyond Godly
22/07/2004 23:09:54
3 13656 magic cool hey beyond godly your in u got 5 votes nice...
23/07/2004 15:47:34
status icon feelings gif  I'm Bowen, and i'd like to join (RD)..Thx! :)
not valid icon
24/07/2004 01:24:34
5 16624 Bowen Kk, thanks guys :) Woot!
25/07/2004 16:36:22
status icon feelings gif  Beyond Godly
not valid icon
Beyond Godly
03/08/2004 14:39:05
1 13854 magic cool yes beyond godly we would be happy if u...
03/08/2004 15:54:06
 1  2  >>
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